Improved Secondary Connection


Character Operations Manual pg. 76

You gain the 3rd-level connection power from your secondary connection. You must have the secondary connection epiphany to choose this epiphany.





select 1 from [['Akashic (Access Akashic Record)', 'You can access the Akashic Record to augment your skills. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt a skill check as if you had ranks in that skill equal to your mystic level.'],['Crusader (Sworn Protector)', 'At the start of each turn, you can designate one ally within 30 feet of you as being under your protection. As a reaction when an attack hits the selected ally, you can make one melee or ranged attack against the enemy who made the attack. If your attack hits, it deals no damage, but that enemy gains the off-target condition until the end of their next turn.'],['Devastator (Destructive Frenzy)', 'You can expend a 1st-level or higher mystic spell slot as a move action to go into a destructive frenzy. This grants you a bonus to attack and damage rolls with basic melee weapons and small arms. The bonus to attacks is equal the level of spell slot expended – 2 (minimum +1 bonus), and the bonus to damage is equal to the level of the spell slot expended. This frenzy lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) plus the level of the spell slot expended. You can dismiss your destructive frenzy early as a free action. While your destructive frenzy is active, you can’t cast spells or use any other extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural ability that requires you to spend an action.'],['Empath (Greater Mindlink)', 'You can use your mindlink ability on the same creature as many times per day as you wish, and the communication can be both ways, though the maximum of 10 minutes of communication per round still applies.'],['Flamewalker (Flickering Charge)', 'When you perform a charge, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to take on a fiery aspect as you move, increasing your speed by 10 feet until the end of your turn. At 8th level, when you use this ability, you also gain concealment (20% miss chance) against all attacks made against you during the charge and until the beginning of your next turn. At 13th level, this miss chance increases to 40% and lasts until the end of your next turn.'],['Geneturge (Transform Biotech)', 'Once per day, as long as you have rested for 8 hours, you can alter one of your biotech augmentations as a standard action. You can permanently transfer your personal modification to a different biological system, changing its granted benefit, as long as the new system isn’t already occupied by a modification. Alternatively, you can cause a biotech augmentation you have had installed to function as your personal modification would if it were installed in that system, suppressing the normal functions of that augmentation but allowing you to gain the benefits of your personal modification for that system (in addition to the system your personal modification currently occupies).\n\nAs a third option, you can temporarily alter one of your biotech augmentations. When you activate the transform biotech ability in this way, select one of your existing biotech augmentations that required you to make a choice when it was installed, such as the type of damage dealt by a dragon gland. You can select a new option for this augmentation as if it were newly installed.'],['Healer (Lifelink)', 'At the start of each turn, you can choose an ally within 30 feet who has taken Hit Point damage and transfer her wounds to yourself, dealing an amount of damage up to your mystic level to your Hit Points (bypassing any Stamina Points you may have) and healing the ally’s Hit Points an equal amount. This doesn’t require any action on your part. You can’t prevent or reduce the damage you take from lifelink.'],['Hive Mind (Share Skills)', 'You can impart knowledge on a telepathic level. If the GM rules you can do so, when a creature within 60 feet of you attempts a skill check, you can attempt to aid another. You and the aided creature must take the required actions or spend the required time to complete the check. For example, if you aid a creature in disabling a tricky device, the aided creature takes 1d4 rounds to do so, and you take the same amount of time.'],['Melophile (Universal Choir)', 'When you cast a mystic spell that allows a Will save to negate its effects (including a harmless spell), you gain the ability to communicate with any creature affected by the spell for its duration, as tongues. This allows you to use language-dependent spells to affect creatures that normally could not communicate with you or understand what you are communicating, but it does not allow you to communicate with creatures that are incapable of speaking or understanding language.'],['Mindbreaker (Backlash)', 'Whenever a foe succeeds at a Will save against one of your spells and completely negates the effect, that foe takes 1 nonlethal damage for each mystic level you have. This is a mind-affecting pain effect.'],['Overlord (Forced Amity)', 