

Character Operations Manual pg. 40

As you gain experience, you devise theories about the way the universe works. Some theorems you can apply to yourself, altering your physiological structure to gain specific benefits, while others require the use of your custom microlab or other equipment or add additional options for your biohacks. You learn your first theorem at 2nd level, and you gain an additional theorem every 2 levels thereafter. If a theorem allows an opponent a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your biohacker level + your key ability score modifier. If a theorem requires an opponent to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × your biohacker level + your key ability score modifier. Unless otherwise specified, you can’t learn a theorem more than once. Once you learn a theorem, that choice cannot be changed.


You’ve discovered how to create specialized spell ampoules using ingredients in your custom microlab. Your selection of spell amps is limited to a number of spells equal to 3 + half your biohacker level; these spells must fulfill all the requirements for a spell amp as detailed on page 224 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. These spells comprise the list of spell amps you can create with this ability. Each time you gain a biohacker level, you can swap out one spell on this list for another spell that qualifies. Whenever you gain an even‑numbered biohacker level, you also select one additional spell to add to your list of spell amps.

The first time each day that you create your biohacks, you can create two 0-level spell amps and one 1st-level spell amp from your list. At 8th level, you also can prepare one 2nd-level spell amp from your list. Your spell amps are highly experimental and provide a benefit only when either consumed by you or when an imbiber also spends 1 Resolve Point as part of the action to consume the spell amp. You can inject these spell amps as though they were biohacks, though you must expend 1 Resolve Point and a biohack to do so.


Galactic Magic pg. 19

As a standard action, you can use a ranged injection weapon to quickly render emergency medical aid to a willing or unconscious creature within the first range increment of the weapon used. At 10th and 15th levels, this range increases by 10 feet. The target regains a number of Stamina Points equal to your biohacker level + your key ability score modifier. A target can be affected by this ability only once per day.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 33

Once per day as a full action, you can use a ranged injection weapon to deliver instant emergency medical aid to a willing ally within the first range increment of the weapon used. The target regains 1d4 Hit Points. Once a target has been affected by this ability, they can’t be affected again until they spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. Increase the Hit Points the target regains by this ability by 1d4 at 4th level and every even level thereafter (3d4 at level 6, 4d4 at level 8, and so on).

At 5th level, you can spend Resolve Points equal to the number of times per day you’ve already used this ability to use it again.


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You can craft food or drink in half the time it would normally take, your custom microlab counts as professional’s tools for Profession (cook) checks, and you can use your Life Science skill in place of Profession (cook) for checks other than those to earn a living. If you gain an insight bonus to Life Science or Profession (cook) checks, you apply that insight bonus to both skills.


Tech Revolution pg. 19

As a reaction, you can expend one of your biohacks to protect an ally attuned to your custom microlab who is about to take falling damage. The target must be adjacent to you or within the first range increment of a ranged injection weapon you’re wielding. The target treats the fall as if it were 20 feet shorter, plus an additional 10 at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

At 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point when you use this theorem to instead target an ally who is about to take bludgeoning damage from an attack or spell. The ally reduces the damage taken by an amount equal to twice your key ability score modifier. At 10th level, this amount increases to three times your key ability score modifier, and at 15th level, this amount increases to four times your key ability score modifier. Once a creature has benefited from this use of cushion the blow, they cannot benefit from it again until they take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

You’ve attuned your body’s natural electrical field to be sensitive to others’ energy. You gain blindsense (electricity) with a range of 5 feet. You can expend a biohack as a move action to increase the range to 20 feet for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score modifier.

If you have blindsense (electricity), blindsight (electricity), electrolocation, or a similar sensory ability that uses electricity, you instead increase that ability’s range by 10 feet. You can expend a biohack as a move action to instead increase the ability’s range by 50% or to a range of 20 feet, whichever is greater, for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score.

As a move action, you can expend a biohack to amplify your body’s natural electrical field to energize your attacks. For one minute, whenever you make an attack with a weapon, you can replace half that weapon’s damage with electricity damage. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them of your choice with electricity. This theorem never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC.

