Nanocyte Knack


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As you gain experience, you learn special ways to use your nanites called nanocyte knacks. You learn your first nanocyte knack at 2nd level, and you learn an additional knack every 2 levels thereafter. If a nanocyte knack allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your nanocyte level + your Constitution modifier. If it requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × your nanocyte level + your Constitution modifier. The descriptions of nanocyte knacks appear on pages 13—16. You can’t learn the same knack more than once unless otherwise stated.


Your body houses a seemingly inexhaustible amount of nanites. When calculating your number of nanite surges per day and the maximum bulk of your nanite gear, treat your Constitution modifier as 2 higher.


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Agile HostEx

Level 2

While your sheath array is active, you can apply its bonus to skill checks as an insight bonus to your initiative checks


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You manipulate your nanites to slow your descent and cushion you from falls. While your sheath array is active, you treat falls as 20 feet shorter. You can use a nanite surge as a reaction to instead treat falls as 60 feet shorter for 1 round.

You’re instinctively able to gather your nanite array beneath you to help break your fall when said fall would otherwise break you. When your sheath array is active, the surface on which you fall always counts as yielding (Core Rulebook 400), converting the damage from the first 10 feet of a fall to nonlethal bludgeoning damage. In addition, when your sheath array is active, for every 5 by which your Acrobatics check exceeds the DC to avoid taking damage from the first 10 feet of a fall, you can ignore the damage from an additional 10 feet of falling.


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You use your nanites for defensive purposes. You gain proficiency with shieldsCOM and can learn one shield as a bonus major form. When using your gear array to form a one-handed melee weapon or small arm, you can additionally manifest a shield. This counts as only one array for determining the number of arrays you have active.


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Drifting HostEx

Level 2

Whether pulled by waves or other forces, you’re used to drifting far from your nanites and can control them at further distances. The distance you can be from your nanites at the end of your turn before they disperse increases to 15 feet. At 10th level, this distance increases to 20 feet, and at 18th level, to 25 feet.

Esoteric EdgeEx

Level 2

You gain proficiency with two special weapons, you can select special weapons when learning new major forms, and you learn one special weapon as a bonus major form. At 3rd level, you gain weapon specialization in the two selected weapons just as if your class granted proficiency.


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Your nanites emit pinpricks of colorful light. Your nanite cloud sheds dim light in its space and each space adjacent to it. You can suppress or activate this light as a move action. This light can be used to communicate in Lumos and other light-based visual languages you know.

Your nanites allow you to move comfortably while wearing thick gear. You gain proficiency with heavy armor, and you treat the bulk of heavy armor you wear as 1 lower.


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Instant WardSu

Level 2

Your nanites can inscribe magical sigils, creating temporary wards against supernatural beings. As a standard action while your eldritch array or cloud array is active, you can direct your nanites to create a protective ward in a 5-foot square. This ward must be created on a stable surface, such as a wall or floor, and it is clearly visible. If your eldritch array is active, this ward appears in one square you occupy. If your cloud array is active, the ward appears in one square your cloud array occupies. When you or an ally stand in the warded square, that creature gains a +1 divine bonus to AC and saving throws against the attacks, spells, and abilities of fey, outsiders, and undead. If a fey, outsider, or undead who is not your ally enters or ends their turn in the warded square, they take a –1 penalty to AC and saving throws. Either effect lasts as long as the creature remains in the warded area and until the end of their next turn if they leave the warded area.

A space remains warded for 1 minute, until it is no longer adjacent to (or within) your nanite array, or until you create a new ward.


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Your nanites can absorb or emit heat to regulate your body temperature. Whenever you activate your nanite sheath, select hot or cold weather; your nanites can protect you from cold or heat, but not both simultaneously. Your nanite sheath reduces the severity of the selected dangerous temperature by one step. At 10th level, your nanites instead reduce the severity of dangerous temperatures by two steps.

Your nanites are capable of temporarily rewriting your mental pathways to grant you skills and knowledge otherwise beyond your normal capabilities. As a swift action, you can spend a nanite surge to gain a number of temporary ranks equal to your nanocyte level in a skill that you have no ranks in, for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier.