'You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to shunt positive emotions and thoughts through your connection, forcing a humanoid creature to become friendly to you for a time. This functions as charm person.'],['Shadow (Shadow Shroud)', 'As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to shroud yourself in dim light for 1 minute. Darkvision provides no benefit against this gloom, and nonmagical light can’t change this light level. Magical light can change this light level only if from a source with a CR or level higher than yours. You can dismiss this dim light as a move action, and it ends automatically if you lose consciousness.'],['Shaper (Matter Sense)', 'You develop a feel for the movement of matter around you. You gain blindsense (vibration) with a range of 30 feet, and you gain the Blind Fight feat. If you already have blindsense (vibration), increase its range by 30 feet.'],['Star Shaman (Starlight Form)', 'You can transform yourself into blazing starlight as a standard action. Your body sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius, and you gain the benefits of concealment (20% miss chance). At 7th level, a creature that ends its turn adjacent to your starlight form must succeed at a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round. You can maintain your starlight form for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration does not need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can forgo the ability’s concealment and blinding aspects to instead simply shed light, though this still counts against the ability’s duration for the day.'],['Warmonger (Summon Reinforcements)', 'Whenever you cast a summon monster spell to summon multiple creatures, each creature you summon gains a +1 morale bonus to AC, attack rolls, and saving throws. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when you cast summon monster to reduce the spell’s casting time to a standard action.'],['Xenodruid (Grasping Vines)', 'You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to cause an area within 100 feet to sprout writhing vines in a 20-foot- radius spread. The target surface must be solid but does not need to be capable of sustaining plants normally. The vines have a reach of 5 feet and attempt to wrap around creatures in the area of effect or those that enter the area; such a creature must succeed at a Reflex save or gain the entangled condition. Creatures that successfully save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must attempt a new save at the end of your turn each round. Creatures moving into the area must attempt a save immediately; failure ends their movement and they become entangled. An entangled creature can break free as a move action with a successful Acrobatics check or DC 15 Strength check. The vines last for a number of rounds equal to your mystic level, and the entire area is difficult terrain while the effect lasts. At 11th level, the vines can reach 10 feet and sprout thorns that deal 1d6 piercing damage each round to creatures in the area.'],['Delusion (Compelling Deception)', 'You can sway others into believing the unbelievable. You can spend 1 Resolve Point as part of a Bluff check to lie; if you do, you don’t take penalties for the preposterousness of your story (though the presence of countervailing evidence can still cause your check to fail).'],['Trailblazer (Navigation Insight)', 'When using Piloting to navigate or astrogate a course, you treat unfamiliar locations as seldom visited locations and seldom visited locations as frequently visited locations when calculating the DC. Additionally, double your channel skill ability’s insight bonus to Piloting checks when you perform stunts during starship combat.'],['Xenoambassador (Diplomatic Immunity)', 'You gain a +3 bonus to your AC and saving throws against any creature who can speak a language or communicate telepathically. Such creatures can sense this special defense before choosing you as the target of their attack. This protection ends at the end of your first turn in combat or once you perform a harmful action against another creature, whichever happens first. As a standard action before this ability ends, you can extend its duration by 1 round.'],['Glitchghost (Disrupt Technology)', 'You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to trap a destructive spirit in an object within 60 feet. The object gains the broken condition for a number of rounds equal to 1 + half your mystic level. Archaic objects and exceptionally large objects (such as vehicles, starships, and buildings) are unaffected by this ability. An object in a creature’s possession can attempt a Will save to reduce the duration to 1 round.'],['Arcane (Spell Echo)', 'As a reaction whenever you cast a spell that has no effect (such as the affected creatures all succeeding at saving throws or being immune), you can spend a number of Resolve Points equal to half the spell’s level (rounded up) to capture the spell’s magical energy and retain it as a spell echo for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Once during this