Paradigm Shift


Character Operations Manual pg. 60

Paradigm shifts represent your ability to briefly install pieces of alternate realities into your own, subtly or radically changing your surroundings for a time. You learn your first paradigm shift at 2nd level, and an additional paradigm shift every 3 levels thereafter. Unless otherwise stated, the effects of a paradigm shift last for a number of rounds equal to your witchwarper level. If a paradigm shift allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your witchwarper level + your Charisma modifier.

Starting at 4th level, your ability to shuffle these realities improves. Upon gaining a witchwarper level (including at 4th level), you can swap out one paradigm shift you know for a different paradigm shift of the same level. You can instead select a paradigm shift of a lower level, but note the level of the original paradigm shift so that when you later swap out the same paradigm shift at later levels, you can select any paradigm shift of the original level or lower.)

The list of paradigm shifts appears following the class features.


As a standard action, you can target a creature within 100 feet that was summoned with summon creature or transformed with polymorph and alter their form (Will negates). You transform this creature from their current form to another creature or form allowed by the spell of that spell level, though these creatures or forms must be drawn from the predetermined polymorph forms or predetermined summon creature forms selected by you or the caster. The creature retains this new form for the duration of the summon creature or polymorph spell. After you use this ability, you can’t do so again until after you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points, though you can use it additional times by spending 1 Resolve Point per additional use.


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As a standard action, you can funnel magical energy into a technological light source within 100 feet. The area that light source illuminates is doubled. At 8th level, you can also cause the light source to increase the light level in its illuminated area by an additional step. At 14th level, the area is quadrupled. This effect lasts for 1 hour, and the maximum number of devices you can affect at one time equals your Charisma modifier; if you exceed this limit, your oldest use of the paradigm shift ends. You can’t affect a specific light source with this paradigm shift more than once every 24 hours.


Tech Revolution pg. 38

Chaos AmmoSu

Level 2

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to channel an alternate reality’s energy into your weapon’s ammunition. Using the table below, roll 1d6 to determine a damage type. Attacks made with the ammunition loaded in the weapon when you use this ability deal an addition 1d4 damage of the randomly determined type. This effect lasts until the ammo is removed from the weapon, the ammo’s expended, or 10 minutes pass, whichever occurs first. Additional ammunition loaded into the weapon is unaffected, and affected ammunition only deals damage while you wield the weapon.

Roll Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Bludgeoning
3 Cold
4 Electricity
5 Fire
6 Sonic

At 8th level, the additional damage increases to 2d4. At 14th level, you can roll twice and choose one result to determine this ability’s damage type.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 88

As a reaction when you or an ally is targeted with an attack originating within 100 feet, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to impose a –2 penalty on the attack roll. If the attack is coming from a creature, that creature can attempt a Will saving throw to negate this effect. Once you’ve targeted an attacker with this paradigm shift, you can’t target the same attacker with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours. At 8th level, the penalty changes to –3, and at 14th level, the penalty changes to –4.

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to target a creature within 100 feet and swap in alternate physiologies or circuitry in its body in this version of existence, imposing the shaken condition for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot expended.

As a standard action, you can touch a weapon to temporarily replace it with an incapacitating variant drawn from an alternate reality, causing the weapon to deal nonlethal damage (Will negates).

You can draw specific magic effects from other realities, allowing you to access spells normally not available to witchwarpers. Select one spell from the mystic or technomancer spell list. It must be of a level no greater than 1 lower than the highest-level spell you can cast. Add this to your list of witchwarper spells known. Each time you gain the ability to cast a higher level of witchwarper spells, you may swap out the spell gained with this paradigm shift for a new spell of a maximum level no greater than 1 lower than the highest-level spell you can cast.

As a standard action, you can target a creature within 100 feet and plunge it into darkness. This creates an area of magical darkness that affects only the targeted creature and occupies its space. This darkness does not affect the creature’s visibility to other creatures, nor its ability to attempt Stealth checks to hide. The darkness overcomes all nonmagical light and is itself overcome by any magical light source. At 8th level, each time the creature takes an action that lets it move while the darkness persists, it must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or the area of darkness moves with it. Once the creature has failed a saving throw and the darkness has moved with it, the darkness remains stationary for the remaining duration of this effect.


Near Space pg. 127

As a standard action, you can surround a creature within 100 feet in a halo of light that outlines their form (Will negates). The targeted creature is treated as if they were in an area of normal light and takes a –20 penalty to Stealth checks. If the creature becomes invisible or unseen, it gains concealment rather than total concealment. After you use this ability, you can’t do so again until after you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.


