Evolutionist Adaptation


Interstellar Species pg. 12

As you gain experience you master new ways to adjust your body and abilities on the fly, known as adaptations. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you learn an additional adaptation. If an adaptation allows an opponent a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your evolutionist level + your key ability score modifier.

Unless otherwise specified, you can’t learn an adaptation more than once.


Like a chameleon, you can blend into your surroundings. As a move action, you can spend 1 MP to rapidly alter the texture and appearance of your flesh, becoming camouflaged. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks while in your current biome. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. If you spend 1 Resolve Point while activating this ability, you can also attempt a Stealth check to hide even if you’re currently observed. If you remain stationary for 1 round, the Stealth bonus increases to +10 until the next time you move or act.


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You become capable of great feats of strength as your body mutates and evolves. If you have at least 3 MP, you treat your Strength score as if it were 2 higher for the purpose of ability checks and determining your carrying capacity. Additionally, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your attack roll to resolve bull rush, grapple, and sunder combat maneuvers. If you have at least 6 MP, you instead treat your Strength score as if it were 4 higher and the enhancement bonus increases to +4.


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As a reaction when you spend 2 or more MP, you can perform a flashy display that dazzles adjacent enemies for 1 round (Reflex negates). If you have spent 4 or more MP since the end of your last turn when you activate this adaptation, you can cause one of the dazzled creatures to instead be blinded for 1 round. Once you use this adaptation you can’t do so again until you have rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

Increase the range increments of your ranged adaptive strike by 50%. As a swift action, you can spend 1 MP either to increase your ranged adaptive strike’s range increment by 100% (rather than by 50%) or to grant your melee adaptive strike the reach weapon special property; either effect lasts until the start of your next turn.

The first time you manifest your adaptive strike during an encounter, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to perform an impressive display of combat prowess, acrobatic grace, or raw strength, intended to psych out or distract one of your foes. One target within 30 feet must attempt a Will save. On a failure, they become off-target for 1 round. This is a sense- dependent effect.


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Extra ArmEx

Level 2

You can rapidly grow an additional arm, although its existence is temporary, and it lacks the strength of your other limbs. As a move action, you can spend 1 MP to grow an additional arm. You can use this arm to hold and wield equipment and weapons of up to 1 Bulk in weight. This doesn’t increase the number of attacks you can make during combat. This arm remains for the duration of the combat, up to a maximum of 1 minute.


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You can temporarily enhance your body’s resiliency by girding your mind, bolstering your metabolism, or enhancing your reaction speed. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following saving throws: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the saving throw you chose. If you already have an enhancement bonus to that saving throw, you instead increase that enhancement bonus by 2. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. You can activate this adaptation as a reaction when you would roll a saving throw of the selected type by also spending 1 Resolve Point, but the duration is reduced to 1 round. You can select this adaptation more than once, choosing a different saving throw each time.


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You can temporarily enhance your body’s resiliency by girding your mind, bolstering your metabolism, or enhancing your reaction speed. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following saving throws: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the saving throw you chose. If you already have an enhancement bonus to that saving throw, you instead increase that enhancement bonus by 2. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. You can activate this adaptation as a reaction when you would roll a saving throw of the selected type by also spending 1 Resolve Point, but the duration is reduced to 1 round. You can select this adaptation more than once, choosing a different saving throw each time.


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You can temporarily enhance your body’s resiliency by girding your mind, bolstering your metabolism, or enhancing your reaction speed. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following saving throws: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the saving throw you chose. If you already have an enhancement bonus to that saving throw, you instead increase that enhancement bonus by 2. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. You can activate this adaptation as a reaction when you would roll a saving throw of the selected type by also spending 1 Resolve Point, but the duration is reduced to 1 round. You can select this adaptation more than once, choosing a different saving throw each time.


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Invert FormEx

Level 2

As a reaction, when an effect moves you or gives you the flat-footed, off-kilter, off-target, or prone condition, you can spend 2 MP to reorient your body, negating one of those conditions and reducing the distance you’re moved by 5 feet.

