Epiphanies (Optional)


Character Operations Manual pg. 76

While most mystics receive powers closely aligned to their connection, a few receive glimpses of supernatural insight that allows them to access different powers. Among mystic scholars, such an insight is generally known as an epiphany. Whenever you would gain a connection power, you can choose an epiphany of equal or lower level instead. For example, when you gain your 3rd-level connection power, you can choose any 1st-level or 3rd-level epiphany instead of gaining that connection power.

If an epiphany allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your mystic level + your Wisdom modifier. If the epiphany requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × your mystic level + your Wisdom modifier.


You can use your healing touch class feature as a standard action. You can also use healing touch more often by spending 1 Resolve Point each time you use healing touch after the first use each day. You must have the healing touch class feature to learn this epiphany.

Limning SpellEx

Level 1

When you cast a mystic spell, you can cause one creature affected by the spell to glow for 1 round, shedding normal light in a 10-foot radius. This doesn’t negate a creature’s concealment (if any), but as long as the target isn’t in bright light, creatures become aware of the target’s location. The creature can negate this epiphany’s effect with a successful Will save.


Drift Crisis pg. 43

Mystic FlareSu

Level 1

In your studies, you have benefited from a solarian tutor, who taught you how to draw power from the foundational forces of the universe. For you, a star’s corona or a black hole’s event horizon is a source of infinite energy. You gain a solar flare, as the solar manifestation ability of a solarian with a class level equal to your mystic level. If you have levels in both classes, you add them together to determine the effectiveness of your solar flare. You do not gain any other solar-flare solarian abilities from mystic class levels.

Each day when you regain Stamina Points and daily-use abilities following an 8-hour rest (Core Rulebook 263), choose one of the following: AC, attack rolls, Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, or Will saves. You can focus your gaze on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action, bringing down upon it the full might of unseen spirits associated with your connection. The target must succeed at a Will save or take a –1 penalty to the chosen statistic. You can maintain this effect against only one opponent at a time, and it remains in effect until you stare at a new target, the opponent moves more than 30 feet away from you, or either you or the opponent fall unconscious or dies. The penalties of multiple overbearing stares don’t stack. Once you have used this ability against a target, you can’t do so again for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting, sense-dependent curse effect.

You have forged a connection to the powers of the cosmos, drawing upon a link to photons and gravity to forge a weapon made from the primal stuff of the universe. You gain a solar weapon, as the solar manifestation ability of a solarian with a class level equal to your mystic level. If you have levels in both classes, you add them together to determine the effectiveness of your solar weapon. You do not gain any other solar-weapon focused solarian abilities from mystic class levels.

You’ve learned to use computers almost intuitively, letting your faith guide you without much need for technical understanding. You can attempt Computers checks to detect fake shells, disable or manipulate modules, gain root access, and hack systems untrained, and you can add your Wisdom modifier to such checks instead of your Intelligence modifier.

You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and your unarmed strikes don’t count as archaic weapons. Whenever you attack an opponent with your unarmed strikes as a standard action (or a full attack as a full action), as part of that action you can expend a 1st-level or higher spell slot before attempting the first attack roll to deal additional damage. If that attack hits, you deal an additional 2d6 damage per level of the spell slot expended, of the same damage type as your unarmed strike.

You’re able to harness your connection to intuit the perfect spell for a given moment. For each of your connection spells, choose one spell of the same spell level that shares at least one spell list with that connection spell. For example, if you’re a healer mystic with remove condition as your 2nd-level connection spell, you can choose invisibility because both remove condition and invisibility are on the witchwarper spell list as 2nd level spells. As a swift action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to choose one spell that you chose with this epiphany and swap your connection spell for that level with the chosen spell. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Each time you gain a new mystic level, you can choose one spell that you chose with this epiphany and replace it with a different choice. You cannot choose a spell with this epiphany if it appears on two or more spell lists at different spell levels.

Choose two skills other than your connection’s associated skills. You add the insight bonus granted by the channel skill class feature to skill checks attempted with the chosen skills. In addition, you add your connection’s associated skills and any skills chosen with this epiphany to your list of class skills.

You can affect constructs, robots, and other creatures that have the technological subtype with your mind-affecting spells, even if they’re mindless or normally immune to such effects. However, they receive a +2 bonus to their Will saves against your mind-affecting spells.


Drift Crisis pg. 43

Choose a second connection. If you worship a deity, your second connection must be one associated with that deity. You gain the 1st-level connection power from the chosen connection. You don’t gain any additional connection powers from that connection, nor do you gain an insight bonus to skill checks attempted with the second connection’s associated skills from your channel skill ability.

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to transfer a condition or spell affecting one willing target to another willing target, both of whom you’re touching. At 12th level, you can transfer effects between creatures affected by your telepathic bond class feature without touching them.


Galactic Magic pg. 25

Mystic ReachSu

Level 6

You can alter a mystic spell’s range by casting it as a full action instead of its normal casting time. Touch spells become close-range spells (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels), close-range spells become medium-range spells (100 ft. + 10 ft./level), medium range spells become long-range spells (400 ft. + 40 ft./level), and long-range spells have their range doubled. You can’t use this ability to alter a mystic spell with a casting time of a full action or longer. You can use this ability once per day at no cost, but you must spend 1 Resolve Point each time you use it after the first in a single day.