Galactic Magic pg. 39

Your words carry supernatural weight, helping listeners imagine a reality in which they’d agree with you. When you succeed at a Diplomacy check to improve a creature’s attitude by 4 or less, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat your Diplomacy check as though you had exceeded the check’s DC by 5 for the purpose of modifying the creature’s attitude further.

If your check result already exceeds the DC by 5 or more, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reduce the number of additional minutes you need to spend interacting with the creature to improve their attitude further by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 minute). If their attitude is already helpful when you do so, rather than improve their attitude through further interaction, you inspire their efforts to help you; this grants the creature a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws to assist you with a task. This bonus lasts for 10 minutes or until the creature helps you overcome a significant obstacle. Such a creature’s attitude remains helpful, and they still provide help only within reasonable means.


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As a standard action, you can overlay faint outlines of yourself from multiple alternate realities, giving yourself a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC. At 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point when using this ability to instead give an ally you touch a +1 enhancement bonus to AC.

As a reaction when you or an ally within 100 feet takes Hit Point damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to prevent 1d4 points of that damage for every 2 witchwarper levels you have.

Push GrenadeSu

Level 2

As a reaction when a grenade would explode within 100 feet, you can shift the grenade’s position by 5 feet before it detonates, and your allies within its area of effect gain a +2 insight bonus to their saving throws against the grenade’s effects. You can also use this ability against an instantaneous effect or spell defined as a burst radius that requires a saving throw. At 8th level, you can shift the grenade’s detonation position by 10 feet. At 11th level, you can shift the grenade’s detonation position by 15 feet.

Reaching LashSu

Level 2

When you expend a witchwarper spell slot to empower your infinity lash, you also increase the infinity lash’s reach by 5 feet, plus an additional 5 feet for every two levels of the expended spell slot. Each time you make an attack with the infinity lash, reduce this additional reach by 5 feet. You must have the infinity lash GM alternate class feature to take this paradigm shift.


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As a standard action, you can change the type of a single energy resistance (but not immunity) of a creature within 100 feet (from cold to fire, for example) for 1 round. The creature can attempt a Will saving throw to negate this effect. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

As a standard action, you can pull the ammunition from one weapon and teleport it into another. Select two weapons within 50 feet of you that use the same type of ammunition or batteries. You transfer an amount of the first target’s ammunition to the second target; the ammunition you transfer each time you use this ability can’t exceed your witchwarper level plus your Charisma modifier. This transfer can’t reduce the first weapon’s remaining ammunition to less than 0, nor can it grant the second weapon ammunition that exceeds its maximum capacity. If one or both weapons are in the possession of unwilling creatures, each such creature can attempt a Will save to negate the effect.

This transfer is subtle but noticeable by anyone within reach of either weapon. You can transfer ammunition without it being detected as if using Sleight of Hand to palm an object, though you can use either Mysticism or Sleight of Hand for your skill check to resolve this action.

As a reaction when you or an ally within 100 feet is affected by a spell or ability that allows a saving throw and would deal Stamina Point, Hit Point, or ability damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the target a new saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid or mitigate the effect’s damage and effects.

As a standard action, you can touch a weapon that deals kinetic damage and temporarily change the material it or its ammunition is constructed from into one of the following special materials: cold iron or silver. At 8th level, add adamantine alloy, inubrix, noqual, and siccatite to the list of special materials you can select. At 11th level, add abysium, horacalcum, and voidglass to the list of special materials you can select. The transformation lasts a number of rounds equal to your witchwarper level plus your Charisma modifier, after which the weapon becomes immune to your transmute material paradigm shift for 24 hours.


Tech Revolution pg. 39

Agile LashSu

Level 5

Like a living grappling hook, your infinity lash helps you vault and scale obstacles. While wielding your infinity lash, you can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Strength modifier to calculate your Athletics modifier to climb and jump. While your infinity lash is empowered by one of your expended spell slots, you also gain a +5-foot enhancement bonus to your base speed, and you gain a climb speed equal to half your base speed. If the expended spell slot is at least 4th level, the enhancement bonus to your base speed increases to +15 feet. You must have the infinity lash alternate class feature to choose this paradigm shift.


