Secondary Connection
Character Operations Manual pg. 76
Choose a second connection. If you worship a deity, your second connection must be one associated with that deity. You gain the 1st-level connection power from the chosen connection. You don’t gain any additional connection powers from that connection, nor do you gain an insight bonus to skill checks attempted with the second connection’s associated skills from your channel skill ability.
select 1 from [['Akashic (Akashic Knowledge)', 'You gain the Channel Skill ability at 1st level (instead of 2nd level). Each day when you recover your spell slots, you can tap into the Akashic Record, enabling you to choose one Profession skill and add that to your list of associated skills for the Channel Skill class feature.'],['Crusader (Weapon Proficiency)', 'Crusaders receive more martial training than most mystics, focusing on weapons favored by their deities. You gain proficiency with advanced melee weapons, and at 3rd level you gain Weapon Specialization with them. If you are already proficient with advanced melee weapons, you instead gain one bonus combat feat you meet the prerequisites for.'],['Devastator (Blood Mark)', 'Whenever you kill or destroy a creature or reduce a creature to 0 HP, you immediately gain a blood mark on your skin, which manifests as a swirled, blood-red black hole. A blood mark lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). The blood mark is attuned to creatures of the same type as the creature you killed, destroyed, or reduced to 0 HP to gain the blood mark, and it grants you one of the following benefits of your choice: a +1 morale bonus to attacks against creatures of the attuned type, a +1 morale bonus to AC against attacks from creatures of the attuned type, a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against attacks and effects created by creatures of the attuned type, or a +1 morale bonus to damage dealt to creatures of the attuned type. You choose this benefit when you gain the blood mark, and it lasts for as long as the mark lasts. You cannot have more than one blood mark active at a time, and gaining a new blood mark ends any previous blood mark you had active.'],['Empath (Empathy)', 'As a full action, you can attempt a Sense Motive check to read the emotions of a particular creature (DC = 20 or 10 + its Bluff modifier, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you learn its general disposition and attitude toward creatures within 30 feet of it, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that creature for 1 hour. Whether you succeed or fail, after opening your mind to read emotions, you take a –2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for 1 minute.'],['Flamewalker (Fire Manipulation)', 'You can control minor flames within 30 feet. As a standard action, you can smother a flame afflicting a single piece of equipment held or worn by anyone within range. Alternatively, you can transfer the burning condition from one creature to another within range by succeeding at a caster level check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the level or CR of the target creature). The target creature gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its Reflex saving throw to end the burning condition applied in this way.'],['Geneturge (Personal Modification)', 'You gain a personalized biotech augmentation that is keyed to your genetic code. Your body synthesizes the organic material for the augmentation and you magically manipulate your DNA strands to integrate it into the biological system of your choice. Once implanted, the personal augmentation occupies that system, preventing the installation of any other upgrade, and you can only remove or implant the augmentation in a new system through the transform biotech class feature (see below). The personal augmentation provides a benefit based on which of your body’s systems you implant it in, as follows.\n\n**Arms (All):** Treat your Strength score as 6 higher for the purpose of determining your bulk limit.\n\n**Brain:** Add one Intelligence-based skill to your list of associated skills for your connection. You can take 10 when using that skill, even if you are threatened or distracted.\n\n**Ears:** You take no penalty to sound-based Perception checks when you are sleeping, and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects that would deafen you.\n\n**Eyes:** For targets you attack, reduce the miss chance due to concealment to 15%. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks based on sight.\n\n**Feet (All):** You can move through up to 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. This allows you to take a guarded step into difficult terrain.\n\n**Hands (All):** You can attempt Sleight of Hand checks as if you were trained in the skill, and you can retrieve a weapon or object hidden on your person in the same amount of time it would take to retrieve it were it not hidden.\n\n**Heart:** Add Bluff to your list of associated skills for your connection. You can take 10 when using Bluff to lie, even if you are threatened or distracted.\n\n**Legs (all):** Gain a +1 bonus to your AC against combat maneuvers that would change your position, such as bull rush, reposition, or trip.\n\n**Lungs:** You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against thick, severely thick, thin, and severely thin atmospheres, as well as against gas effects that are negated by not needing to breathe (such as a smoke grenade).\n\n**Skin:** You are protected from the dangers of extreme heat and cold as if you were wearing armor.