You gain one of the following special abilities: darkvision (60 feet), low-light vision, or the unflankable universal creature rule, chosen when you learn this adaptation. If you choose darkvision and already have it, you instead increase the range of your darkvision by 30 feet. As a move action, you can spend 1 MP to gain the abilities you didn’t select for 1 minute.

You can temporarily change your body’s composition, helping you shrug off harmful energies. When you learn this adaptation choose three of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain energy resistance to one of the energy types you chose. The value of this energy resistance equals 1 + half your evolutionist level, stacks with one other source of energy resistance you might have, and lasts for 3 rounds.

You can learn this adaptation a second time; this allows you to spend MP to gain resistance to any of the five energy types.

Your body becomes resistant to poisons and toxins. If you have at least 1 MP, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to saving throws against poison. If you have at least 4 MP, you instead gain a +2 enhancement bonus to saving throws against poison. Upon initial exposure to a poison, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reduce the damage you take from initial exposure to that poison by an amount equal to your current MP, to a minimum of 1 damage.


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As a swift action (or part of the full action used to make a full attack), you can spend 1 MP to transform your adaptive strike’s damage type until the beginning of your next turn. If your adaptive strike deals kinetic damage, you can have it deal any kinetic damage type instead. If your adaptive strike deals energy damage, you can have it deal any energy damage type instead.

You can temporarily change your body’s composition, helping you shrug off harmful energies. When you learn this adaptation choose three of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain energy resistance to one of the energy types you chose. The value of this energy resistance equals 1 + half your evolutionist level, stacks with one other source of energy resistance you might have, and lasts for 3 rounds.

You can learn this adaptation a second time; this allows you to spend MP to gain resistance to any of the five energy types.

Your body holds increased potential for change. The maximum MP you can have increases by 1.

You can select this adaptation more than once.


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Area StrikeEx

Level 6

You can briefly empower your adaptive strike to strike large areas, such as launching hails of projectiles, breathing a gout of fire, battering foes with a flurry of tentacles, or skewering multiple foes with an elongated claw. You can spend 2 MP as a standard action to make one attack with your adaptive strike as though it had the blast weapon special property (affecting a 20-foot cone) or the line weapon special property (affecting a 40-foot line). For each additional MP you spend to activate this adaptation, you increase the cone’s length by 5 feet or increase the line’s length by 10 feet.

Armored FormEx

Level 6

Your body grows a shell, protective scales, or a toughened hide, protecting you from harm. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain damage reduction that is bypassed by the types that you didn’t select. The value of this damage reduction equals 1 + half your evolutionist level and lasts for 3 rounds.

You can learn this adaptation more than once, thereby allowing you to gain DR/— if you select the adaptation once for each damage type.


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Your body grows a shell, protective scales, or a toughened hide, protecting you from harm. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain damage reduction that is bypassed by the types that you didn’t select. The value of this damage reduction equals 1 + half your evolutionist level and lasts for 3 rounds.

You can learn this adaptation more than once, thereby allowing you to gain DR/— if you select the adaptation once for each damage type.


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Your body grows a shell, protective scales, or a toughened hide, protecting you from harm. When you learn this adaptation, choose one of the following damage types: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You can spend 1 MP as a move action to gain damage reduction that is bypassed by the types that you didn’t select. The value of this damage reduction equals 1 + half your evolutionist level and lasts for 3 rounds.

You can learn this adaptation more than once, thereby allowing you to gain DR/— if you select the adaptation once for each damage type.


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Your body readily incorporates a wider array of augmentations than most, changing the way these augmentations function. Select any number of augmentations whose total item level adds up to your evolutionist level or lower. You treat the selected augmentations as if they were augmentations of the type associated with your niche. Each time you gain a level, you can change these selected augmentations.


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You’ve altered your anatomy, duplicating an important portion of your body’s internal structure. Select a body system in which you could normally install only a single augmentation. You can install two augmentations into this system, rather than 1. This can’t be combined with any other ability to install more than one augmentation into the same system, regardless of source.