As a standard action, you can use your custom microlab to quickly render medical aid to an adjacent willing or unconscious creature. If you are an instinctive biohacker, the target regains a number of Stamina Points equal to your key ability score modifier. If you are a studious biohacker, the target regains a number of Hit Points equal to your key ability score modifier. This number increases to 1d6 + your key ability score modifier at 4th level, and to 2d8 + your key ability score modifier at 8th level. You must have your custom microlab in your possession to use this ability, and you can use it a number of times per day equal to your key ability score modifier. Regardless of what type of biohacker you are, once a creature has benefited from your field dressing, they cannot benefit from your field dressing again until they take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.


Level 2

As a standard action, you can use a ranged injection weapon to create rapidly spawning microbes on the surface of an enemy within 30 feet, which burst in tiny flashes of photovoltaic energy. An affected creature must succeed at a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. A creature can be affected by flashcap only once every 10 minutes.


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As a full action, you can use a ranged injection weapon to cause the sudden eruption of a toxic mushroom cluster in an empty square within the first range increment of the weapon used. Large mushrooms sprout in the square and release toxic spores in a 10 foot radius. Any creature who starts its turn in or enters the area takes 2d4 acid damage, plus 2 damage per biohacker level (Fortitude save for half damage). The mushroom cluster lasts for 1 round per biohacker level and causes the original square (not the entire area) to become difficult terrain. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Any biohack inhibitor you successfully use against a foe decreases that foe’s speed by 50%, to a minimum of 5 feet, in addition to the normal inhibitor effect you choose. If the target has multiple movement types, all its speeds are decreased.

When a creature attuned to your microlab would fail a skill check by 2 or less, you can expend a biohack as a reaction to adjust its hormone levels to coax peak performance, allowing the creature to reroll the skill check and take the better result. Once an attuned creature has rerolled a skill check from this ability, it can’t do so again until you rest for 8 hours to regain Resolve Points. You must be aware of and have line of sight to the attuned creature to use this theorem.

Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes creating fast-acting mutagens that alter subjects’ physiology (granting sticky suckers or webbing and fins on their appendages). Choose either a climb speed of 20 feet or a swim speed of 20 feet. At the end of the 10 minutes, you and all those attuned to your custom microlab gain the selected movement speed with a duration of 10 minutes × your biohacker level. A creature that already has the chosen form of movement is unaffected by the mutagen. You must have your custom microlab in your possession to use this ability.

You can quickly turn the compounds and catalysts in your custom microlab into medicinals. You can create an analgesic, an antitoxin, or a sedative with an item level no higher than your biohacker level. If you are an instinctive biohacker, you can also make excitants and stimulants. If you are a studious biohacker, you can also make antiemetics and coagulants. These medicinals are highly unstable and cannot be stored for later use or used by anyone else. You can add one of these medicinals to any attack you make with an injection weapon as part of the action to make the attack or attacks, but you can’t add a biohack of any kind to the same attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your key ability score, and you regain all expended uses of this ability (up to your maximum) when you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Microlab JackEx

Level 2

Your custom microlab can function as a standard datajack, though it doesn’t count against the maximum number of augmentations you can install in your brain system. This functions as a high-density datajack at 8th level and as an accelerated datajack at 14th level.


Tech Revolution pg. 19

You can administer a special biohack to a living creature, enhancing the target’s flexibility. This functions as a biohack booster but does not count against your total uses of biohack. If you hit the target, they increase the distance they can move when using Acrobatics to tumble by 5 feet, and they reduce the amount by which the Acrobatics DC increases when the target tumbles through a space threatened by multiple opponents to 1 per additional foe beyond the first. The target can also calculate the DC of Athletics checks to jump as though they always had a running start. You can use this special biohack a number of times per day equal to your key ability modifier, and its effects last for 1 minute.

Morphing HackSu

Level 2

You have developed a special hybrid biohack that can physically transform a creature. Once per day as a standard action, you can target a living creature with a special biohack that counts against your total uses of biohacks and otherwise functions as a biohack. If you hit your target, they are affected by a 1st-level polymorph spell; an unwilling creature can negate the effect with a successful Fortitude save with a circumstance bonus equal to half the difference between the target’s CR (if higher) and the CR of the polymorphed form. Your caster level for this effect is equal to your biohacker level, and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score. As you advance in biohacker levels, your morphing hack becomes more potent; increase the polymorph spell level to 2nd when you reach 5th level, and by one additional spell level for every 3 biohacker levels you have (maximum 6th level at 17th level).

