Greater Secondary Connection


Character Operations Manual pg. 76

You gain the 6th-level connection power from your secondary connection. You must have the secondary connection epiphany and the improved secondary connection epiphany to choose this epiphany.





select 1 from [['Akashic (Peer into the Future)', 'Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes in uninterrupted meditation to receive visions of possible futures. At any point over the next 24 hours, you can declare that you are using the benefit of this ability before rolling one initiative check, saving throw, or skill check. You gain a +4 insight bonus to that check. At 11th level, you can use this ability twice per day, though you can’t use it again until after you’ve used your first bonus.'],['Crusader (Smite Evil)', 'Once per day as a move action, you can infuse one weapon you touch, granting it the holy weapon fusion. If the weapon scores a critical hit against an evil creature, it applies the wound critical hit effect in addition to any other critical hit effect the weapon has. If the weapon already has the wound critical hit effect, it instead gains the severe wound or staggered critical hit effect (your choice). The weapon retains these benefits for 1 minute per mystic level. You can activate smite evil additional times per day by expending 1 Resolve Point each time after the first.'],['Devastator (Devastating Critical)', 'When you score a critical hit with an attack, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a swift action to add the wound critical hit effect to the attack, replacing any other critical hit effect the attack has. If the attack would already have the wound critical hit effect, you can instead spend 1 Resolve Point to add the severe wound critical hit effect to the attack in place of other critical hit effects.'],['Empath (Emotionsense)', 'You can detect and locate creatures within 60 feet that have emotions, as if you had blindsense (emotion). A creature can keep its emotions calm to avoid detection by this ability by succeeding at a Bluff check with a DC equal to 10 + your Sense Motive modifier, but a creature under the influence of an emotion effect cannot try to avoid detection. Creatures under the effects of nondetection or similar effects automatically avoid detection by this ability. Unless otherwise stated, constructs and creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or lower don’t have emotions and can’t be sensed this way.'],['Flamewalker (Embodiment of Flame)', 'You gain fire resistance 10. At 16th level, this increases to fire resistance 20, and you no longer take fire damage from fire-dominant planes. At 20th level, this increases to fire resistance 30.'],['Geneturge (Insistent Biochains)', 'Your genetic material is almost aggressive in its desire to integrate new information into its sequence. You gain a second personal modification, as the 1st-level personal modification ability. You also gain the ability to have a second biotech augmentation in any one system of your choice. You can use this second biotech augmentation to add your new personal modification to a system that already has a biotech augmentation, but you can’t ever have more than one personal modification in the same system simultaneously.'],['Healer (Healer’s Bond)', 'As a standard action, you can form a bond with up to three allies, allowing you to constantly sense their condition as per the status spell. This bond lasts until dispelled or until you create a new healer’s bond, which immediately ends the previous one. At 11th level, when you gain the telepathic bond class feature, you also gain the effects of status on all creatures linked by your telepathic bond.'],['Hive Mind (Hive Link)', 'Once per day as a standard action, you can forge a psychic link with another creature that you can perceive within 60 feet of you. An unwilling creature can resist this link with a successful Will save. Once the link has been established, the distance between you and the target has no effect on the link, provided the target remains on the same plane of existence. While the target is on a plane other than the one you are on, the link ceases to function, but it resumes when you return to the same plane unless you have ended it in the meantime. While the link functions, you and the linked creature can communicate telepathically with each other. This link lasts until you end it with a free action or for 24 hours. You can have only one linked creature at a time.\nWhen you use steady psyche, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to allow your linked creature to use the result of your saving throw d20 roll, adding the linked creature’s bonus to the result instead of yours. Alternatively, when you use share skills with a linked creature, instead of aiding another you can spend 1 Resolve Point to allow your ally to use your skill modifier for the check. These effects are in addition to the benefits granted by the original abilities. Unwilling targets receive a new saving throw against your telepathic bond after every 24 hours as a part of that bond.'],['Melophile (Reinvigorating Song)', 'Whenever you use your song of the spheres connection power, affected allies gain fast healing equal to half the level of the spell slot that you expended (minimum fast healing 1). If you spent a Resolve Point, affected allies gain fast healing equal to half the highest level of mystic spell that you can cast. Fast healing granted by this connection power lasts for the duration of your song of the spheres connection power.'],['Mindbreaker (Sow Doubt)', 'As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create uncertainty in the mind of a foe within 30 feet. You choose whether the target becomes flat-footed, becomes off-target, takes a –2 penalty to saving throws, or takes a –2 penalty to skill checks. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your mystic level, unless the target succeeds at a Will save to reduce the duration to just 1 round. A creature can be affected only by one sow doubt effect. If you use this ability on the same creature again, the new effect replaces the old effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.'],['Overlord (Echoes of Obedience)', 'Even creatures that resist your dominance can’t shake the lingering echoes of your mind. When a creature succeeds at a saving throw against one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities and negates the effect, it takes a –1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and skill checks until the beginning of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.'],['Shadow (Shadow Weaver)', 'If you have concealment from dim light or darkness, you can become invisible as a standard action. This invisibility lasts for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level. This duration needn’t be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can dismiss this invisibility as a move action, and it ends automatically if you lose consciousness.'],['Shaper (Shape Matter)', 'You can shape unformed matter into items you need. To do so, you follow the rules outlined on page 235 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook, using the exceptions that follow. You need no tools or workshop, only your will and matter to rearrange— UPBs or an existing item. An existing item imparts only 10% of its value toward the cost of your creation. In any case, the raw materials must be in your possession and can’t be carried or worn by another creature or exist as part of a structure. Creating an item this way takes 10 minutes. However, if your number of ranks in the appropriate skill to craft an item exceeds that item’s level by 5 or more, you can craft that item in 1 minute. If your ranks exceed the item level by 10 or more, you can create the item as a full action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If you create an item that has daily uses (such as a magic item) or charges (such as a battery) with this ability, the item starts with no uses or charges available but can be recharged normally. However, consumable items function normally. Items you create or convert using this ability can have no more bulk than you have mystic levels and can’t exceed Large size.'],['Star Shaman (Stargazer)', 'You can study the stars to gain a bit of good luck. Twice per day, if you are outdoors and can see the stars, you can reroll a failed ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.'],['Warmonger (Suit Up)', 'As a full action, you can conjure augmenting plates of armor from planar energies, enhancing your own armor. When using this ability, you must expend a mystic spell slot of 1st level or higher, and the armor lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the level of the spell slot expended. The benefits you gain from your planar armor are:\n\n- +1 enhancement bonus to your AC.\n- +2 enhancement bonus to saving throws.\n- Resistance equal to twice the expended spell slot’s spell level against one energy type of your choice.\n- A burrow speed of 20 feet, fly speed of 30 feet (perfect maneuverability), or swim speed of 30 feet (your choice).'],['Xenodruid (Animal Adaptation)', 'As a standard action, you can modify your body. Choose one of the following to gain the noted benefit: elongated legs (increase your land speed by 10 feet), fins and webbed digits (granting you a swim speed equal to half your land speed), suckers on wrists and feet (granting you a climb speed equal to half your land speed), or vertical-slit pupils (granting you darkvision 60 feet). This ability lasts for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration doesn’t need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Your base form and size are largely unchanged, but some of your body parts are altered. Armor and gear you are wearing adjusts to your new shape for the duration of this ability. You can have only one of these adaptations active at a time; choosing a new adaptation is a standard action and the new choice replaces the old. At 12th level, the climb and swim speeds granted by your adaptation are equal to your land speed, and you add wings (granting you a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability) to the list of possible adaptations.'],['Delusion (Transcend Truth)', 'When you’re subjected to any effect that would compel you to tell the truth or that would detect untruth in you, such as discern lies or zone of truth, you can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. If the effect would not normally allow a saving throw, you can attempt a Will save to negate it. If you succeed at the save, you appear as if you were subject to the effect to other creatures, though you can act as you choose. This ability doesn’t prevent Sense Motive checks from succeeding against you or other creatures from harboring suspicions.'],['Trailblazer (Tenacious Explorer)', 'While in your bonded biome, you’re immune to the effects of severe cold and severe heat, and you can move through difficult terrain as though you had the Nimble Moves feat. When you attempt a saving throw against a hazard in your bonded biome, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to roll the saving throw twice and take the better result.'],['Xenoambassador (Forceful Directive)', 'As a standard action, you can issue a powerful command, which functions as the spell command, to a living creature within 30 feet; you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. When you use this ability, you can reduce the effect’s saving throw DC by 2 to ignore its language-dependent descriptor. Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it’s immune to the ability for 24 hours.'],['Glitchghost (Spectral Armaments)', 'Once per day as a move action, you can infuse one armor or weapon you touch with eldritch energy. This grants a weapon the effects of a ghost killer or limning AR weapon fusion, or it grants the armor the effects of a ghost armor or telepathic dampener NS armor upgrade. This fusion doesn’t count toward the maximum total level of fusions the weapon can have at once, and this armor upgrade doesn’t require an upgrade slot. You can activate spectral armaments as a full action to infuse one additional item you touch; the affected items retain these benefits for 1 minute per mystic level. You can activate spectral armaments additional times per day by spending 1 Resolve Point each additional time you use it after the first.'],['Arcane (Arcane Manipulation)', 'You can spend 1 Resolve Point when casting a spell to augment it in one of the following ways: the spell’s duration increases by 50%, the spell’s range increases by 50%, or the spell’s damage increases by an amount equal to half your mystic level.'],['First World (Vanishing Trick)', 'When you take damage from a melee attack, you can expend a mystic spell slot as a reaction to teleport away after resolving the attack’s effects. You teleport to an open space to which you have line of effect, the total distance not exceeding 5 feet × the level of the expended spell slot.'],['Zeitgeist (Resolve of the Age)', 'Your knowledge of how cultures react to stress allows you to endure hardship. You gain a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against effects with a descriptor associated with the zeitgeist you currently embody: Consumerism (pain), Enlightenment (emotion), Expansion (poison), Exploration (radiation), Innovation (disease), Patriotism (sense-dependent), Progress (curse), Rebellion (compulsion), Tension (charm), Upheaval (language-dependent).'],['Third Eye (Deteriorate)', 'You can sense and manipulate entropic energy within other creatures, causing various types of deterioration to occur at a much higher rate. As a standard action, you expend one mystic spell slot or spend 1 Resolve Point (your choice) and target a single enemy who must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot that you expended or, if you spent a Resolve Point, for a number of rounds equal to the highest level of mystic spell you can cast. The duration of this effect increases by one additional round for every two Third Eye feats you have. A creature affected by deteriorate is immune to additional uses of deteriorate for as long as the effect lasts.'],['The Drift (Unfold Space)', 'As a reaction when you’re targeted with an attack of which you’re aware, you can expend an unused mystic spell slot to unfold the space between you and the attacker, distorting the distance the attack must traverse to reach you. You gain an enhancement bonus to your AC against the attack equal to the level of the spell slot expended. If the triggering attack hits, you can attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + the attacker’s CR); if you succeed, you regain the expended spell slot. Once you’ve targeted an attacker, you can’t target the same attacker with this ability for 24 hours.'],['Void Walker (Negative Energy Adaptation)', 'You gain cold resistance 10. At 16th level, this increases to cold resistance 20, and you no longer take bludgeoning damage in the vacuum of space. At 20th level, this increases to cold resistance 30.'],['Dreamer (Dream Manifestation)', 'You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a full action to pull a concept or image from dreamspace and manifest it in the physical realm. This ability reproduces the effects of a spell of up to the highest level you can cast and can come from any spell list. You control the appearance of the dream manifestation.'],['Accord (Pact of Defense)', 'As a reaction when an effect simultaneously affects at least two linked allies (or you and at least one linked ally) and provides a saving throw to reduce its effects, you can spend 1 Resolve Point from your communal pool to bolster the linked creatures’ saving throws. Determine which of the affected linked allies has the highest saving throw modifier against the effect’s first save; each linked ally affected by the effect uses that saving throw modifier instead of their own modifier.'],['Isolation (Strength in Silence)', 'As you detach from reality, you ignore some of its limitations and threats. When you enter your silent state, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to your mystic level. These last until your silent state ends. While in your silent state, if your Wisdom modifier is at least 2 higher than the ability score modifier you apply to an attack roll, you gain a +1 insight bonus to the attack roll. Finally, while in your silent state, creatures take a –1 penalty to initial saving throws against your mystic spells when those creatures are not within melee reach of any of their allies; this does not apply to spells of the highest spell level that you can cast.'],['Shifter (Healing Factor)', 'Your body responds spectacularly to healing, allowing you to recover faster. When you regain a randomly determined number of Hit Points or Stamina Points (such as from mystic cure, but not fast healing), increase either the Hit Points or Stamina Points you regain from that effect by 1 per die rolled. As a reaction, you can expend 1 Resolve Point to regain the maximum possible number of Hit Points or Stamina Points from the effect.']] name 'Greater Secondary Connection' description 'You gain the 6th-level connection power from your secondary connection' then if {$ == 'Empath (Emotionsense)'} then bonus 60 to character.blindsense.emotion as enhancement else if {$ == 'Flamewalker (Embodiment of Flame)'} then bonus pick [6:10, 16:20, 20:30] at character.mystic.level to as enhancement else if {$ == 'Void Walker (Negative Energy Adaptation)'} then if {character.mystic.level >= 20} then bonus 30 to as enhancement else if {character.mystic.level >= 16} then bonus 20 to as enhancement else if {character.mystic.level >= 6} then bonus 10 to as enhancement ;
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