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You gain one of the following: a climb speed equal to your land speed, a swim speed equal to your land speed, or a fly speed (average maneuverability) equal to your land speed, chosen when you learn this adaptation. In addition, when you spend 2 MP to gain a climb or swim speed, the effect lasts for 1 minute. You can select this adaptation up to three times, selecting a different speed each time.

You can manifest your evolutionary potential outward, causing it to seep from your pores as blazing energy. As a move action, you can spend 2 MP to shed light, causing light within 10 feet of you to increase by one step, up to a maximum of bright light. Each time a creature hits you with an unarmed strike or ends their turn adjacent to you, they take damage equal to your current MP. The damage dealt is of the same type that your adaptive strike deals. A creature can be damaged by this adaptation no more than once per round, no matter how many times they would trigger it. This aura lasts for 1 round. When this effect would end, you can extend the duration by 1 round by spending 1 MP, plus an additional MP for each previous round you have extended this effect. Once you use this adaptation, you can’t use it again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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You can manifest physiology for sensing your surroundings in exceptional ways. Choose two of the following senses: life, scent, sound, thought, or vibration. You gain blindsense with a range of 20 feet using those senses. As a move action, you can spend 2 MP to increase the range of the blindsense granted by this ability to 60 feet for 1 minute.

As a reaction when you spend 2 or more MP to use an adaptation, you can use Intimidate to demoralize a creature within 30 feet. If you have spent 4 or more MP since the end of your last turn when you activate this adaptation, you can either attempt to demoralize up to two additional creatures or you can cause a creature you successfully demoralized to also become frightened for 1 round (Will negates the frightened effect). Once you use this adaptation, you can’t do so again until you have rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

You gain one of the following: a climb speed equal to your land speed, a swim speed equal to your land speed, or a fly speed (average maneuverability) equal to your land speed, chosen when you learn this adaptation. In addition, when you spend 2 MP to gain a climb or swim speed, the effect lasts for 1 minute. You can select this adaptation up to three times, selecting a different speed each time.

Adaptive LungsEx

Level 10

Your lungs have adapted to extract breathable air out of any environment, even creating it from your own internal chemistry when none is available. Whenever you are in an environment where you would not be able to breathe, such as heavy smoke, underwater, in a vacuum, or while buried alive, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to breathe normally in that environment for 1 minute. For each additional RP you spend, you can extend this duration by 1 minute.

At 16th level, you can breathe normally for 10 minutes per Resolve Point spent.


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Your augmentations act as batteries for your own transformative powers. Once per day as a move action, you can draw energy and inspiration from your augmentations to gain Mutation Points. The maximum number of MP you gain in this way equals either one-fourth your evolutionist level or the sum of your augmentations’ item levels divided by 10, whichever is lower. Only augmentations of the types associated with your niche contribute to this augmentation item level sum.

You gain one of the following: a climb speed equal to your land speed, a swim speed equal to your land speed, or a fly speed (average maneuverability) equal to your land speed, chosen when you learn this adaptation. In addition, when you spend 2 MP to gain a climb or swim speed, the effect lasts for 1 minute. You can select this adaptation up to three times, selecting a different speed each time.

When you activate your resistant form adaptation as a move action, you increase its duration by a number of rounds equal to your key ability score modifier and you increase the value of its resistance by 2. You can activate resistant form as a reaction, but its MP cost increases to 2.

You must have the resistant form adaptation to select this adaptation.

You can inject your volatile genetic material into others, causing fatigue. As a swift action immediately after you damage an enemy with your adaptive strike, you can spend 2 or more MP to inject your genetic material into the damaged enemy’s body. The target must attempt a Fortitude save. On a failure, they become fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the MP you spent – 1. If you spent 5 or more MP, they’re exhausted instead of fatigued for that duration.


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When you spend 2 MP to gain a climb or swim speed, you can instead gain a burrow speed equal to half your land speed for the effect’s duration. If you have the enhanced mobility adaptation, you can increase the swim speed it grants to 1-1/2 × your land speed, and you can improve the maneuverability of its fly speed to perfect.