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While your sheath array is active, calculate the DC of Athletics checks to jump as though you had a running start. Additionally, double the insight bonus to Athletics provided by your sheath array.


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When using your gear array to create a major form, you can spend a nanite surge as part of the action to have the form’s composition mimic certain special materials such as starmetals. You can form a melee weapon or armor from the material or alter and automatically load a set of suitable ammunition incorporating an amount of special materials, up to a maximum value of up to 250 credits per nanocyte level. Special materials must be chosen from the following list: abysium, adamantine alloy, cold iron, djezet, horacalcum, inubrix, noqual, siccatite, and silver.


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You can create simple shapes and objects at will with your nanites. Your nanites can form themselves to look like any solid object of 1 bulk or less. They can’t imitate an item’s function, moving parts, or the like. A creature that closely examines the object can determine its true nature with a successful Perception check (DC = 15 + 1-1/2 × your nanocyte level). While using this ability, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks if an inanimate object would help your disguise.


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Your nanites can replicate the complicated engineering of vehicles. When you gain this knack, you learn one terrestrial vehicle of Large size or smaller as a bonus major form. When you use your gear array to form this vehicle, you and any allies adjacent to you can automatically enter the vehicle; this does not count as movement and does not provoke attacks of opportunity or trigger readied actions. You can replace this major form as normal when you gain a nanocyte level, but you must replace it with another vehicle.


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You can use your nanites on mechs you pilot, making them an extension of your own body. You can apply the effects of your sheath array to any mechs that you are piloting. Once per combat, you can spend a nanite surge to give the mech a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your nanocyte level; the mech loses any such remaining temporary Hit Points when the sheath array ends.


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Your nanites channel otherworldly powers. Choose a class that has the spells class feature. You gain a limited version of that class’s spells class feature rather than the technomancer’s spells class feature, replacing any technomancer spells you know from the eldritch nanites alternate class feature with spells from the chosen class’s spell list. In addition, you gain one additional 0-level spell known for your eldritch nanites. You must have the eldritch nanites alternate class feature to select this knack.


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Your nanites can move the molecules of your armor to defend your allies. You gain the Bodyguard feat as a bonus feat. While you’re within reach of your cloud array, you can spend a nanite surge as part of the reaction to use the feat on an ally in or adjacent to your cloud array.


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When you fall or suffer an impact from your body being moved through space, such as in a vehicle collision, your nanites disperse the impact energy to protect you from harm. As a reaction when you are falling or suffering such an impact, you can spend a nanite surge to reduce the number of damage dice you take due to the triggering impact by a number of dice equal to your Constitution modifier, taking no damage if this reduction leaves no dice to be rolled for the damage. You then halve any remaining damage you take from the triggering impact.


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Split CloudEx

Level 2

You’ve learned to keep your nanites functioning even when they’re separated by currents or environmental factors. Your cloud array can have a gap of one 5-foot square between the spaces it fills. At 10th level, this increases to two 5-foot squares, and at 18th level, this increases to three 5-foot squares. Even if split into multiple smaller clouds by these gaps, the cloud functions as one unit. When reconfigurin the spaces your cloud occupies, at least one square of each smaller cloud must remain unchanged.


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When using your gear array to form an operative weapon or small arm, you can manifest a second copy of that weapon. This counts as only one array for determining the number of arrays you have active.


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Having your nanites manufacture your own clothing and accessories on command means that your aesthetic can always be on the cutting edge of fashion. When forming an item with your gear array that grants a bonus to a Charisma-based skills, increase the bonus by 1 and increase the item’s hardness by your Constitution modifier.


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Surgical HostEx

Level 2

While your sheath array is active, you can perform Medicine checks on creatures within your reach. While you’re within reach of your cloud array, you can also perform Medicine checks on creatures in or adjacent to the cloud as though they were within your reach. For both forms, you perform Medicine checks as though you’re using a basic medkit; at 5th level, you instead perform Medicine checks as though you’re using an advanced medkit. At 8th level, you can select a medical lab as one of your minor forms known