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As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to envision an alternate reality in which you trained differently, took different coursework in school, or just paid more attention in the classes you did take. Choose a skill to acquire; for 1 minute, all the ranks you have in the skill to which your compound sight feature applies, as well as the compound sight feature itself, instead apply to the skill you are acquiring. This skill also becomes a class skill for you, so you receive a trained class skill bonus when making checks with it. However, you have 0 ranks in the skill to which your compound sight usually applies for the duration of this ability.

This effect lasts for 1 minute, though you can dismiss it at any time. If you use this ability to acquire a skill that requires you to make choices—such as Culture, which grants an additional language for every rank— you make those choices when you spend the Resolve Point to activate this ability.

You intuitively draw experience from countless accomplished starship officers across time and space, helping you operate a starship by sheer willpower. You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier when calculating your Mysticism modifier when performing magic officer crew actions. You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a minor crew action during the engineering phase of starship combat to absorb the technical expertise of a crew member from an alternate reality. When you do so, choose one skill used to resolve starship combat crew actions. For 1d4+1 rounds, you can perform crew actions as though you had a number of ranks in that skill equal to half your witchwarper level, and your modifier for that skill when performing starship crew actions equals your witchwarper level + your Charisma modifier.


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As a reaction when you would take damage from an ongoing condition (such as bleeding or burning), you can heal your recurring wounds by replacing them with already-sealed wounds. This ends the triggering condition before you take damage from it this turn. At 11th level, if you have a temporary blinded or deafened condition with a duration of less than 1 minute, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to end one or both of these conditions as well when using this ability.

As a reaction, when you’re dealt damage by a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to seize fragments of magical energy from other realities and interpose them between yourself and harm, reflecting a fraction of the damage back onto your attacker. Your attacker takes damage equal to your class level of the same type of damage you were dealt, though this damage can’t exceed the damage you took from the spell.


Galactic Magic pg. 39

When you use your infinite worlds ability, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to increase the effect’s radius to 15 feet (or 20 feet if you’re 11th level or higher).


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Level 5

As a standard action, you can prevent a creature within 100 feet from taking its best course of action by overwhelming it with visions of its failures in other realities as a supernatural ability. The target must succeed at a Will save or become staggered for 1 round. At 8th level, alternatively, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to instead use slow as a spell-like ability. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.


Level 5

You can show a creature a glimpse of the results of its choices in other realities, allowing it to act more efficiently. As a standard action, you can touch a willing creature to increase all of its speeds by 10 feet. This is considered an enhancement bonus and is a supernatural haste effect. At 8th level, alternatively, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to instead use haste as a spell‑like ability. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target them with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

As a standard action, you can augment a vehicle you touch with modifications from a parallel existence. You grant the vehicle one of the following vehicle modifications: adamantine plating mk 1, deflective field mk 1, grav-nav mk 1, pilot assist mk 1, or personnel enclosure. At 11th level, you also grant the vehicle one of the following vehicle modifications: boarding clamp, collision dampeners, ramming plow mk 1, terrain adaptation, or turbo boost. These modifications don’t take up a modification slot. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, though as a standard action you can extend the effect’s duration by an addition round (maximum duration 1 minute).


Tech Revolution pg. 39

As a reaction when you or a creature within 100 feet would take energy damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the target resistance 5 against that energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). This resistance is applied before the damage from the triggering attack. At 8th level, the resistance granted increases to 10. At 11th level, the resistance granted increases to 15.

Like a ship’s wake, your allies’ determination sends ripples through reality, making it easier for you to reach into other worlds. When an ally within 30 feet of you expends one or more Resolve Points, you can attempt to draw power from their determination as a reaction. You have a percent chance to succeed equal to 20% times the number of Resolve Points the ally expended. If you succeed, you gain a temporary 1st-level spell slot that you can only expend to activate your infinite worlds class ability (or alternate class ability that replaces infinite worlds). The spell slot increases to 2nd level if both you and the ally are at least 9th level, to 3rd level if both you and the ally are at least 14th level, and to 4th level if both you and the ally are at least 19th level. You retain this spell slot for 1d4+1 rounds or until you expend it, whichever comes first. Once you gain a spell slot in this way, you cannot do so again until you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points during a 10-minute rest.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 88

Safe PassageSu

Level 5

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily transpose safe terrain from another reality beneath you as you move. For a number of rounds equal to the expended spell slot’s level, you ignore non-magical difficult terrain and reduce all damage you take from non-magical hazards by an amount equal to your witchwarper level. If you enter an area of magical difficult terrain or magical hazardous terrain, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to attempt a dispel check against the magical terrain, as per dispel magic; if you succeed, you don’t dispel the effect but instead can move through and resist that terrain’s effects as though it were nonmagical for the duration of this paradigm shift.