When you select this theorem, select a single polymorph form according to the guidelines for the spell on page 145 of Alien Archive 2. Every time you use this ability, the target turns into the polymorph form you have chosen. Each time you gain a biohacker level, you can select a new form for this theorem, replacing the old one. You can select this theorem multiple times, with each additional theorem giving you an additional daily use of this biohack and an additional polymorph form for the biohack.


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When you hit an enemy with a weapon with the injection weapon special property, you can cause the ammunition (whatever it may be) to lodge painfully in that creature’s body. The target takes an additional amount of damage equal to half your key ability modifier.

Any booster you successfully use on yourself or an ally causes the target’s skin to sprout thorny projections for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score modifier, in addition to the booster’s other effects. Any creature who hits the target with a natural attack or unarmed melee attack takes 1d6 piercing damage; this damage increases to 2d6 at 8th level, to 3d6 at 14th level, and to 5d6 at 20th level.

Using complex chemical concoctions, you have altered your own physiology. When an enemy scores a critical hit against you, reduce the amount of damage dealt by a number equal to your key ability score modifier. This does not prevent you from taking critical hit effects. At 6th level, reduce the damage from critical hits by twice your key ability score modifier. At 12th level, you reduce it by three times your key ability score modifier, and at 18th level, you reduce it by four times your key ability score modifier.

In addition to your biohacks’ normal effects, creatures you affect with your biohack boosters can communicate with you telepathically at a range of 30 feet for the duration of the booster’s effect as long as you share a language.


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Toxic SkinEx

Level 2

You have handled so many toxins that they’ve accumulated in your skin (or equivalent outer layer). Any creature that hits you with a natural attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or gain the sickened condition for 1 minute. Any creature that swallows you whole must succeed at a Fortitude save or gain the nauseated condition for 1 round; the creature automatically vomits you back out at the start of its next turn. (This vomiting takes no action.) When expelled, you land prone adjacent to the creature in a square of the creature’s choosing. Once a creature has been affected by your toxic skin, it can’t be affected by it again for 24 hours, although it could be affected by another biohacker’s toxic skin.

As a standard action, you can treat a willing, adjacent creature to remove the shaken, sickened, or staggered condition. This doesn’t end the effect that caused the condition, and the target can regain the condition from any source as normal. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your key ability score modifier. You regain all expended uses of this ability (up to your maximum) when you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Medicine check when using the treat disease and treat drugs or poison tasks, and can do so with greater speed. It takes you 1 minute to treat disease, and a move action to treat drugs or poison. You can also attempt these tasks without a medkit, medical lab, or medical bay, though doing so takes the normal amount of time for both tasks and you do not gain the bonus to the checks.

Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes creating a unique variant mutagen attuned to a specific kind of living creature (such as a hesper or an akata; you can’t choose broad creature types, such as humanoid or ooze, with this ability). Choose a creature and attempt the appropriate skill check to identify a creature, based on the creature’s type (such as Life Science for a plant creature; see page 133 of the Core Rulebook). If this check is successful, your first successful attack that day with an injection weapon against the chosen creature deals an additional 2 die of damage equal to that weapon’s normal die.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 33

As a move action, you can detonate the toxic spores of a mushroom cluster you have created with the fruitful danger theorem (see above). The explosion deals 2d6 fire damage to each creature within 10 feet of the cluster’s original square (Reflex save for half damage). At 8th level, you can spend a Resolve Point to add damage to the attack equal to your biohacker level and push creatures 5 feet away from the cluster’s square (a success on the Reflex save negates this movement). This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, and any creature unable to move into an empty space does not move. Detonating the spores of a mushroom cluster does not destroy the mushroom itself, but does destroy the spores, making the area around the mushroom safe from acid damage (but it is still difficult terrain). Spores detonated with explosive danger replenish themselves at the start of your next turn.

You must have the fruitful danger theorem to choose this theorem.


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Your flashcap theorem now creates longer-lasting luminescent microbes that cause affected creatures to shed a pale glow. Creatures affected by flashcap take a –20 penalty to Stealth checks and are visible in darkness. This effect lasts for 1 round per 2 biohacker levels.

You must have the flashcap theorem to choose this theorem.