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Swarm StrikeEx

Level 2

When you form your sheath array, you can use a nanite surge to gain a special unarmed strike that deals lethal damage, lacks the archaic trait, and has an item level equal to your nanocyte level. You can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls for this attack. Using a swarm strike requires you to have at least one hand free. For each attack, you can deal bludgeoning damage, piercing damage, slashing damage, or any two of these damage types. At 3rd level, you gain a unique weapon specialization with your swarm strike, adding 1-1/2 × your nanocyte level to its damage rolls (instead of just adding your character level). At 7th level, this unarmed strike gains the thrown (20 feet) special property, and while you have at least two hands free, your weapon specialization damage bonus with this weapon increases to 2 × your level. At 11th level, while you have at least two hands free, your swarm strike gains the reach special property. At 15th level, the range increment of your thrown swarm strike increases to 40 feet, and it increases to 60 feet at 19th level. You can use this ability only while your sheath array is active.


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You’ve learned to direct your nanites in assisting you with difficult tasks, such as identifying damage, stitching wounds, reshaping your features, or further tuning your reflexes. Choose two of the following skills: Bluff, Disguise, Engineering, Medicine, Perception, or Piloting. You add these skills as options to which you can apply your sheath array’s insight bonus to skill checks. You can select this knack multiple times, each time selecting different skills.


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Air Walk

Level 6

You can use your nanites as temporary surfaces in order to walk across gaps and into the air as if they were solid ground. If you’re not encumbered, you can spend a nanite surge as part of an action in which you move, allowing you to walk in the air as if you were on solid ground, even in zero gravity. Ascending into the air is similar to walking up an incline. The maximum upward angle possible is 45 degrees, and you move at a rate equal to half your normal land speed. You can move your full land speed horizontally or up to 45 degrees downward. You must end your movement on the ground or you fall.


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Your nanites propel your weapons with great force, pushing through water and dense gases without difficul . Each time you form a weapon using your gear array, you can apply the underwater weapon special property to that weapon (when used underwater, it ignores the –2 penalty to attack rolls and deals full damage). If you do, combat maneuvers you attempt using that weapon gain a +1 bonus.


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Your nanites can cloud the mind and fool the senses. You can spend a nanite surge to inflict the confused condition on one creature adjacent to you or within your cloud array for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (Will negates). Once you’ve targeted a creature with this knack, you can’t target that creature with this knack again for 24 hours.


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Your nanites can alter their color and appearance, settling on your flesh in a variety of patterns and colors, providing you camouflage in your surroundings. When you attempt a Stealth check while your sheath array is active, you can use a move action to increase the insight bonus to your Stealth check by 2 until the end of your turn. You can additionally use a nanite surge to hide in plain sight.

You can concentrate your nanites into a smaller area to increase the concealment granted by your cloud array. You can reduce the size of your cloud array by a number of squares up to your Constitution modifier and increase the miss chance granted by your cloud array by 5% per square reduced, to a maximum miss chance of 50%. You can do this automatically when you form your cloud array or reconfigure your cloud array. Your cloud array must already be granting concealment to reconfigure into a concentrated cloud.


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Your nanites can embed magical powers into your formed weapons. Choose one weapon fusion of your nanocyte level or lower. When forming a weapon as a major form, you can apply the effects of this fusion to the weapon. Every time you gain a nanocyte level, you can replace this fusion with a different fusion of your nanocyte level or lower.


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Your nanites reinforce your body, staving off even grave threats to your health. If you succeed at a Fortitude saving throw against an effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, you instead avoid the effect entirely.


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Your nanites scan the surrounding atmosphere for hazards and attempt to remove them from the air. Your nanites provide a +2 bonus against inhaled and ingested diseases, poisons, radiation, or similar environmental hazards. As a reaction made when you attempt a save against such an effect, you can spend a nanite surge to provide this bonus to a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier that are in or adjacent to your cloud array or within your reach.


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You have precise control over your nanites and can use them to extend your reach. Your sheath array increases your natural reach by 5 feet.

Your nanites can harmlessly reshape your body in increasingly dramatic ways. While your sheath array is active, you can use the Disguise skill to change your appearance with 1d3 minutes of work; you can use one nanite surge to reduce this required time to a full action. You reduce one of the check’s DC modifiers by an amount equal to half your nanocyte level (to a minimum of +0), though this reduction applies only to disguises that change your appearance in the following ways: add major features, disguise yourself as a different race of the same creature type, or disguise yourself as a different creature type.