Galactic Magic pg. 39

As a standard action, you can touch a weapon that deals damage and temporarily change its damage type. If the weapon deals kinetic damage, you can change it only to another type of kinetic damage; if it deals energy damage, you can change it only to another type of energy damage. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

At 11th level, you can instead spend 1 RP to cause a touched weapon to deal any type of kinetic or energy damage, regardless of its normal damage type. For example, you could cause a zero rifle to deal piercing damage instead of cold. This ability never causes a weapon to target a different Armor Class.

As a standard action, you can temporarily replace one of your paradigm shifts with another paradigm shift that you don’t know but meet the prerequisites of. For the duration of this ability, you can use the new paradigm shift once but can’t use the paradigm shift it replaced. At 11th level, you can use the new paradigm shift twice during the duration of this ability. You can’t replace a paradigm shift that is currently in effect, that is a requirement for another paradigm shift you know, or that has limited uses that you have expended. When this ability ends, you immediately lose access to the new paradigm shift and regain your replaced paradigm shift. You can use swap paradigms multiple times per day, but you must spend 1 Resolve Point for each additional use.

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to transform a vehicle’s mode of transport, granting it wheels, a hull, wings, and other features as needed. One vehicle you touch replaces one of its current movement speeds with an equal movement speed selected from the following: land speed, swim speed, or fly speed. This transformation lasts for a number of minutes equal to your witchwarper level, though you can extend the duration to 8 hours by spending 2 additional Resolve Points when you activate this ability.


Tech Revolution pg. 39

You’ve developed a way to brute force technological problems with magical determination. You gain a 2nd-level technomancer magic hack for which you qualify. When calculating the magic hack’s effects, your technomancer level equals your witchwarper level – 6, and you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence. You can take this paradigm shift a second time to gain a 5th-level magic hack if you are at least 11th level, and you can take it a third time if you are at least 14th level to gain an 8th-level magic hack.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 89

You draw on the strengths of alternate versions of yourself. As a standard action, choose an ability score and gain a +2 insight bonus to all skill checks associated with that ability score. If your skill modified by the compound sight uses the selected ability score, you increase compound sight’s insight bonus by 2 for the duration of this effect. Once you’ve used this paradigm shift, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and target a creature with the technological subtype within 50 feet, afflicting it with catastrophic malfunctions drawn from an alternate reality (Fortitude negates). For the duration of the effect, each round that the target begins its turn within 50 feet of you, it takes 2d6 electricity damage. Alternatively, you can target a handheld technological device that uses a battery, dealing 2d6 electricity damage to whoever is holding or carrying the device whenever they begin their turn within 50 feet of you. The wielder can negate this effect with a successful Fortitude save. Once you’ve targeted a technological creature or device with this ability, it’s immune to your devastating overload for 24 hours.


Tech Revolution pg. 39

Your greatest lies split into alternate timelines the moment you utter them, converging on the outcome that suits you. When you attempt a Bluff check to lie, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to tell two different lies to the same audience. Roll a different Bluff check for each lie. After seeing the dice results, choose one result to keep. You tell only the lie you chose to keep (including its Bluff result), banishing the other lie’s alternate timeline as if it had never happened.

The lies must be distinct, even if their objectives are the same. For example, lying about being a guard’s replacement and lying about the building being on fire might both be intended to make a guard leave the area, though their reasons and plausibility differ.


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As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to target a creature within 100 feet and swap in alternate physiologies or circuitry in its body in this version of existence, imposing the staggered condition for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot expended. The creature can attempt a Fortitude save at the beginning of each of its turns to negate this effect. You must know the disrupt creature paradigm shift to learn this paradigm shift.

You’ve developed a strong connection to certain types of alternate realities whose power you’re able to channel into your body, briefly transforming you into a supernatural version of yourself. When you gain this paradigm shift, choose one of the following variants: Chaoskin, Driftblood, Fiendtouched, Shadowkind, or Storysworn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a move action to transform into the chosen variant of yourself for 1 minute. Forms typically provide a defensive ability, grant you the natural weapon universal creature rule, add several spells to your list of spells known, and improve one skill for the duration of the effect.