time, you can cast the captured spell a second time by expending the spell echo instead of expending a spell slot. You can have only one spell echo at a time.'],['First World (Glamer Shroud)', 'As a standard action, you veil yourself in shifting illusions. This grants you a 20% miss chance as though you had concealment, though this effect does not help you to hide. You can maintain this effect for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration does not need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.'],['Zeitgeist (Shared Interests)', 'Your mastery of the zeitgeist makes you a natural leader, able to persuade others through your cultural expertise. When you attempt the change attitude Diplomacy skill task, you can use any of the associated skills from your zeitgeist (but not a skill task) instead of Diplomacy. In addition, once per day, you can reroll a failed Diplomacy check or an attempt to change attitude.'],['Third Eye (Foresight)', 'You gain the power to sense how the entropy in nearby objects and creatures will change in the near future and how it will affect the circumstances around you. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use _augury_ as a spell-like ability. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day for every two Third Eye feats you have.'],['The Drift (Prismatic Nimbus)', 'As a standard action, you can emit a vibrant purple and pink aura of light reminiscent of the Drift. Your body sheds normal light in a 15-foot radius. A creature that enters or ends its turn in the area must succeed at a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 round. At 11th level, you instead shed normal light in a 30-foot radius. You can maintain your nimbus for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration doesn’t need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.'],['Void Walker (Destructive Touch)', 'As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve point to attempt a sunder combat maneuver against an item in use by an opponent within 30 feet. If successful, you deal damage to the item equal to 3d6 + your level.'],['Dreamer (Dream Anchor)', 'Though you walk in imaginary realms, your bonds act as protective tethers to reality. You designate one willing ally or object with which you’re familiar as your dream anchor; once made, this choice can’t be changed for 24 hours. As long as your dream anchor is physically present and no more than 60 feet from your body while you’re inside dreamspace, you can use the anchor to return your consciousness to your body as a full action. In addition, your anchor can act as an alarm, alerting you if your physical body is in immediate danger, though it can’t communicate the nature of the threat to you.'],['Accord (Pact of Assistance)', 'You’re especially adept at advising, helping, and directing your chosen allies. When you use the aid another, covering fire, or harrying fire action to assist a linked ally, you increase the bonus granted from that action to +3. When you succeed at an attack roll or skill check to perform one of these actions, you can expend 1 Resolve Point from your communal pool to grant its benefit to up to 3 linked allies within range.'],['Isolation (Focused Detachment)', 'While in your silent state, you gain two additional benefits thanks to your enhanced focus. First, if you would fail to cast or sustain a spell due to harsh conditions, damage taken, or similar effects, you have a 50% chance (or a 100% chance if you end your silent state as a reaction) to cast or concentrate on the spell normally; this does not negate any damage you take from the effect.\n\nSecond, if stress or other conditions would prevent you from taking 10 on a skill check, you can attempt a special DC 10 check (1d20 + any insight bonus you apply to that skill). If you succeed, you can take 10 regardless of the distractions for 1 minute or until your silent state ends, whichever comes first. If you fail, you gain no benefit and can’t attempt to ignore distractions to your skill checks again for 1 minute. At 9th level, you automatically succeed at this check to take 10 on Mysticism and Stealth checks.'],['Shifter (Primal Defense)', 'When you cast a mystic spell, your body develops defensive features like scales, osteoderms, blubber, or fur until the beginning of your next turn. This grants you damage reduction against all kinetic damage, as well as energy resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage until the beginning of your next turn. The value of the DR and energy resistance is equal to the spell’s level. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when you cast a mystic spell to increase the duration of this ability to 1 minute.']] name 'Improved Secondary Connection' description 'You gain the 3rd-level connection power from your secondary connection' then if {$ == 'Shaper (Matter Sense)'} then if {character.senses contains blindsense.vibration} then bonus 30 to character.blindsense.vibration as misc else bonus 30 to character.blindsense.emotion as enhancement ;
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