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Level 4

You have learned an advanced method of distributing your biohacks using the mechanisms of smoke grenades. As a full action, you can inject a smoke grenade you’re wielding with a booster or non-damaging inhibitor you have access to. As part of the same full action, you can throw the grenade, which acts as a standard smoke grenade with the following changes: Each creature who inhales the smoke must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be affected by the applicable biohack. The smoke grenade does not cause creatures to choke, but does obscure vision, providing concealment as normal. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Rising Cap

Level 4

As a move action, you can create a temporary rising platform in a 10-foot-square area within 10 feet, as a rapidly growing mushroom stalk lifts creatures in the area. Creatures in the area can attempt a Reflex save to move into the nearest empty space; this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The platform rises 30 feet vertically, stopping if it or any creature on it would hit an obstacle. The platform lasts 2d4 rounds before desiccating, causing any creatures remaining on the platform to fall. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Once per day, you can target a living creature with a special biohack as a move action. This doesn’t deal any damage and doesn’t count against your total uses of biohacks, but it otherwise functions as a biohack. If you hit the target, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or suffer a dramatic increase in the speed at which its system metabolizes drugs and poisons. For the next 10 minutes, the onset time and maximum duration of any contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury drugs and poisons affecting the target are halved, and the victim must attempt two saves each round against the effects, progressing to the next stage on the appropriate track with each failed save.


Ports of Call pg. 53

As a move action, you can expend one of your biohacks to inject yourself or an ally attuned to your custom microlab with a specially designed compound derived from a native Kehtarian lichen with unsurpassed adaptive properties, momentarily fooling the target’s system into metabolizing chemical compounds differently. Choose any serum with an item level no greater than half your biohacker level. The next poison, drug, or serum that affects the target before the start of your next turn has the effect of the serum you chose instead of its usual one. The substituted effect lasts a maximum of 1d4 rounds or the length of the original effect, whichever is shorter. If the original effect is still ongoing when the duration expires, it resumes at the same stage it was at before the change.


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You can use locomotive adaptation twice per day, and the climb and swim speeds you grant with this theorem increase to 30 feet each. When selecting the movement speed you give the targets, you add a burrow speed of 20 feet as well as an extraordinary fly speed of 20 feet with average maneuverability to the options from which you can choose. You must have the locomotive adaptation theorem to choose this theorem.

Arms ExpertEx

Level 8

If you have the weapon specialization class feature, add your full class level to damage (rather than half your class level) with small arms and weapons with which you have gained proficiency through the injection expert class feature.

Any booster you successfully use on yourself or an ally alters the target’s biochemistry to become more like that of a plant or plant creature. The target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects, unless the effect specifies that it’s effective against plants. This extra benefit to the booster doesn’t affect targets with the plantlike subtype or the plantlike universal creature rule.


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You have developed a special metamorphosis injection that can physically transform a limb into an oversized pincer claw. Once per day per 4 biohacker levels, as a standard action, you can use your custom microlab to target a willing ally with a special biohack that endows them with an unarmed strike for 1 round per biohacker level. This unarmed strike deals lethal damage, doesn’t count as archaic, threatens squares, and has the grapple special property (Starfinder Armory 28). The target also adds 1-1/2 × their level to the damage it deals.


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Any biohack inhibitor you successfully use against a creature causes its cellular structure to rapidly break down. For each of the next 1d4+1 rounds, the target takes 2d6 acid damage at the end of its turn.


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Any booster you successfully use on yourself or an ally causes the target’s limbs to become elastic and capable of stretching a great distance. The creature increases its reach by 5 feet. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your primary ability score modifier (minimum 1 round), in addition to the booster’s other effects.


Galactic Magic pg. 19

Following a regimen of experimental treatments, you have altered your senses to notice even the faintest traces of sounds or movement. You gain blindsense (vibration) with a range of 5 feet as well as a +2 enhancement bonus to Will saving throws against illusions.

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to enter a state of heightened awareness. This state allows you see invisible creatures as per see invisibility, your enhancement bonus to Will saving throws against illusions increases to +4, and you take a –2 penalty to Fortitude saving throws due to the enhanced strain on your body. This state lasts for a number of minutes equal to 10 × your biohacker level, and you can end the state before then as a swift action.

Far InjectionEx

Level 8

Constant tinkering allows you to increase the range of ranged injection weapons with which you gained proficiency through your injection expert class feature. The range increments of these weapons double when you use them. At 16th level, their range increments instead triple when you use them.