You must have the versatile nanites knack and have selected Disguise as one of the affected skills to select this knack.


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Your nanites seize and hobble your foes, restricting their movement. After a creature takes damage in your nanite cloud or you damage a creature within 30 feet with a weapon formed with your gear array, you can take a reaction to cause the creature to become entangled (Reflex negates) for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, or until it escapes with an Acrobatics check or a Strength check. An entangled creature can attempt such a check as a move action. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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You know how to deal damage with big weapons. You gain proficiency with heavy weapons, and you gain weapon specialization in heavy weapons just as if your class granted proficiency. When you gain this knack, you can replace one of your major forms known with that of a heavy weapon. You add your Constitution modifier to your Strength score for the purpose of wielding heavy weapons formed from your gear array without penalty.


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Your nanites tear and gnaw on creatures you designate. After a creature takes damage in your nanite cloud or you damage a creature within 30 feet with a weapon formed with your gear array, you can take a reaction to cause the creature to gain the bleeding 1d6 condition (Fortitude negates). The amount of bleed damage increases to 1d10 at 10th level, 2d8 at 14th level, and 3d8 at 18th level. While the bleeding creature is within your cloud array, the Medicine DC to stop the bleeding condition increases by an amount equal to half your nanocyte level plus your Constitution modifier. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Your nanites generate enough mass to impede movement around them. Other creatures treat the area of your cloud array as difficult terrain. When you form your cloud array, you can spend a nanite surge to choose a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier; the selected creatures can move through the cloud as though it were not difficult terrain.


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You gain Barricade as a bonus feat. You can use Barricade to create a barrier within your nanite cloud rather than just in an adjacent space.

In addition, as a full action, you can use a nanite surge to shape your nanites into a temporary structure: a ladder up to 30 feet long, a door sealing an opening up to 10 feet square, a 10-foot-radius hemispherical shelter, or a 5-foot-wide bridge that spans up to 40 feet. This counts against the number of arrays you can have active. Regardless of the structure’s form, it has a number of Hit Points equal to your level, hardness equal to your Constitution modifier, and a break DC of 10.


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Your nanites can energize cellular material to the point of radioactivity. As a standard action, you can spend a nanite surge to generate an aura of radiation around yourself and your nanites. Creatures within 5 feet of you or your cloud array are exposed to low-level radiation. At 12th level, this range increases to 10 feet and the radiation level increases to medium. At 18th level, this range increases to 15 feet and the radiation level increases to high. This radiation lasts for 1 minute, or until you spend a swift action to end it.


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Your nanites form an enhancing lattice in your brain, making you capable of mental leaps of staggering brilliance. When you use the intelligent nanites knack, you can treat the chosen skill as though it were a class skill. If it is already a class skill, you can use half your Constitution modifier instead of your normal modifier to use that skill.

You must have the intelligent nanites knack to select this knack.


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Being microscopic robots themselves, your nanites allow you an unparalleled knowledge of how computers work on the smallest level. You get a +1 insight check to Computers checks. At 10th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. You can spend a nanite surge to attempt Computers skill checks at a range of 20 feet or against targets within or adjacent to your cloud array. A target of this ability (or a creature attending or observing your target) can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check (DC = 5 + 1-1/2 × your nanocyte level) to determine that you are the origin of this activity.


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Your nanites can release a dense liquid sealant that douses flames and seals open wounds. While your sheath array is active you gain a +2 bonus to Medicine checks made to end the bleeding condition and Reflex saves made to end the burning condition. When you fail a check to end the bleeding or burning condition, you can use a nanite surge as a reaction to reroll the failed check or saving throw.

Your nanites can help you monitor your allies over long distances. As a full action, you can spend two nanite surges to harmlessly embed nanites into up to 4 willing allies; these nanites then relay information back to you about your allies’ vital information and current whereabouts; this works as per the spell status, using your nanocyte level as your caster level. This is an extraordinary ability.


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Nothing that disturbs your nanite cloud escapes your attention. You gain blindsense (vibration) with a range of 5 feet. This blindsense also extends to any area in or adjacent to your cloud array.


