

Interstellar Species pg. 12

Each evolutionist selects a specific niche of personal transformation into some new kind of being, be it a living robot, ferocious god- beast, immortal undead, or being of magical energy. You must pick one niche upon taking your first evolutionist level, and once made this choice can’t be changed.

Each niche grants you several benefits and affects several of your other class features. If a niche ability allows a target to attempt a saving throw to resist its effects (including spell-like abilities) the DC is equal to 10 + half your evolutionist level + your key ability score modifier unless otherwise stated.

1st Level: Your niche grants you a unique evolutionist adaptation and the listed skill as a bonus class skill. In addition, the niche affects several of your other class features: your niche provides a unique instinct and a unique drawback that affects your evolution track ability, determines which augmentations your augmented form ability affects at 2nd level, and determines one of the skills enhanced by your skill boost ability at 3rd level.

10th Level: Your transformation has reached an important milestone, giving you an ability you can use once per day.

20th Level: You have completed your transformation. Your creature type changes to one of the creature types associated with your niche. In addition, you become immune to one or more effects based on your niche, plus two additional effects of your choice from the following list: bleed, death effects, disease, fatigued (including exhausted), negative levels, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, or stun.



Level 1

You seek religious apotheosis—to become a powerful servant of a god or a semi-divine being yourself. You channel planar energy through your body, becoming aligned with a specific outer plane but also opening yourself to harm from those aligned with its opposite. In time, you aim to complete your transformation into an outsider of the outer planes, such as an angel, azata, demon, or devil.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 42


Level 1

You intend to gradually metamorphose into a fantastical or extraplanar being. Magical energy flows through your veins and deflects spells, yet the more you embrace this influence, the more toxic the mundane world becomes to you.


Level 1

Your personal journey will transform you from mortal into machine. When stressed, your body begins replacing parts of you with mechanized armor.


Level 1

You strive to attain undead immortality on your own terms. While unliving energies strengthen your body and grant you supernatural power over life and death, you develop unnatural hungers that drive you to violence. If not controlled, your transformation might tear your body apart at the seams.


Level 1

Your body, a riot of biological potential, longs to become some extraordinary flora, fauna, or chimeric creature. Rampant life energy heals your wounds, yet your thoughts become equally impulsive and direct.



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