Long experience with injection weapons has revealed to you a method of creating ad hoc injection syringes that can be used in standard sniper rifles with a few modifications. Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes modifying a sniper rifle to gain the injection special property while you’re wielding it. This ability functions with the injection expert class feature, giving you proficiency, bonuses to attacks, and its other effects, despite the injection special property coming from a class feature. You can maintain one sniper rifle modified by this theorem at a time.


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Once per minute as a full action, you can use a standard battery in conjunction with your custom microlab to create a mass of flashcap infested mushrooms, which you can throw as a grenade with a range increment of 20 feet. On detonation, the mushrooms fill an adjacent empty 5-foot space and illuminate a 60-foot radius in bright light for 1 minute, after which they dim to the next light level with each additional minute. When you throw the grenade, you can spend a Resolve Point to cause the mushrooms to explode within a specified number of rounds (between 1 and 3), ending the light effect and forcing any creatures in a 10‑foot radius to succeed at a Will Save or become blinded and deafened for 1 round.


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When you use your custom microlab as a medkit, advanced medkit, or medical lab to treat deadly wounds and exceed the DC by 5, rather than add your Intelligence modifier to the amount healed, you add either twice your Intelligence modifier or twice your Wisdom modifier to the amount healed.


Tech Revolution pg. 19

Any biohack inhibitor you successfully use against a foe that has a nonmagical fly speed severely inhibits that target’s ability to fly. In addition to taking the inhibitor’s normal effects, the target has its maneuverability reduced to clumsy; if its maneuverability is already clumsy, its fly speed is halved.

You’ve learned to spot a disaster before it happens. You can use the instant recalibration theorem when an attuned creature fails a skill check by 3 or less. If you also spend a Resolve Point when activating this ability, you can instead affect an attuned creature who would fail a skill check by 5 or less. You must know the instant recalibration theorem to select this theorem.

Add the following conditions to the list of those you can remove with the treat condition theorem: frightened and nauseated. You must know the treat condition theorem to select this theorem.

As a swift action, you can sprout thousands of tiny temporary cilia mushroom legs that grant you a climb speed equal to your land speed for 1 minute. This ability allows you to climb on perfectly smooth surfaces. Upon taking damage, you must attempt an Athletics check to Climb (with a DC appropriate to the surface but reduced by 5; a perfectly smooth surface has a DC of 30) or fall.


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You can use fringe science to tweak your biohacks so that you can affect any creature with biohacks that normally don’t affect creatures with the unliving universal creature rule. If the biohack had the poison descriptor, you can remove that descriptor each time you use that biohack.

You have ironed out many of the kinks in your formulas, and your biohacks now remain effective even when they leave your possession. This allows you to give your biohacks to others to use at their convenience. Other creatures must load a biohacks into an injection weapon before use as a move action, or apply the biohack to themself or an adjacent willing or unconscious ally as a standard action. Biohacks you create that are not used count against your maximum until they are used or become inert 24 hours after creation.

Any booster you successfully use on yourself or an ally grants the target the ability to take a guarded step through difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score modifier, in addition to its normal effects.

Your biohacks that affect only living creatures can also affect creatures with the construct type or technological subtype. Your biohacks ignore such creatures’ immunities to poison.


Tech Revolution pg. 19

Through extensive biochemical treatments, you’ve permanently reinforced your bones, making it less taxing to carry heavy loads and helping you resist catastrophic harm. Your bulk carrying limit increases by 2, and you don’t become fatigued from the long-term effects of living in a high-gravity environment. You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made to resist the wound and severe wound critical hit effects, as well as other effects that would sever or mutilate your limbs.

Tranq DartEx

Level 8

Once per day, you can target a living creature with a special biohack as a standard action. This doesn’t deal any damage and doesn’t count against your total uses of biohacks, but it otherwise functions as a biohack. If you hit the target, they must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or fall into a deep sleep after 1 round, gaining the asleep condition. On a successful saving throw, the target is unaffected. At 14th level, you can use this ability twice per day. This is a poison effect.

Using your custom microlab, you can spend 1 hour to treat the effects of radiation in one living creature, after which you make a special check, rolling 1d20 and adding your biohacker level and any insight bonus you have to Medicine checks to the result. The check’s DC equals the radiation effect’s save DC. If you succeed, the target is cured of both the radiation’s poison effects and the radiation sickness disease, moving the target to the healthy state on both tracks. At 14th level, it takes you only 10 minutes to perform this treatment, though this doesn’t count as a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.