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Your nanites contain an advanced communications array that transmits your thoughts directly into the minds of those nearby, enabling you to telepathically communicate in environments and situations where a language would be impossible to visually or audibly articulate, such as using Lumos in bright sunlight or audible languages in Luminar’s dense, gaseous seas. You can communicate telepathically with any creatures within the area of your cloud array with whom you share a language.

You’ve learned to transform your nanites into basic vehicles to help you maneuver various terrain. When you use your gear array to take a major form, you can use a nanite surge to instead form your nanites into a basic enercycle that only you can ride. This otherwise follows the standard rules for your gear array. At 10th level, you can form your nanites into a torpedo minisub, and at 14th level, you can form your nanites into an ultralight turboglider (Armory 139). Regardless of the form, these vehicles offer no cover, can’t carry passengers, have no hardness, deal no collision damage, and have 1 HP.


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Your nanites help guide your thrown weapons so that they return to you when they miss. When you use your gear array to form a weapon with the thrown special weapon property, you can additionally give it the recall special weapon property. You can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Strength modifier for damage rolls made with these weapons.


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You can temporarily alter the systems of your body to accept almost any augmentation. When you use your gear array to create a cybernetic augmentation, you can install it into any empty body slot, regardless of where it would normally be installed. If this augmentation takes up multiple slots, you must have the requisite number of empty body slots or the augmentation fails to manifest.


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Your nanites capably innovate new features when you manifest nanite weapons. Choose two of the following special weapon properties: block, bright, deflect, feint, grapple, harrying, penetrating, stun, sunder, or trip. Each time you form a weapon using your gear array, you can apply one of the selected special weapon properties to that weapon. You can select this knack multiple times; each time, select two additional special weapon properties and add them to the list of available properties (you still apply only one at a time).


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Alacritous FormEx

Level 10

Your nanite sheath increases your land speed by 10 feet. This increases to 15 feet at 14th level and 20 feet at 18th level. Once per day at the beginning of your turn, you can use one nanite surge to gain the benefits of haste until the beginning of your next turn.


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Your nanites’ sensors are especially acute. You gain blindsight (vibration) with a range of 5 feet. This blindsight also extends to any area in or adjacent to your nanite cloud. As a reaction, after you touch a target, strike a target with a weapon formed with your gear array, or are hit by an adjacent creature, you can use a nanite surge to adhere a tiny mass of nanites to that creature or object; a creature can attempt a Reflex save to negate this effect. These nanites resonate with the rest of your nanite array, allowing you to sense the target as though you had blindsight (vibration) with a range of 120 feet. In addition, you can track the target with a base DC of 10 regardless of the surface conditions, and you can use Perception in place of Survival to track the target. The tracking nanites remain active for a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier.

You must have the sensory nanites knack to select this knack.


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Anchored CloudEx

Level 10

Your nanites are accustomed to maintaining their position regardless of external pressure and motion. Spaces occupied by your cloud array are difficult terrain.

Beguiling ArrayEx

Level 10

Your nanites can mimic and amplify your natural glow. When you use beguiling glow while your cloud array is active, your beguiling glow emanates from all the spaces your cloud array fills, as well as from you. You can use one nanite surge when you activate beguiling glow to increase the radius of your beguiling glow to 30 feet and change its DC to that of your nanocyte knacks. You must have the beguiling glow species trait and the glimmering nanites knack to select this nanocyte knack.

Biometric TheftEx

Level 10

Your nanites can modify your features in subtle ways, allowing you to attempt a Disguise check in place of a Computers or Engineering check to defeat biometric locks and similar safeguards. As a reaction when you hit a creature with a melee attack or touch them, you can use a nanite surge to absorb a sample of the target’s DNA or other code. You can store a number of samples equal to your Constitution modifier at any time, and each sample remains viable for a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier. If you absorb another sample and exceed this maximum, you erase one sample of your choice.

You gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to bypass biometric safeguards keyed to any creature whose sample you have. In addition, if you have the facial reconfiguration knack you can use it to take the appearance of any creatures whose samples you have.

