Algal Shielding




5 + 2 x Size Category

The algal shielding system can be installed only in a biomechanical starship. The hull of a vessel with algal shielding has a layer made of water-filled, valved chambers that circulate blue-green algae through the ship, interfacing with the life-support system and most living parts of the ship. This supplemental circulatory system has two functions. First, the algae act as a radiation buffer. When a biomechanical starship with algal shielding takes damage from a weapon with the irradiate special property, the algal shielding grants a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against radiation and other poisons introduced to the ship’s internal atmosphere. This system also functions as one hydroponic garden (Pact Worlds 153). If a critical damage effect causes a vessel’s life-support system to become malfunctioning or wrecked, the algal shielding provides no benefit until the life-support system’s condition is improved to glitching or normal.


Starship Operations Manual pg. 27

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