A form’s natural weapon entry notes whether it’s a ranged of melee attack, as well as its damage, damage type, range, and any weapon special properties. Increase its number of damage dice by 1 for every 3 witchwarper levels you have beyond 8th.

You treat the improved skill as a class skill and gain a number of ranks assigned to that skill equal to your witchwarper level (to a maximum number of skills equal to your level). If the skill already has the maximum number of ranks invested, you instead add this skill to the list of skills modified by your compound sight class ability.

You can gain this paradigm shift multiple times. Each time, you choose an additional form that you can assume, though you can only assume one form at a time when using this paradigm shift.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 89

You’ve developed a strong connection to certain types of alternate realities whose power you’re able to channel into your body, briefly transforming you into a supernatural version of yourself. When you gain this paradigm shift, choose one of the following variants: Chaoskin, Driftblood, Fiendtouched, Shadowkind, or Storysworn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a move action to transform into the chosen variant of yourself for 1 minute. Forms typically provide a defensive ability, grant you the natural weapon universal creature rule, add several spells to your list of spells known, and improve one skill for the duration of the effect.

A form’s natural weapon entry notes whether it’s a ranged of melee attack, as well as its damage, damage type, range, and any weapon special properties. Increase its number of damage dice by 1 for every 3 witchwarper levels you have beyond 8th.

You treat the improved skill as a class skill and gain a number of ranks assigned to that skill equal to your witchwarper level (to a maximum number of skills equal to your level). If the skill already has the maximum number of ranks invested, you instead add this skill to the list of skills modified by your compound sight class ability.

You can gain this paradigm shift multiple times. Each time, you choose an additional form that you can assume, though you can only assume one form at a time when using this paradigm shift.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 89

You’ve developed a strong connection to certain types of alternate realities whose power you’re able to channel into your body, briefly transforming you into a supernatural version of yourself. When you gain this paradigm shift, choose one of the following variants: Chaoskin, Driftblood, Fiendtouched, Shadowkind, or Storysworn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a move action to transform into the chosen variant of yourself for 1 minute. Forms typically provide a defensive ability, grant you the natural weapon universal creature rule, add several spells to your list of spells known, and improve one skill for the duration of the effect.

A form’s natural weapon entry notes whether it’s a ranged of melee attack, as well as its damage, damage type, range, and any weapon special properties. Increase its number of damage dice by 1 for every 3 witchwarper levels you have beyond 8th.

You treat the improved skill as a class skill and gain a number of ranks assigned to that skill equal to your witchwarper level (to a maximum number of skills equal to your level). If the skill already has the maximum number of ranks invested, you instead add this skill to the list of skills modified by your compound sight class ability.

You can gain this paradigm shift multiple times. Each time, you choose an additional form that you can assume, though you can only assume one form at a time when using this paradigm shift.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 89

You’ve developed a strong connection to certain types of alternate realities whose power you’re able to channel into your body, briefly transforming you into a supernatural version of yourself. When you gain this paradigm shift, choose one of the following variants: Chaoskin, Driftblood, Fiendtouched, Shadowkind, or Storysworn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a move action to transform into the chosen variant of yourself for 1 minute. Forms typically provide a defensive ability, grant you the natural weapon universal creature rule, add several spells to your list of spells known, and improve one skill for the duration of the effect.

A form’s natural weapon entry notes whether it’s a ranged of melee attack, as well as its damage, damage type, range, and any weapon special properties. Increase its number of damage dice by 1 for every 3 witchwarper levels you have beyond 8th.

You treat the improved skill as a class skill and gain a number of ranks assigned to that skill equal to your witchwarper level (to a maximum number of skills equal to your level). If the skill already has the maximum number of ranks invested, you instead add this skill to the list of skills modified by your compound sight class ability.

You can gain this paradigm shift multiple times. Each time, you choose an additional form that you can assume, though you can only assume one form at a time when using this paradigm shift.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 89

You’ve developed a strong connection to certain types of alternate realities whose power you’re able to channel into your body, briefly transforming you into a supernatural version of yourself. When you gain this paradigm shift, choose one of the following variants: Chaoskin, Driftblood, Fiendtouched, Shadowkind, or Storysworn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a move action to transform into the chosen variant of yourself for 1 minute. Forms typically provide a defensive ability, grant you the natural weapon universal creature rule, add several spells to your list of spells known, and improve one skill for the duration of the effect.

A form’s natural weapon entry notes whether it’s a ranged of melee attack, as well as its damage, damage type, range, and any weapon special properties. Increase its number of damage dice by 1 for every 3 witchwarper levels you have beyond 8th.