Once per day, by spending a Resolve Point, you can cut in half the time it takes to use Computers to hack a system without an increase to the DC of the check (to a minimum of one full action); you can still also voluntarily increase the DC by 5 to halve the time once again.

Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to magically repair an object, restoring up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level. You add mending and make whole to your list of spells known. You can’t swap these spells out to learn new spells in their place.


Drift Crisis pg. 43

When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can increase the spell’s damage by an amount equal to half your mystic level. This increased damage applies to all creatures damaged by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks, the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn’t apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn damage). This epiphany doesn’t increase ability damage or other spell effects, only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points.


Level 9

You gain a divination reservoir. Each day when you regain your mystic spells, your divination reservoir fills with a number of points equal to half your mystic level. Any points from the previous day are lost. You can cast clairaudience/clairvoyance as a spell-like ability by spending 1 point from your divination reservoir, or arcane eye by spending 2 points from your divination reservoir. By spending 4 points from your arcane reservoir, you can combine these effects, allowing you to create an invisible magical sensor (as arcane eye) at any location you’re familiar with at a planetary range.

You can cast displace memory (Character Operations Manual 134) as a spell-like ability once per day. Additionally, by spending a Resolve Point when casting this spell, you can transport the target object into an extraplanar warehouse for up to 24 hours. You can recall the object into your hands by concentrating on the object as a full action. If you don’t retrieve the object within 24 hours, it’s destroyed, but you can transport it back into the warehouse after retrieving it by spending an additional Resolve Point. At each of 12th, 15th, and 18th level, you can use this ability an additional time per day; there’s no limit to how many objects you can have within the extraplanar warehouse at any given time.

Mind ProbeSp

Level 9

You can cast mind probe as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your mystic level. Once a creature succeeds at its saving throw against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours.

Mystic StepSp

Level 9

You naturally hover 6 inches above liquid or solid surfaces unless you will it otherwise. You don’t leave tracks and are immune to the off-kilter condition. You fall at a rate of 60 feet per round and take no damage upon landing.


Galactic Magic pg. 25

Spell BondSu

Level 9

When you cast a harmless spell with a range of touch, you can target any ally within 120 feet and linked by your telepathic bond class feature as if you were touching that ally. You must have the telepathic bond class feature to choose this epiphany.

Inspired by Triune’s threefold form, you create two duplicates of your consciousness that misdirect and stymie mental intrusion. Any time you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect that affects you (rather than affecting an area), the effect has an equal chance of affecting you or one of your remaining mental duplicates. If the effect affects a duplicate, you are instead affected as though you had succeeded at the saving throw, and the duplicate is destroyed. When you rest and regain your daily spell slots, you recreate any destroyed mental duplicates.


Drift Crisis pg. 125

Lingering SpellEx

Level 12

When you cast a spell with a duration of longer than 1 round, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its duration. If the spell is one of your connection spells with a duration of 1 minute per level or longer, its duration increases to 24 hours instead. You can have only one spell affected by this epiphany at a time, and using this ability while another spell is already in effect causes that previous spell to immediately end as if its duration had expired.

Mindlink BondSu

Level 12

You can combine your mindlink and telepathic bond class features, allowing you to rapidly transfer memories between bonded creatures at great distances. Once per round, any creature belonging to a telepathic bond that you created with your telepathic bond class feature can instantly transfer complex information to any other creatures within the telepathic bond, as the mindlink spell, as a swift action. Each time this ability is used, the creature chooses which creatures belonging to your telepathic bond receive this information.

You must have the mindlink and telepathic bond class features to choose this epiphany.

Once per day, you can cast reincarnate as a spell-like ability by spending all your remaining Resolve Points (minimum one-quarter your total Resolve Points). Instead of rolling to determine what type of creature the target returns as, the target returns as the race, gender, sex, and physical appearance of their choice. Rather than be a conscious choice of the target, this decision tends to reflect the innermost dreams and desires of the target’s soul, and so the reincarnation can be either identical to their previous form or a drastic departure, depending upon the individual.

Unlike the spell reincarnate, this ability does not require a monument as part of the casting. Instead, both you and your target gain 2 permanent negative levels (as described by the spell). The target returns to life as an infant of their race, growing from infancy to young adulthood over the course of 1 hour. The target has memories of their original life, but also of a new life that could have existed if they had lived in their new form. In addition to having a new race, the character can be rewritten as if they had used a mnemonic editor.

Modify MemorySp

Level 15

You can use modify memory as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your mystic level. Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours. When a target fails its saving throw against this spell, you can spend up to 3 Resolve Points. If you spend 1 Resolve Point, all changes you make to the target’s memory are instantaneous and require no additional rounds of concentration. If you spend 2 Resolve Points, you can change up to 1 hour of memories per mystic level you have. If you spend 3 Resolve Points, you can change up to 1 day of memories per mystic level you have.



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