You can create an area of rapidly growing bacterial mats. Once per day as a standard action, you can use an injection weapon in conjunction with your custom microlab to create a living bacterial wall that’s 4 inches thick and up to 5 feet long per biohacker level. The wall must be within the first range increment of the injection weapon and can occupy only empty spaces in a contiguous flat plane. The bacterial wall is anchored to any surface it grows on, and each 5-foot square of the bacterial wall has a hardness 1 and 40 Hit Points. Alternatively, you can enclosed a 10-foot by 10-foot space with these walls, as long as the spaces surrounding that space are empty.


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By combining your custom microlab and your microlab datajack, you have discovered a way to encode your biohacks into the stream of raw energy output from an energy weapon. You can treat one wielded weapon that deals energy damage as having the injection special property for the purposes of class abilities. This ability functions with the injection expert class feature, giving you proficiency, bonuses to attacks, and its other effects, despite the injection special property coming from a class feature.

You must have the microlab jack theorem (Starfinder Tech Revolution 19) to choose this theorem.


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As a move action, you can cause your next attack before the end of your turn that would deliver a biohack to explode upon impact. Upon a successful attack, this explosion does not cause additional damage but creates an aerosolized version of your biohack in a 5-foot radius around the targeted creature, applying the biohack to any creature in the area that breathes. The durations of any effects are halved.


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As a reaction, when an ally within the first range increment of an injection weapon you’re wielding would fall unconscious from damage, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to render instant emergency medical aid to that ally, preventing any excess damage that would reduce them below 0 and restoring Hit Points to them equal to your level. A creature can’t be affected by this ability more than once per 24 hours.


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Ampoule MasterySu

Level 14

You have surpassed conventional spell ampoule science, allowing you to prepare one 3rd-level spell amp each day from your list of known spell amps using the ampoule expertise theorem. When you gain this theorem, you also add one additional spell to your list of spell amps that you can prepare.

At 18th level, you can prepare one 4th-level spell amp each day from your list of known spell amps; this exceeds the normal level limit for spell ampoules, though any 4th-level spells you add to your list of spell amps must still follow all other rules for creating spell amps.

You must have Ampoule Expertise to select this theorem.


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Your biohacks include insidious anticoagulants. Any biohack inhibitor that you successfully use against a target also afflicts them with an amount of bleed damage equal to 1d10 + your key ability score modifier, in addition to the inhibitor’s standard effects.


Tech Revolution pg. 19

Any booster you successfully use on yourself or an ally grants the benefits of Agile Casting, Shot on the Run, or Spring Attack (your choice) for a number of rounds equal to your key ability score, in addition to its normal effect. The ally does not have to meet any of these feats’ prerequisites to gain these benefits.

You have developed your flashcap microbes into a highly explosive variant that responds violently to a specific catalyst. As a standard action, you can make an attack with an injection weapon that causes extra damage to a creature previously afflicted by your flashcaps. Targets hit with this attack that were affected by your flashcap biohack within the last minute take 10d10 fire damage (Reflex save for half). As part of the same action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to create a 10 foot cone of fire originating at the target. Creature in the area take 6d10 fire damage (Reflex save for half). A creature affected by flashcap buster can’t be affected by flashcap or flashcap buster again for 24 hours.

You must have the flashcap theorem to choose this theorem.


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When you use the field dressing theorem, the target instead regains a number of Hit Points or Stamina Points (whichever you normally restore with field dressing) equal to 4d8 + your key ability score modifier, or 6d8 + your key ability score modifier if you are 18th level or higher. You must know the field dressing theorem to select this theorem.

Add the following conditions to the list of those you can remove with the treat condition theorem: cowering, dazed, panicked, paralyzed, and stunned. You must know the treat condition and improved treat condition theorems to select this theorem.

Iron GutEx

Level 14

You know how to fight through nausea. You are immune to the sickened condition. While you are nauseated, you can take either a swift action and move action during your turn or two move actions. The nauseated condition still prevents you from attacking, casting spells, concentrating on spells, or doing anything else that requires attention.

Liquid BraveryEx

Level 14

You have consumed enough fortifying chemical concoctions to have negated some of the fear you feel. You are immune to the shaken condition. If you are frightened, you need not flee or fight, and if you are panicked, you need not drop all held items and flee, but you still cower if you are cornered. You still take the penalties associated with frightened and panicked as normal.