You treat the improved skill as a class skill and gain a number of ranks assigned to that skill equal to your witchwarper level (to a maximum number of skills equal to your level). If the skill already has the maximum number of ranks invested, you instead add this skill to the list of skills modified by your compound sight class ability.

You can gain this paradigm shift multiple times. Each time, you choose an additional form that you can assume, though you can only assume one form at a time when using this paradigm shift.


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As a reaction when you are targeted by a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain spell resistance equal to 12 + your witchwarper level until the end of your next turn.

As a reaction, when a hostile creature within 100 feet would take any action to move 10 or more feet toward you or an ally, you can force it to witness an alternate reality in which a massive horror covered in tongues, teeth, and armored plates is bearing down toward it. The target creature must succeed at a Will saving throw or it instead loses its action immediately as it is shocked into stillness, and it cannot voluntarily take any additional movement until the beginning of its next turn. Once an attacker has been affected by this paradigm shift, it can’t be targeted by it again for 24 hours. This is a fear effect.


Near Space pg. 127

Replace TechSu

Level 8

As a standard action, you briefly replace an inanimate object with its double drawn from another reality. You target one object weighing up to 3 Bulk within 50 feet, causing it to gain or lose the broken condition by becoming well-worn or brand new for a number of rounds equal to your witchwarper level. If the object is in the possession of an unwilling creature, that creature can attempt a Will save to negate this effect. After you use this ability, you cannot do so again until after you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.


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Level 8

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to wrap yourself in supernatural mist. You gain concealment for a number of rounds equal to twice the level of the spell slot expended. You can see through this mist clearly, and you can’t use this obvious source of concealment to hide. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to activate this paradigm shift as a reaction when you are targeted by an attack.

You’ve developed a way to brute force technological problems with magical determination. You gain a 2nd-level technomancer magic hack for which you qualify. When calculating the magic hack’s effects, your technomancer level equals your witchwarper level – 6, and you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence. You can take this paradigm shift a second time to gain a 5th-level magic hack if you are at least 11th level, and you can take it a third time if you are at least 14th level to gain an 8th-level magic hack.


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Your obscuring magic doesn’t just thwart enemy sensors; it can overload them. When you succeed at a Mysticism check to perform the mystic haze magic officer crew action, you create an especially vexing countermeasure that lasts until the end of the next round. Whenever an opposing science officer performs the scan or lock on crew action against your starship and either fails the check by 5 or more or rolls a natural 1 on the Computers check, your magic scrambles the starship’s sensors system as if it had been hit by an EMP weapon.


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Dart AsideSu

Level 11

As a reaction when you are hit by an attack but before the attack’s damage is resolved, you can spend 2 RP to teleport up to 10 feet away. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If your new location would cause you to be an invalid target for the triggering attack (for example, because you are out of range of a melee attack or the attacker no longer has line of effect to you), the attack is treated as a miss.

As a move action, you teleport up to 10 feet, extracting yourself from any impediments. If you are entangled, grappled, or pinned, these conditions end. If you are prone and would move to a solid surface, you are now standing. If you are off-kilter due to being in zero gravity, you right yourself. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. After you use this ability, you can’t use it again for 1d6 rounds. You must know the flash teleport paradigm shift to learn this paradigm shift.

Hijack PortalSu

Level 11

Once per day as a standard action, you can touch a door or similar portal, no dimension of which can exceed 5 feet for every three witchwarper levels you have. At the same time, you visualize another door within 1 mile that you’ve passed through within the past 24 hours, creating a link between the two doors. Whenever a willing creature enters the touched door, they can choose to emerge through the visualized door as if it were a magical one-way portal. This effect is a teleportation effect that lasts for 1 minute. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day.


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Living LashSu

Level 11

As a reaction when you attack and damage a creature with your infinity lash and your attack roll exceeds the target’s armor class by 4 or more, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to animate and let go of your infinity lash, transforming it into a constricting serpent. The lash coils around the target, giving them the entangled condition for 1 round (Reflex negates). At the end of each of the creature’s turns that the lash continues constricting, the creature becomes entangled for an additional round and takes damage as though you had struck them with the infinity lash; a successful Reflex save negates the entangled condition for one round and halves the damage.

