Damoritosh's Arm

Required Type

Aberration, animal, dragon, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid.

Required Array


Suggested Ability Score

Strength, Constitution


EAC and KAC increases by 1
+4 morale bonus to Athletics and Intimidate checks
–2 penalty to Intelligence-based skill checks, Diplomacy checks, and Will saving throws against effects with the emotion descriptor
Unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, don’t count as archaic, and gain a unique weapon specialization that adds 1-1/2 × CR or character level to damage
Frothing Rage (Ex)

Once per day, as a swift action, the creature gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the host’s CR or character level and gains the ability to make three attacks when making a full attack, though each attack takes a –5 penalty (instead of a –4 penalty). The rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to the host’s CR or character level, after which the host is fatigued for 10 minutes.

This arthropod burrows its many tiny legs into a host’s flesh to sip on various hormones, especially epinephrine. These extremely aggressive symbiends bond almost exclusively to predators and are popular among pirates and warlords, as the constant trickle of adrenaline they create results in vicious, fearless soldiers. Bloodshot eyes, bulging veins, and a tendency to froth at the mouth make it easy to identify hosts of Damoritosh’s arms.

Systems: Brain, arms (all)


Alien Archive pg. 112

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