Your more powerful transformations can knock back bystanders. As a reaction when you spend 2 or more MP to use an adaptation, you can push away one or more creatures adjacent to you, moving them 5 feet away as if you had succeeded at a bull rush attempt against them (Fortitude negates). This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. When you activate this adaptation, if you’ve spent 4 or more MP since the end of your last turn, you also make any pushed creature flat-footed until the end of your next turn. Once you use this adaptation, you can’t do so again until you have rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

Your body further evolves, mimicking augmentations with your own genetic material. You gain a second free augmentation of the type associated with your niche, following all the standard rules for augmented form, except that this second augmentation must be of a level equal to or lower than your level – 3.


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You gain a secondary adaptive strike. This adaptive strike follows all the standard rules for your adaptive strike, except that it must be a type of adaptive strike you haven’t already selected, and its level is 3 lower for the purposes of determining the damage it deals. For example, if you’re a 10th level evolutionist with a melee adaptive strike that deals 2d8 piercing damage, your secondary adaptive strike must be a ranged adaptive strike that deals 1d10 damage that is not piercing damage.


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Sudden SkillEx

Level 10

Your ability to adapt and evolve to any situation enables you to learn new skills on the fly, though such talents don’t last long. As a swift action, you can spend 1 MP to temporarily gain a number of skill ranks in a skill of your choice. You gain a number of ranks equal to half your evolutionist level + your current MP, up to a maximum of your evolutionist level. These temporary skill ranks last for 3 rounds. If this skill isn’t a class skill, you can spend 1 additional MP to treat this skill as a class skill.


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You expertly control your body’s adaptive quirks to mitigate your transformation’s drawbacks. If you have at least 1 MP, you treat your MP total as though it were 1 higher (to a maximum of your normal MP maximum) for the purpose of determining your instinct effects and you treat your MP total as though it were 1 lower (minimum 1 MP) for the purpose of determining your drawback effects.

Enhanced ArmorEx

Level 14

When you activate your armored form adaptation as a move action, you increase its duration by a number of rounds equal to your key ability score modifier, and you increase the value of the resistance it grants by 2. You can also activate armored form as a reaction, but its MP cost increases to 2.

ou must have the armored form adaptation to select this adaptation.


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Enhanced StrikeEx

Level 14

You enhance your adaptive strike to better suit your combat style. Select one of the following weapon special properties: aurora, breach, bright, disarm, echo, feint, force, grapple, penetrating, polarize, reposition, stun, sunder, trip, or unbalancing. Your adaptive strike gains this weapon special property.


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You can spend 2 MP as a standard action to make an attack with your ranged adaptive strike as though it had the explode (10 feet) weapon special property. For each additional MP you spend to activate this adaptation, you can increase the explosion’s radius by 5 feet. Reduce this attack’s damage by an amount equal to half your evolutionist level.

Focused StrikeSu

Level 14

You’ve honed your instincts to supernatural levels, enabling you to strike with uncanny accuracy. As a swift action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to roll your next adaptive strike twice and use the better result. This adaptive strike must occur before the end of your current turn. You can spend 3 additional RP, to instead roll your next adaptive strike three times and use the better result.


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Rather than mutate your body, you can use your mutagenic potential to heal your own wounds. At the beginning of your turn after gaining MP, you can spend 1 or more MP. You recover 2 Hit Points for every 1 MP spent this way.


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Irradiated FormEx

Level 14

Your adaptations are triggered by radiation. You become immune to low and medium level radiation, and you treat each other category of radiation as one step lower. Additionally, your adaptive strike gains the irradiate critical hit effect.


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Pinpoint SenseEx

Level 14

When you activate your extraordinary sense adaptation, you instead gain blindsight to a range of 20 feet with the chosen sense and blindsense with the chosen sense to a range of 60 feet. You must have the extraordinary sense adaptation to select this adaptation.