You've learned how to use your custom microlab in conjunction with a wielded ranged injection weapon to enhance your minor inhibitor biohack. Targets affected by your minor inhibitor biohack take a –3 penalty to attack rolls instead of –1 as normal.


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Ooze FormEx

Level 14

Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes creating and administering a mutagen that gives your body ooze-like qualities for a number of hours equal to your key ability score modifier. For this duration, you gain the compression and unflankable universal creature rules, as well as immunity to the additional damage from critical hits (though you are still affected by critical hit effects).

Once during the mutagen’s duration as a reaction when you take piercing or slashing damage, you can split into two copies of yourself. Divide your current Hit Points and Stamina Points evenly between the two, but otherwise, the copies share the same statistics and equipment. If one of the copies casts a spell, expends ammunition, or uses other limited-use resources, that resource is consumed for both copies. Any item dropped by just one copy becomes inert, shapeless biomatter. The copies share the same initiative count, with one acting immediately after the other. Each turn, one of the copies can use a full round’s worth of actions, and the other can take only a move action.

The effect lasts 5 rounds, after which one of the copies dissolves, and the other copy becomes you. Combine the copies’ Hit Point totals and Stamina Point totals to determine your HP and SP totals when the effect ends; these totals cannot exceed their normal maximums. If the copies are adjacent to each other, one copy can meld with the other as a move action, ending the effect prematurely. If one of the copies is reduced to 0 HP, the effect ends; your remaining copy becomes the “real” version, and you are staggered until the end of your next turn.

You’ve modified your custom microlab to deal with poisonous substances. When you fail a saving throw against a poison effect, you can activate your custom microlab as a reaction to attempt to extract the toxin. Reroll the saving throw with a +2 bonus, and use the second result. If you succeed, you cure the poison, shunt the toxin into a small reservoir in your custom microlab, and create a dose of the poison that you can use. The extracted poison becomes harmless if not used within 1 hour. Once you use this theorem, you can’t do so again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to recover Stamina Points.


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Twice per day as a standard action, you can use your custom microlab to inject an adjacent willing ally with an automatic biological kickstart. At the start of the target creature’s next turn, they gain an extra move action. In addition, for the next minute, if the creature is brought to 0 Hit Points but not killed, they can fight on for 1 more round. They drop to 0 HP and are dying (following the normal rules for death and dying) but can continue to act normally until the end of their next turn, when they becomes unconscious as normal. If they take additional damage before this, they cease to be able to act and fall unconscious.


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As a move action, you can inject yourself with a serum that causes temporary springy mushrooms or bacterial mats to sprout across your body, lessening the blows of your enemies. For 1 minute, you gain DR 15/piercing and resistance 15 to acid. In addition, any enemy that hits you with a melee attack must succeed at a Reflex save or drop their weapon. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Once per day, you can instantly generate an instinctive communication network between you and your allies via an underground biological network. While in an environment with soil or similar semi-loose ground (at the GM’s discretion), or while underwater, you can take a standard action to seed a rapidly growing network of mycelium that connects you to your allies until the end of combat, at which point it withers away. Any allies who are and remain in contact with the same ground or water as you are considered connected allies; the network provides several benefits to you and any connected ally.

  • You and connected allies you can see gain the unflankable universal creature rule.
  • You and connected allies can communicate basic information without speaking; this is generally limited to single-word instructions such as “wait,” “retreat,” or “attack.”
  • The first time you or a connected ally must attempt a saving throw, you or that ally can use the highest available saving throw bonus available to any connected ally. Connected allies whose turn it isn’t can’t use actions to increase this bonus, with the exception of reactions that would otherwise be available.


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When an ally affected by your shockbood bolster is brought to 10 HP or fewer, they immediately regain 4d8 Hit Points (before determining whether they would reach 0 Hit Points, be killed, or trigger the shockblood bolster’s other effects).

In addition, an ally affected by shockblood bolster who is dying does not need to spend a Resolve Point as normal for the first three rounds they are dying, per day.

You must have the shockblood bolster theorem to choose this theorem.


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Each turn as a swift action, you can move the area of your toxic spores created by your fruitful danger theorem up to 10 feet, dealing damage to creatures who were not previously in its area of effect as though they had just entered it. This does not change the origin square for the purposes of your explosive danger theorem.

You must have the fruitful danger and explosive danger theorems (page 33) to choose this theorem.


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