This instead grants a +10 circumstance bonus to the Disguise check. In addition, facial reconfiguration reduces the check’s DC modifier for this disguise by an amount equal to your nanocyte level (to a minimum of +0), applied to any of the check’s modifiers


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Your nanites work in tandem to shape explosions and blasts of energy. When you’re adjacent to your cloud array and attack with a weapon formed with your gear array that has the blast special weapon property, you can spend a nanite surge to use the area of your cloud array as the area of effect for the blast weapon. The area can’t be larger than the original weapon’s blast area; if it would be, choose a contiguous area of your cloud array that is equal to the original area or smaller.


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Your nanites can enter another person’s mind and hijack their electrochemical impulses. Choose one enchantment spell with the compulsion subtype with a spell level equal to or less than 1/4 your nanocyte level. You can spend a number of nanite surges equal to the spell’s level in order to cast that spell as a spell-like ability, using your Constitution score when determining the DC for saving throws against this ability. Every time you gain a nanocyte level, you can replace this spell with a different enchantment spell with the compulsion subtype.


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When you create a cloud array, you can use a nanite surge to cause a portion of your cloud array to form a lifelike replica of you that shadows and mimics your movements, functioning like a single figment image created by mirror image. The duplicate exists until it’s destroyed or you leave the cloud’s area. At 14th level, you create 1d2 images, and at 18th level, you create 1d4 images.


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Your nanites utilize electrical pulses to cause exhausting muscle spasms and electrical interference. Weapons you form with your gear array gain the fatigue critical hit effect (Starfinder Armory 31). Once per day, after you damage a creature with a weapon formed from your gear array, you can use a nanite surge as a reaction to impose the effects of slow on the target (Fortitude negates) for a number of rounds equal to half your Constitution bonus. Creatures immune to electricity are immune to exhausting nanites.

You’re driven to explore diverse environments and worlds. While your sheath array is active, you can use a nanite surge to gain either a climb speed of 30 feet or a swim speed of 30 feet. If you already have the selected speed, you instead increase that speed by 15 feet. This lasts for a number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier. You lose this speed when your sheath array ends.


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Your nanites can make your explosives even deadlier by clustering your grenades and even potentially replicating them. When using your gear array to form a weapon that uses grenades as ammunition, you can give the weapon the cluster (5 ft.) special weapon property. This increases to cluster (10 ft.) at level 15. When you use a weapon formed from your gear array to make a cluster attack with non-magical grenades with an item level no greater than your level, you can spend a nanite surge to reduce the number of grenades expended by 1.


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Your nanites break down and repurpose your foes’ vital fluids to fuel their host. Whenever the target of your hungry nanites takes bleed damage from that ability and is within 30 feet of you, you regain an equal number of Stamina Points. Until you next take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points, you can regain a maximum number of Stamina Points in this way equal to 3 times your nanocyte level. You must have the hungry nanites knack to select this knack.


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Group DispersalEx

Level 10

Your nanites protect your companions as readily as they protect you. You can use your defensive dispersal on any ally you can see who’s adjacent to you or within your cloud array. When you use your defensive dispersal on yourself, any adjacent allies also gain the benefits of that ability against the triggering attack or effect. However, only you benefit from additional knacks or other abilities that provide any additional effects when you use defensive dispersal.


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Your nanites can provide you with enough thrust to take off into the air. When you form your sheath array, you can spend a nanite surge to gain a fly speed equal to your base speed with average maneuverability. If you already have a fly speed, it increases by 10 feet instead.


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You gain 2 additional nanite surges per day that can be used only to gain additional spell slots to cast your spells gained by the eldritch nanites ability. Whenever you spend nanite surges to gain a spell slot, you regain Stamina Points equal to twice the number of nanite surges you spent.


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Ninefold WardSu

Level 10

When you activate your instant ward knack with your eldritch array, the ward covers a 15-foot-by-15-foot square centered on your space. When you activate your instant ward knack with your cloud array, the ward affects each square affected by your cloud array.

You must have the instant ward knack to select this knack.


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Your nanites can fuse your melee weapons with your armor and shape them to best complement your fighting style. When you use your gear array to form a melee weapon, the weapon gains the integrated weapon special property. You can equip the weapon into an empty armor upgrade slot instead of wielding it. Additionally, you can give the weapon either the disarm or reach special weapon properties.


