

Horizons of the Vast: Allies Against The Eye pg. 48

You embody the social entropy that occurs within societal systems when participants within social hierarchies become dissatisfied and rebel against it.


Aspect InsightEx

Level 8

You gain Improved Feint as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Diplomacy checks. Select one of your class skills; that skill is no longer a class skill for you, but you gain Bluff as a class skill instead. At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus when you use Bluff to feint in combat.

Dragonscript Effect

append '988b31602681ec7d3f381733' to character.feats; bonus 2 to character.diplomacy as insight; set character.bluff.classSkill to true;

Aspect EmbodimentEx

Level 17

Once per combat, when you hit a target with your entropic strike, and that target is suffering a penalty due to your successful use of Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate (for example, if you’ve successfully feinted or demoralized them), you can gain 1 Entropy Point without taking any additional action.

Aspect CatalystSu

Level 21

Each foe within 10 feet must succeed at a Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. While confused, the creature always acts normally and isn’t forced to attack the last creature that attacked it, but it still suffers all the other negative effects of being confused.

Improved: Each foe within 10 feet must succeed at a Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds.

Aspect FinaleSu

Level 21

As a reaction when you hit a target with your entropic strike, and that target is suffering a penalty due to your successful use of Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate (for example, if you have performed a successful feint or demoralized them), you can spend 1 Entropy Point to deal 1d4 Intelligence and Charisma damage to the target, but this effect can’t lower the target’s Intelligence or Charisma below 1.



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