\n\n**Spinal Column:** Add Acrobatics to your list of associated skills for your connection. You can take 10 when using Acrobatics to balance, even if you are threatened or distracted.\n\n**Throat:** Your voice is augmented, allowing you to be heard clearly even in extremely loud areas, such as windstorms and even hurricane-force winds. Creatures in such areas take no penalty to Perception checks to hear your voice.'],['Healer (Healing Channel)', 'You can heal yourself and your allies. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to channel this energy. Healing yourself with channeled energy is a move action, healing an ally you touch is a standard action, and healing all allies within 30 feet is a full action. This energy restores 2d8 Hit Points and increases by 2d8 at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter.'],['Hive Mind (Steady Psyche)', 'You can draw some of another creature’s mental dissonance into your mind to help steady their psyche. As a reaction, when a creature within 30 feet of you attempts a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, you can also attempt the saving throw. If you succeed, you grant that creature a +2 divine bonus to the saving throw. You can use this ability again only after 1 minute has passed, unless you spend 1 Resolve Point to use it sooner.'],['Melophile (Song of the Spheres)', 'You act as a conduit for the mystical Song of the Spheres, inspiring your allies with the hymns of creation. As a move action, you expend one mystic spell slot or spend 1 Resolve Point (your choice). All allies within 60 feet gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls, as well as a +1 morale bonus to saves against charm, compulsion, and fear effects. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot that you expended. If you spent a Resolve Point, this effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the highest level of mystic spell you can cast. This is a mind-affecting, sense-dependent effect.'],['Mindbreaker (Share Pain)', 'Whenever a foe deals damage to you, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to shift some of the pain back onto that foe. Unless the foe succeeds at a Will save, reduce the damage you take from the attack by your mystic level (to a maximum of the attack’s damage), and the foe takes an equal amount of damage. This is a mind-affecting pain effect.'],['Overlord (Inexplicable Commands)', 'When one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities ends, the target loses all memory that it was magically controlled or influenced. That creature still remembers the actions it took, but may be confused by them.'],['Shadow (Shadow Infusion)', 'You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. In addition, if the concealment that allows you to attempt a Stealth check to hide comes from dim light or darkness, you can double the bonus you receive from your channel skill mystic feature. Finally, add Stealth to your list of class skills.'],['Shaper (Matter Field)', 'As a standard action, you can surround yourself with a field of swirling debris and “hardened” air. This field grants you temporary Hit Points and fortification as if it were a force field with an item level equal to or lower than your mystic level. This field doesn’t block gases, liquids, or light. If the field drops to 0 temporary Hit Points, it ends. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 × your mystic level, but these rounds need not be consecutive. In general, it can be assumed you have enough air or loose matter around you to use this ability, but in some circumstances, such as when you are surrounded by vacuum, the GM is free to rule that this ability can function only if you can provide a source of matter.'],['Star Shaman (Walk the Void)', 'You are immune to the harmful environmental effects of outer space and vacuum. You also gain a fly speed of 20 feet while in space. In addition, whenever you can see the stars, you can determine your precise location. Finally, add Piloting to your list of class skills.'],['Warmonger (Weapons of War)', 'As a move action, you can call upon the insight of great warlords to gain an insight bonus to attack rolls equal to the difference between your base attack bonus and your mystic level (if your mystic level is greater than your base attack bonus). To use this ability, you must expend one mystic spell slot of 1st level or higher, and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the expended spell slot. Additionally, you always treat your mystic level as your base attack bonus for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.'],['Xenodruid (Speak with Animals)', 'You can communicate with any creature of the animal type, though this doesn’t make it friendly. If an animal is friendly toward you, it may do you favors. This ability allows you to use Intimidate to bully animals, and you can use any other language-dependent effect against animals.'],['Delusion (Invoke Delusion)', 'You can reach into others’ minds and distort their perceptions of friend or foe. As a standard action, select a creature within 30 feet and choose paranoia or conviviality. That creature must succeed at a Will save or suffer the chosen perceptual warp. If you chose paranoia, the target treats all other creatures as enemies and only itself as an ally, must attempt attacks of opportunity whenever any creature provokes them, and is shaken while adjacent to more than one creature. If you chose conviviality, the target treats all creatures as allies and can’t attack or take hostile actions against any creature; whenever a creature affected by conviviality is attacked, it can attempt an additional saving throw against this effect. This perceptual warp lasts for 1 round, plus 1 round for every 5 mystic levels you have. Once a creature succeeds at its saving throw against this ability, it is immune to further uses for 24 hours.'],['Trailblazer (Biome Bond)', 'After you spend at least 12 hours in a specific biome, you can spend 10 minutes attuning yourself to that biome to make it your bonded biome; you can spend Resolve points to reduce the time you must first spend in the biome by 6 hours per Resolve Point. While in your bonded biome, you gain a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks and a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws to resist hazards. