Transport Specialized Uses

This category involves uses of Resolve Points related to vehicles, starships, and other forms of transport.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

When you board a vehicle, you can spend Resolve Points to increase your chances of success. If you spend 1 Resolve Point, you automatically succeed at any Acrobatics or Athletics check required to board. If you spend 2 Resolve Points, you automatically succeed at any Acrobatics or Athletics check required to board, and you don’t provoke an attack of opportunity for boarding.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

When you’re piloting a vehicle during a vehicle chase, you can spend 1 Resolve Point while taking a double maneuver action. If you do, you can take three pilot actions during that double maneuver, rather than two.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

If you take a full action to pilot a mech, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the mech you’re operating two additional move actions or standard actions that turn (in any combination), rather than one. This doesn’t increase the maximum number of additional actions the mech can have per turn.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

At the beginning of starship combat, if your positioning would be determined randomly, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to alter your starship’s position. After the GM has placed the starships, you can do one of the following: change your facing or move your starship up to three hexes. If you spend 2 Resolve Points, you can do both.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

You can spend 1 Resolve Point to install or remove a vehicle modification in 10 minutes, rather than 4 hours.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

When you fire a starship weapon during starship combat (such as by using the shoot, fire at will, or snap shot crew action), you can spend 1 Resolve Point to increase the range of one of the starship weapons you fire by 5 hexes. When you fire a weapon while on a moving vehicle, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reduce the penalties to attack rolls imposed by the vehicle by 2.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

During starship combat, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to ignore the penalties your starship has accumulated from critical damage for the duration of your crew action. This doesn’t apply to anyone else’s crew actions, nor does it remove the critical damage condition from any systems.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 187

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