Auxiliary Systems

The mech stores an exceptional amount of ammunition for each of its weapons. The mech can reload each of its weapons two additional times
This system of finely tuned energy rods and powerful heat sinks allows a pilot to boost the mech’s attack accuracy in exchange for stabilizing its weapons’ output.
The mech’s cargo hold conceals subtle boosters that can launch its contents at high velocity.
The mech’s body houses a small garage capable of storing a single creature, vehicle, or other object no larger than two size categories smaller than the mech. An operator can move from a stored vehicle to the mech’s cockpit as a move action, and vice versa. A mech can have no more than two cargo hold systems.
Consisting of light-warping and sound-dampening technomagical mechanisms installed just beneath the armor, a cloaker system enhances a mech’s ability to avoid notice. The mech gains the ability to attempt Stealth checks.
This electromagnetic pulse cannon destabilizes enemy mechs’ sophisticated machinery. Attacks with an EMP cannon target EAC, and the DC of Fortitude saves to resist its effects equal 12 + 1/2 your mech’s tier.
This simple system consists of a secure, reinforced, motion-activated door that’s programmed to open when one of a mech’s registered operators enter or exit. An entry hatch system allows a pilot to enter or exit the mech as a move action. A registered operator can instead spend 1 Resolve Point to enter or exit as a swift action.
This mechanism explodes, dealing area damage at the cost of the mech. **Type** ranged; **Range** 30; **Special** \\— **Damage** extreme; **Damage Type** P
When installed into a mech with thrusters, these winglike extensions to the mech’s frame allow it to fly for longer and higher when it activates its Power Jump ability.
This complex system plugs straight into a mech’s locomotive core, stabilizing its maneuvers and allowing for extraordinary bursts of speed.
This device immediately converts a mech’s act of destruction into ammo. **Effect** After destroying a target with a CR greater than or equal to the mech’s tier – 2, the KMSD instantly returns all battery charges, missile weapons, and kinetic ammunition for two weapons to full standard ammunition count. The targeted creature or construct must be within the mech’s attack range. No additional PP is generated at the end of the round during which a KMSD charge is completed.
Magical nanites repair a mech’s hull.
These circuits channel the dissipating force of a mech’s shields, transforming the energy into offensive power.
Consisting of specialized reinforcements to the mech’s lower limbs, this system allows a mech to plow past obstacles. The mech treats all difficult terrain as normal terrain.
Installed directly into a mech’s sensing and heads-up display systems, a reconnaissance array gives the mech a +2 bonus to Perception checks and a +5 bonus to Computers checks when using the scan action
This device blasts enemies with a wide range of energy waves, overwhelming targets’ sensors and triggering erroneous readouts.
Technomagical conduits weave through every part of the mech, constantly analyzing the mech’s position and calculating dozens of other possible positions nearby. With a burst of energy, the mech can teleport to any of these destinations.
The mech’s array of powerful engines enable it to fly across short distances.
This system consists of energetic nodes that connect to the mech’s sundry weapon mounts. When purchasing this auxiliary system, choose two of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.
The mech has numerous holsters, harnesses, and other fittings that can hold spare weapons. As a move action, the mech can store one weapon it’s currently wielding in one or more of its upper limb slots, placing it in the weapon rack. As part of that same action, the mech can also draw one weapon from the weapon rack, automatically installing it for immediate use. The weapon rack can be used only to store weapons that occupy upper limb slots, and the rack can hold a number of weapons with a total number of combined slots no greater than 4.
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