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to cast wisp ally as a spell-like ability while in your bonded biome, using your mystic level as your caster level.'],['Xenoambassador (Natural Linguist)', 'If you don’t share a language with creatures you encounter, you and the creatures can spend 10 minutes and attempt a DC 15 Culture check to converse (if they’re willing). If you’re successful, you can communicate basic concepts (such as “friendly,” “dangerous,” or “need help”), though you can’t understand one another’s exact words. At 6th level, if you exceed the Culture check DC by 10 or more, you can create a pidgin language allowing you to engage in basic conversations.\n\nWhile communicating with a creature using any language you speak proficiently other than Common, your racial language, or the language of your home planet, your channel skill ability’s insight bonus to Diplomacy checks to influence that creature increases by 2.'],['Glitchghost (Soul Spark)', 'As a standard action, you supercharge or overload a device within 30 feet for 1 minute. The device must have a usage of 1 or more charges and must be a technological item, weapon, suit of armor, or armor upgrade. If you supercharge the device, decrease its usage by a number of charges equal to 1 + 1/3 your mystic level (minimum usage of 1); if you overload the device, instead increase its usage by this number of charges. Once you use this ability, you can’t do so again until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points. This ability may not be used to deactivate the environmental protections provided by a suit of armor.'],['Arcane (Scouring Aura)', 'Whenever you cast a spell, you emanate magical energy for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). During this time, enemies that enter or begin their turn in a space adjacent to you take fire damage equal to the level of the spell you cast. When you would take damage from an attack or spell, you can end your scouring aura as a reaction to reduce the damage dealt by an amount equal to twice the level of the spell you cast (minimum 0 damage).'],['First World (Dazzling Dust)', 'As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to scatter glittering pixie dust in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed at a Fortitude save or become dazzled and take a –1 penalty to Will saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). At 9th level, you can cause one creature dazzled by this ability to also be blinded for 1 round.'],['Zeitgeist (Embody The Age)', 'You can attune yourself to the spirit of the modern age or a bygone era, such as the Silent War or Lost Golarion. You gain the channel skill ability at 1st level instead of 2nd level. Each day when you regain your mystic spell slots, choose one of the following zeitgeists to embody: Consumerism (Engineering, earn a living), Enlightenment (identify, recall knowledge), Expansion (Intimidate, Survival), Exploration (Piloting, Survival), Innovation (Computers, Medicine), Patriotism (Athletics, Intimidate), Progress (Culture, Diplomacy), Rebellion (Diplomacy, Intimidate), Tension (Perception, Sense Motive), or Upheaval (Bluff, Stealth). Your channel skill ability applies to the skill or skill task listed in parenthesis for the zeitgeist you’ve chosen. Any skills listed become your associated skills; in the case of a skill task, such as earn a living or recall knowledge, any skill is an associated skill for you as long as you’re attempting the listed task. This benefit lasts until you next regain your mystic spell slots.'],['Third Eye (Entropic Senses)', 'You are attuned to the entropic energies at work in all things and can sense their location. You gain blindsense (vibration) with a range of 30 feet. If you already have blindsense (vibration), you instead gain blindsight (vibration) at the range of your blindsense (vibration).'],['The Drift (Drift Step)', 'As a move action, you can tap into the transitory nature of the Drift, enabling you to move further with each step than normally possible. For a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round), you gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to all of your speeds, and you can move up to 10 feet each time you take a guarded step. The enhancement bonus to speeds increases to +20 feet at 7th level and +30 feet at 15th level. You can use Drift step up to three times per day.'],['Void Walker (Gauge Decay)', 'As a move action, you can attempt a DC 20 Physical Science check to look for vulnerabilities in an object or construct. If you succeed, you learn the lowest saving throw modifier of the target and how much hardness it possesses, if any.'],['Dreamer (Perceive Dreamspace)', 'You can experience the dreams of sapient beings by entering a trance state and focusing on a particular dreamer or dream motif. You perceive this illusory dreamspace as a physical realm unique to each dreamer with whom you interact and explore with any senses you possess, though you can’t directly communicate with or affect the dreamer. Entering dreamspace is a full action. Once per day while inside dreamspace, you can spend 10 minutes concentrating on a single dreamer with whom you’re already familiar or a specific dream motif.