Level 8
Your form contorts and grows unpredictable cosmetic features.
Improved Skill: Acrobatics
Natural Weapon (Ranged): Energy bolt (1d6, 40-foot range increment); roll 1d10 to determine the energy bolt’s damage type when you assume this form: acid (1–2), cold (3–4), electricity (5–6), fire (7–8), or sonic (9–10).
Defensive Ability: You gain a +3 circumstance bonus to KAC against bull rush, grapple, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers. As part of your move action to assume this form, you can attempt an Acrobatics check or grapple combat maneuver to escape the grappled or pinned condition.
Additional Abilities: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to saving throws against petrification and polymorph effects.
Spells Known: shifting surge (1st), reality leap (2nd), and entropic grasp (3rd)