The animated infinity lash is a Small construct with the magical subtype. Its EAC and KAC are each equal to 15 + your witchwarper level, and it has a number of Hit Points equal to half your own. If destroyed, the infinity lash disappears, and you cannot create another for 1 minute. If the effect’s duration ends or the creature escapes the infinity lash’s constriction while you are within 30 feet of it and have a free hand, the infinity lash immediately returns to your hand. Otherwise, the infinity lash disappears but can be created again. Once you animate your infinity lash to entangle a creature, that creature becomes immune to your living lash for 24 hours.

You must have the infinity lash alternate class feature to choose this paradigm shift.


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You draw biological adaptations from an unfamiliar reality and apply them onto your form. Once per day when you regain your spell slots, select a single biome from those listed on page 46 of the Galaxy Exploration Manual, such as aquatic, forest, or space. When you are in this biome, you ignore the effects of nonmagical difficult terrain. Additionally, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks and to saving throws made against environmental hazards when you are in this biome.

Substitute MindSu

Level 11

You can free a creature from mental control or conditions that hamper it. Once per day as a standard action, you can touch a willing or unconscious creature. When you do, the affected part of its mind is replaced with a nearly exact duplicate from an alternate reality, ending all mind-affecting effects the target has as well as all conditions removed by greater remove condition that were imposed on the creature by mind-affecting effects. The subject is stunned until the end of its next turn.

You can also attempt to use this ability on an ally who is unwilling due to the influence of a mind-affecting effect. In this case, the ally can attempt a new saving throw against the effect at the same DC. If they succeed, the ally can allow their mind to be substituted, but if they fail, you waste the action and this use of substitute mind. This does not grant the ally a new saving throw if the effect did not originally allow one.

At 14th level, you can use this ability on yourself, even if you’re otherwise unable to take actions because of a mind‑affecting effect. If you do, it must be the first thing you do on your turn, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn.

You’ve developed a way to brute force technological problems with magical determination. You gain a 2nd-level technomancer magic hack for which you qualify. When calculating the magic hack’s effects, your technomancer level equals your witchwarper level – 6, and you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence. You can take this paradigm shift a second time to gain a 5th-level magic hack if you are at least 11th level, and you can take it a third time if you are at least 14th level to gain an 8th-level magic hack.


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You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to share two allies’ skillsets with each other. Both allies must be within 30 feet of you. For each ally, choose either a skill in which they’re trained or a feat they have. If you choose an ally’s skill, the other ally calculates their skill modifier as though it were a class skill and as though they had a number of ranks in that skill equal to the first ally’s ranks (maximum a number of ranks equal to the recipient’s level). If you choose a feat, the other ally gains that feat so long as they meet its prerequisites. Both allies retain this benefit for a number of minutes equal to half your witchwarper level. Once you have affected a creature with this paradigm shift, they are immune to further uses until you spend 1 Resolve Point to recover Stamina Points during a 10-minute rest.


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Eldritch SiphonSu

Level 14

Once per day as a move action, you can siphon eldritch energy from an alternate reality to cast your next spell without expending a spell slot. You must cast this siphoned spell before the end of your turn. You can spend 2 Resolve Points to cast a siphoned 1st- or 2nd-level spell or 4 Resolve Points to cast a siphoned 3rd-level spell. You can siphon only spells with a casting time of 1 full action or shorter. At 16th level, you can spend 4 Resolve Points to siphon a 4th-level spell.

As a standard action, target one creature within 100 feet and subject them to the experiences of their every manifestation across myriad realities. This mental strain causes the creature to become exhausted unless it succeeds at a Will saving throw. This is a mind-affecting effect. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

Your senses are so finely attuned that you can easily spot anything supernatural. Add either see invisibility or arcane sight to your list of spells known. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when you cast see invisibility to extend its duration to 1 hour/level. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when you cast arcane sight to extend its duration to 10 minutes/level.


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Whenever you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell to create a single powerful effect with your infinite worlds ability, you can channel additional energies from another plane of existence to also apply a second effect normally created by expending a 1st-level spell. Whenever you expend a 5th- or 6th-level spell to create a single powerful effect, you can also apply a second effect normally created by expending a 1st- or 2nd-level spell.


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As a reaction when a creature with immunity to a type of energy damage within 100 feet is affected by energy damage, you can change the creature’s immunity to another type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) before the damage is resolved. The effect of this paradigm shift lasts for 3 rounds. This does not affect the creature’s ability to survive environmental hazards or conditions, only what damage it takes from attacks and special abilities. (For example, a creature normally immune to fire that has its immunity shifted to cold by this ability and then swims in lava still doesn’t take damage from the lava even though it’s now vulnerable to fire weapons and spells.) The creature can attempt a Will saving throw to negate this effect. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours. You must know the shift resistance paradigm shift to learn this paradigm shift.