\n\nIf you observe a dreamer in dreamspace, the target must succeed at a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + your class level to resist, causing you to learn nothing useful. Otherwise, you learn 1d4 pieces of useful information about the dreamer at the GM’s discretion.\n\nIf you observe a dream motif, you return to the waking world with the ability to create a physical manifestation of the motif as a standard action. This can mimic the effects of a 1st-level spell from any spell list. You must manifest the dream motif within 24 hours or until you next enter dreamspace (whichever comes first), or it’s lost. While inside dreamspace, you can’t perceive or interact with the physical world. Returning your consciousness fully to your physical body takes 1 minute.'],['Accord (First Pact)', 'You establish a connection between you and something of a chosen family. You can perform a ritual that takes 15 minutes to link yourself to a number of adjacent allies that does not exceed your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), after which each remains mystically linked to you for 24 hours. This connection lasts until they’re more than 1 mile away from you, or until you perform this ritual again. As part of the ritual, you and any linked allies can each spend 1 Resolve Point. Any expended Resolve Points are added to a communal pool of Resolve Points that you can use only in specific ways granted by this connection’s abilities. When you perform this ritual again, any of these stored Resolve Points are lost. You can perform this ritual as part of the 15-minute period of concentration needed to regain your daily spell slots.\n\nYou can use your connection abilities to affect allies you can perceive within 30 feet of you. This range increases to 60 feet at 6th level, 90 feet at 12th level, and 150 feet at 18th level. At 9th level, if the communal pool gains at least 3 Resolve Points after completing the ritual, increase the pool’s total Resolve Points by 1.\n\nAs a reaction when you or a linked ally within range is dying and would spend or lose at least 1 Resolve Point due to taking damage, stabilizing, or staying in the fight, you can spend 1 Resolve Point from your communal pool to reduce the number of Resolve Points spent or lost by 2 (minimum 0 RP). If this reduced the cost to stabilize or stay in the fight, the linked creature also gains temporary Hit Points equal to your mystic level + your Wisdom modifier for 1d4 rounds. You can use this ability on yourself (though not on others) once per round without spending an action while you are dying.'],['Isolation (Silent State)', 'By spending 1 minute concentrating, you achieve a state of mental peace and detachment called the silent state. This lasts until you end it as a swift action, take damage that causes you to lose Hit Points, or fail a Will saving throw. While in your silent state, you gain no benefits from the aid another, covering fire, and harrying fire actions, and you take a –2 penalty to attacks and checks to perform these actions. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion, fear, mind-affecting, pain, sense-dependent, and sonic effects, increasing to +3 at 9th level and +4 at 15th level. When your silent state ends, you receive a burst of insight, and can apply the insight bonus granted by the channel skill class ability (+1 at 1st level) to the next skill check you attempt before the end of your next turn.'],['Shifter (Natural Weaponry)', 'You naturally reshape your body into a variety of weapons. You gain a variant of the natural weapons universal creature rule. You can manifest or dismiss your natural weapon as easily as you would draw or sheathe a weapon. Each time you manifest your natural weapon, you choose its exact form and damage type—either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. Its appearance is always overt and dangerous, such as bared claws, pronounced fangs, or the like.\n\nAlternatively, if you already have natural weapons that deal one of these damage types, you can instead enhance your existing natural weapon when activating this ability. This exaggerates the feature’s appearance slightly, and each time you hit a target with the unarmed strike, you can reroll one of its damage dice and use the higher result.']] name 'Secondary Connection' description 'Choose a second connection' then if {$ == 'Crusader (Weapon Proficiency)'} then if {character.proficiency.weapon contains advancedMelee} then append ['true', '20c8fda3470f2e24557df5f60'] to character.feats.selection else append '16be2e822e998a841461b832' to character.feats else if {$ == 'Shadow (Shadow Infusion)'} then if {character.senses contains darkvision} then bonus 30 to character.darkvision as misc else bonus 60 to character.darkvision as enhancement else if {$ == 'Star Shaman (Walk the Void)'} then set character.piloting.classSkill to true else if {$ == 'Warmonger (Weapons of War)'} then bonus (0 max (character.mystic.level - character.bab)) to character.bab.featPrerequisite as misc else if {$ == 'Third Eye (Entropic Senses)'} then if {character.senses contains blindsense.vibration} then bonus character.blindsense.vibration to character.blindsight.vibration as enhancement else bonus 30 to character.blindsense.emotion as enhancement ;