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Rapid ReshapeEx

Level 10

Every 1d4 rounds, you can form or switch nanite arrays as a swift action without using a nanite surge.


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Your nanites infest a nearby corpse, animating it as a combatant. You can spend a nanite surge as a standard action to turn one or more corpses into a number of cybernetic zombies with a total CR of no more than half your nanocyte level. A zombie can be created only from a creature with a physical anatomy. These zombies can do nothing but attack your enemies nearest to them, and they last a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.


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Your nanites can disperse electrical currents throughout their volume. While your sheath array is active, or while you’re standing within the area of your cloud array, you have electricity resistance 5. When you would take electricity damage, you can use a nanite surge as a reaction to increase this resistance by an amount equal to your nanocyte level plus your Constitution bonus until the end of your next turn.

You can use the surgical host knack to perform Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds as a standard action. If you succeed at this check, you restore 2 Hit Points per level or CR of the creature you’re treating. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, you add your Intelligence bonus and Constitution bonus to the amount healed.

You must have the surgical host knack to select this knack.


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Charge VampireEx

Level 14

When you damage a creature in your nanite cloud or when you damage a creature within 30 feet using a weapon formed with your gear array, you can drain power from the target’s technological devices as a reaction. Choose one item in the target’s possession that uses charges or select a qualifying item at random. That item loses a number of charges equal to 1d10 plus your Constitution modifier (Fortitude half), and a battery in your possession gains an equal number of charges (to a maximum of the battery’s capacity). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier.


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Cutting Edge

Level 14

Forming your weapons out of nanites means that they’re always honed to a monomolecular edge. When you form a weapon that deals slashing damage with your gear array, you can spend a nanite surge to have that weapon score critical hits on a natural 19 or 20.


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Level 14

Weapons you form with your gear array and your faculty abilities deal additional damage equal to your Constitution modifier to constructs, objects, and creatures with the technological subtype. In addition, these attacks and abilities ignore an amount of hardness equal to your nanocyte level. This hardness reduction doesn’t stack with that of the penetrating weapon property but instead increases the weapon’s item level by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier for the purpose of calculating the amount of hardness the weapon ignores.


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Your nanites can redirect energy back at your foes. When you would take energy damage, you can spend a nanite surge as a reaction to reduce that damage by your nanocyte level, having nanites contain the energy instead. The first time you damage a creature with an unarmed strike or weapon that targets EAC on your next turn, you can increase the damage dealt by the amount of damage you absorbed with this ability. This damage is the same type as the prevented damage.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 57

Your nanites make the most of every opportunity to regenerate. Once per day after a combat in which you defeat a significant enemy who’s no longer alive, you can direct your nanites to devour that enemy’s body; if you do so, you regain Stamina points equal to 3 times your nanocyte level. You must have the hungry nanites and feasting nanites knacks to select this knack.


Ports of Call pg. 103

Your nanites are luminous beacons that can flash brightly. The light shed by your nanite cloud increases in intensity, shedding bright light instead of dim light. You can use a nanite surge as a swift action to overcharge your nanites, causing them to flare brightly. Each creature within your nanite cloud must succeed at a Fortitude save or be blinded until the end of its next turn. A creature that succeeds at its Fortitude save is instead dazzled for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution bonus. After your nanites flare in this way, they go dark and can’t shed illumination of any kind until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10 minute rest. You must have the glimmering nanites knack to select this knack.

Menacing PallEx

Level 14

Your cloud array becomes a deadly fog that can strike those within from any angle. While you’re adjacent to or within your nanite cloud, you can make melee attacks with weapons formed with your gear array from any square occupied by your nanite cloud. This allows you to gain position-based benefits such as avoiding cover or flanking an enemy. This ability doesn’t allow you to see targets that you couldn’t otherwise perceive. You can’t use this ability to perform attacks of opportunity.


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You can have your sheath array sprout a number of lengthy limbs to defend you and wield gear. You can spend a nanite surge when you form your sheath array, or as a standard action while your sheath array is active, to create a number of long semisolid limbs equal to your Constitution modifier. You increase your natural reach by 5 feet and can change how you are holding any held items as part of forming these limbs. You can use these limbs to make unarmed strikes. These limbs last as long as you are in your sheath array or for 1 minute, whichever is less. You can spend an additional nanite surge as a swift action in order to increase the duration of this ability by another minute.