Shred DefensesSu

Level 14

As a reaction when a creature with spell resistance is affected by a spell while within 30 feet of you, you can unravel their magical defenses. Reduce the target’s spell resistance by 4 until the end of your next turn (Will negates). Each time a spell successfully overcomes the target’s spell resistance during this time, the amount by which this effect reduces the spell resistance increases by 1. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

Swapping StepSu

Level 14

Once per round as a move action, you can switch the positions of two creatures within 100 feet, instantaneously swapping their places. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can’t swap creatures’ positions in a way that would cause either creature to take damage or be forced into an inappropriate physical space. (For example, you could not swap the positions of two creatures of different sizes if doing so would cause the larger creature to risk falling off a cliff or into a hazard, or cause one of the creatures to be placed within a solid object). Each targeted creature can attempt a Will save to avoid this effect. If either creature succeeds, this paradigm shift has no effect. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

As a standard action, select two living creatures within 100 feet: a primary target affected by an ongoing disease or poison and a secondary target who is not. The secondary target is exposed to one of the primary target’s diseases or poisons of your choice and must attempt a Fortitude saving throw against the affliction. If they fail the save, they gain the affliction and move to the first step on its progression track, and the primary target attempts a new saving throw against that affliction with a +4 circumstance bonus, curing them of the affliction if they succeed at the save. You can’t attempt to transfer the same affliction more than once per 24 hours.

Unveil RealitySu

Level 14

As a standard action, you can target one creature within 100 feet and tear back the veils of all worlds, overwhelming the target with a bewildering phantasmagoria. This causes the creature to gain the stunned condition for 3 rounds and can attempt a Will saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns to negate this effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. Once you’ve targeted a creature with this paradigm shift, you can’t target that creature with this paradigm shift again for 24 hours.

Wishful ScryingSu

Level 14

Sometimes your divinations see reality, and sometimes they impose alternate realities on what you perceive. When you succeed at a Mysticism check to perform the scrying magic officer crew action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to learn one less piece of information and instead temporarily alter one of that starship’s properties. Choose one of the effects below for which you have successfully learned the associated piece of information. Each effect lasts for 1d4 rounds, and an engineer can end the effect before then as if it were a glitching critical damage condition. Once you apply one of these effects to a starship, that starship becomes immune to further uses of that effect for 24 hours, though you can use this paradigm shift to apply other effects to that starship.

Awkward (basic information): The first time each round that the starship turns, the pilot must succeed at a Piloting check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 your witchwarper level) or move at least one additional hex before turning, as if the starship’s maneuverability were one category worse. This has no effect on starships with clumsy maneuverability.

Chaotically Calibrated (weapon): Choose up to three of the starship’s weapons. Whenever a gunner operating one of those weapons rolls a natural 1 on their gunnery check, the weapon misfires catastrophically, dealing half the weapon’s damage to the starship; this damage bypasses the starship’s shields.

Explosively Unstable (load): You increase the volatility of some of the starship’s cargo, triggering an imminent explosion. The starship’s sensors immediately detect the threat, alerting its crew (and allowing the engineer to end this effect and avert damage). At the beginning of the next helm phase, that cargo explodes, dealing 1d6 damage to the starship for every 3 witchwarper levels you have; this damage bypasses the starship’s shields.

Fragile (defenses): Reduce the starship’s critical threshold by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. The cannot reduce the critical threshold below half its starting value.


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You have discovered truly terribly alternate realities to weaponize. Add the following to the list of 6th-level environmental and instantaneous effects that you can create with your infinite worlds class ability. You must spend a Resolve Point to use it and you can’t use it again until you spend a Resolve Point to recover Stamina Points during a 10-minute rest.

Plague Fire (Instantaneous): Fiery pathogens flood the area, burning their way into hosts’ bodies. Creatures in the area take 8d6 fire damage (Reflex half) immediately and at the start of each turn they begin in the area.


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You don’t just nudge reality; you shove it toward the desired outcome. When you use your alternate outcome class ability to reroll an attack roll, also roll 1d6. If the rerolled attack would hit and the sum of the rerolled die result and the d6’s result equals or exceeds 20, the attack is a critical hit.


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