Shed SkinEx

Level 14

In a pinch, you can rapidly shed the outermost layers of your skin. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all saves against the burning and entangled conditions, and a +2 circumstance bonus to your KAC against grapple combat maneuvers. If you would fail a saving throw and gain the burning or entangled condition, you can spend 3 MP and reroll that saving throw as a reaction. If you would become grappled by a creature, you can spend 3 MP as a reaction to force that creature to reroll their attack roll to resolve the grapple.


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As a reaction when you spend 2 or more MP to use an adaptation, you can make an attack with your adaptive strike with a –2 penalty to the attack roll. If you use your ranged adaptive strike for this attack, the target must be within your weapon’s first range increment. If you have spent 5 or more MP since the end of your last turn when you activate this adaptation, you can either make the attack without the –2 penalty, or you can attack up to two targets with a –4 penalty applied to each attack roll. Once you use this adaptation, you can’t do so again until you have rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

Burst of SpeedEx

Level 18

You can expend your adaptive potential to gain a sudden burst of speed. As a swift action, you can spend 4 MP to take an additional move action. This move action can be used only to move up to your speed. You can spend an additional 2 Resolve Points when you activate this adaptation to move faster than the eye can perceive. If you do, your movement during this additional move action doesn’t trigger attacks of opportunity.


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By temporarily deactivating one of your augmentations, you can power new mutations and adaptations. As a swift action, you can temporarily deactivate an augmentation installed in one of your systems, losing the benefits it grants you for 1 hour (this doesn’t uninstall the augmentation). This augmentation must be of the type associated with your niche. You gain a number of MP equal to half the deactivated augmentation’s level (minimum 1 MP). Each augmentation can only be used to power this adaptation once per day.


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When you’re bolstered by your evolutionary potential, your blows are particularly powerful. When you have 5 MP or higher and would increase the damage dealt to one target using your evolution track, you increase the damage by an amount equal to your evolutionist level, rather than half your evolutionist level.


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Energy ImmunityEx

Level 18

When you activate your resistant form adaptation as a move action or a reaction to gain resistance to one energy type, you become immune to that energy type, rather than becoming resistant to it. You must have the resistant form and enhanced resistance adaptations to select this adaptation.


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Fission FormSu

Level 18

Once per day as a move action, you can create a copy of yourself that instantaneously severs itself from your body and appears in an adjacent space. Your copy shares your statistics, lasts for 5 minutes, and has a number of Hit Points and Stamina Points both equal to 3 × your evolutionist level. Your copy appears with your adaptive strike manifested but beyond simple replicas of your apparel, it lacks equipment.

In combat, both you and your copy share the same initiative count, with one acting immediately after the other. Each turn, either you or your copy can use a full round’s worth of actions and the other can take only a move action, though you can spend 1 MP to allow both to use a full round of actions for 1 round. Your copy acts and thinks independently, though it follows your instructions. You and your copy can both use your adaptations, evolution track, and adaptive strike, but your copy doesn’t have or gain MP; it uses your MP total and you must spend your MP to use its adaptations.

Maintaining your copy in combat is taxing. At the start of your turn after gaining MP, you must spend 1 MP to sustain your copy that round. Each full minute you sustain your copy, the MP cost per round to sustain it increases by 1. If you don’t sustain your copy, or if your copy is reduced to 0 HP, it dissolves into nothingness.

Choose two of the following damage types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. By spending 2 MP at the beginning of your turn, you gain regeneration 10 (Alien Archive 4 154) for 1 round and immediately regain 10 Hit Points. Your regeneration stops functioning for 1 round whenever you take energy damage of either of the two types you selected. At the start of each turn, you can sustain your regeneration for an additional round by spending a number of MP equal to 2 + half the number of rounds your regeneration has been active since the last time you rested 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.

You can activate this adaptation even if you’re dying and otherwise unable to take actions.

As a reaction, when you spend 2 or more MP to use an adaptation, you can shroud your body in waves of energy, gaining concealment (attacks against you have a 20% miss chance) for 1 round. If you have spent 4 or more MP since the end of your last turn, when you activate this adaptation, you can either increase the duration of the concealment to 3 rounds, or you can become invisible for 1 round, rather than gaining concealment. Once you use this adaptation, you can’t do so again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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