Kick in the DoorEx
Level 9
You easily knock aside barriers, allowing you to leap into whatever action lies beyond. Once per minute, you can either open a door as a swift action, open a door as part of an action used to move (such as charging, moving your speed, or taking a guarded step), or open a door as part of a full action used to make a full attack. You can open the door at any point during that action, such as moving part of your speed, opening a door, and then moving the remaining distance.
You gain a +2 insight bonus to Strength checks to move or destroy obstacles, such as removing debris or breaking down a door. This bonus increases to +3 at 5th level and to +4 at 13th level.
Dragonscript Effect
if {character.soldier.level >= 21} then append '+4 insight bonus to Strength checks to move or destroy obstacles, such as removing debris or breaking down a door.' to character.situationSpecificBonuses else if {character.soldier.level >= 13} then append '+3 insight bonus to Strength checks to move or destroy obstacles, such as removing debris or breaking down a door.' to character.situationSpecificBonuses else if {character.soldier.level >= 9} then append '+2 insight bonus to Strength checks to move or destroy obstacles, such as removing debris or breaking down a door.' to character.situationSpecificBonuses;