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You can use your nanites to rout your foes directly. While your sheath array is active, you can use a nanite surge to send your nanites rocketing off your body with powerful force. Attempt a single bull rush combat maneuver that targets each creature within 15 feet of you; you can use your Constitution modifier for this attack roll instead of your Strength modifier. Regardless of the result of the bull rush, each creature targeted in this way takes force damage equal to your Constitution modifier. After using violent dispersal, your nanites disperse, ending your sheath array. You can’t use violent dispersal again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10 minute rest.

Your nanites can distill your thoughts into emotional images and feelings, enabling you to communicate with those with whom you don’t share a language. You can use a nanite surge to communicate simple ideas telepathically to any creatures within the area of your cloud array, even if you don’t share a common language. This doesn’t enable you to comprehend languages spoken within the area of your cloud array that you don’t understand.

Become LegionEx

Level 18

As a move action, you can use a nanite surge to transform into a nanite fog, during which you can take no actions except those granted to you by this ability. This is a polymorph effect, and it counts against the number of arrays you can have active. While transformed, you’re a Gargantuan construct with the swarm subtype, a space of 20 feet, and a reach of 0 feet. You can occupy the same space as other creatures. As a standard action, you can make a swarm attack (1d4 piercing damage per 2 nanocyte levels) and gain swarm defenses (except immunity to single-target mind-affecting effects) and swarm immunities as per the universal creature rules (Starfinder Alien Archive 157). These immunities don’t end ongoing conditions. When dealing swarm damage to creatures in your space, you can avoid damaging a number of creatures up to your Constitution modifier.

This transformation lasts until the beginning of your next turn, at which point you can attempt a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw. If you succeed, the transformation’s duration extends to the beginning of your next turn. If you fail, the transformation ends, and you re-form in any space your swarm body occupied. The DC of this saving throw increases by 2 each time you succeed at the saving throw. If you’re reduced to 0 Hit Points, the transformation ends automatically.

You can’t use this knack again until after you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


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Flurrying FogEx

Level 18

Your ability to strike from multiple angles out of your nanite cloud improves even further. While you’re adjacent to or within your nanite cloud, your reach with melee attacks made with weapons formed with your gear array gain additional reach of 10 feet. You can also make attacks of opportunity against any targets that would provoke them within your nanite cloud. You must have the menacing pall nanites knack to select this knack.


Ports of Call pg. 103

Your nanites allow you to reach inside an enemy and remove vital organs, potentially killing them outright. As a full action, you can spend a nanite surge to make a single unarmed strike, or attack with a weapon formed by your gear array, against a foe within your reach with a CR no greater than your level. If the attack hits, it deals damage as normal and the target must also succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 additional damage per your character level. If the target fails the save, it must also attempt a second Fortitude saving throw with the same DC. If it fails this second save, it dies instantly; this is a death effect. If the target has fortification against critical hits or a similar effect, the chance to treat a critical hit as a normal attack also applies to negating the additional damage and the saving throws.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 57

While you’re adjacent to or within your cloud array and take a guarded step, you can move a total distance equal to 5 feet plus 5 × half your Constitution modifier (rounded down) as long as your movement and destination is also entirely adjacent to or within your nanite cloud. Alternatively, you can use a nanite surge when taking a guarded step to teleport to any location so long as your starting point and destination are both adjacent to a square that contains your nanite cloud; this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Tech Revolution pg. 13

Nothing escapes the notice of your nanites. The range of your blindsight (vibration) granted by the all-seeing nanites knack increases to 20 feet. This blindsight also extends to any area to which your nanite cloud has line of effect, to a range of 20 feet. Traces of your nanite host can even penetrate solid material, granting you the sense through (blindsight [vibration]) ability, which is blocked by especially dense or thick materials as normal. Finally, when you apply a nanite tracker to a target using the all-seeing nanites knack, you can sense the target as though you had blindsight (vibration) with a range of a number of miles equal to your Constitution modifier. You must have the all-seeing nanites knack to select this knack.


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You can take a reaction to form a nanite array. After using this ability the first time each day, you must use a nanite surge each time you use it again.


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