


Required Type


Required Array


Suggested Ability Score

Dexterity, Charisma


Spider Climb
Face of Death (Su)

As a full action, a yurei can expose its face to a single adjacent creature. That creature must succeed at a Will save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. A target that is stunned must also succeed at a Fortitude save or immediately be reduced to 0 Hit Points and begin dying (the target doesn’t lose any Stamina Points it might have had). A target that succeeds at the initial saving throw is immune to that particular yurei’s face of death ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect, and the secondary effect is a death effect.

Haunted Focus (Su)

Each yurei has a bond with an object that was significant to it in life, such as a datapad or comm unit. As long as a yurei and its focus are both on the same plane of existence, a yurei can observe its focus, as per clairaudience/clairvoyance; travel to its focus, as per interplanetary teleport; and use any of its spell-like abilities as if it was in the same space as its focus, all regardless of distance.

Painful Grasp (Su)

A creature that takes damage from a yurei’s painful grasp attack must succeed at a Will saving throw or take a –2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks for 1 round. This is a pain effect.

This restless undead is created when a living creature is killed through treachery.


Fly Free or Die: The Gilded Cage pg. 61

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