Gear Boost


Core Rulebook pg. 112

At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you learn a trick called a gear boost that make you better with a particular type of weapon or armor. Choose from the gear boosts listed below. Some gear boosts require you to reach a certain soldier level to select them; this level is indicated in parentheses after the boost’s name.


Your strikes open brief gaps in your targets’ armor. When you hit with a weapon that deals piercing damage as part of a full attack, any additional attacks you make against that target before the beginning of your next turn target the creature’s EAC rather than its KAC.

You’re able to quickly don any armor that you’re proficient with in one-quarter the normal time—reduced to 1 full action for light armor and 4 rounds for heavy armor—without taking any penalties for donning armor hastily. For armor of at least 8th level but less than 16th level, this reduces the time required to don light armor to a standard action, and armor of 16th level and higher to a swift action.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

When you hit a creature within 30 feet of you while using a weapon with the bright weapon special property, the radiance partially blinds the target, giving it the dazzled condition for 1 round. If you hit multiple creatures at the same time (such as with an automatic, blast, or explode weapon), only the creature nearest to you or at the center of the explosion (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant) is affected.


Armory pg. 154

Bright FlamesEx

Level 3

Any weapon from the flame category gains the bright weapon special property while you wield it. If the weapon already has the bright property, the weapon’s attacks increase the area’s illumination by two steps, to a maximum of normal light. You can suppress or resume this gear boost for weapons you wield without spending an action.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

Brutal BlastEx

Level 3

You gain a +2 insight bonus to damage rolls with weapons that have the blast special property (such as a scattergun). This extra damage applies only to creatures within 10 feet of you; creatures farther away take the normal amount of damage. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

You gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls for weapons in the projectile category. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

Caustic BurnsEx

Level 3

When you score a critical hit with a weapon from the disintegrator category, you increase the damage of its corrode critical hit effect by 1d6. If it does not have a corrode critical hit effect, the weapon gains corrode 1d6 as a critical hit effect, which functions even if the weapon already has another critical hit effect.


Armory pg. 154

Close at HandEx

Level 3

You have a practiced ease with smuggling weapons. You gain a +2 bonus to Disguise checks to hide the fact that you are wearing armor and to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal weapons on your body. You can draw a concealed weapon as a move action or, if you have the Quick Draw feat, as a swift action.

While you are wearing heavy armor or powered armor, you can deal bludgeoning damage equal to your key ability score modifier once per round when you succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to renew a grapple. If your grappled foe is at least one size category smaller than you, add half your soldier level to the damage dealt.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

You can wield two-handed melee weapons and longarms in one hand. While doing so, the weapon gains the unwieldy weapon property and loses the operative weapon property if it had it. If the weapon was already unwieldy, you take a –2 penalty to attack rolls while wielding it in one hand instead.

Your weapon’s energy deflects incoming attacks. When you make an attack with a melee weapon that has the powered weapon special property, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your EAC until the beginning of your next turn. If your attack is a critical hit, the insight bonus increases to +2.


Armory pg. 154

You hurl thrown weapons with frightful strength. You treat the range increments of thrown weapons as 10 feet greater than normal. You can attack with thrown weapons as though they had the line weapon special property (affecting a line equal to their range).

You can attempt to conceal the fact you are wearing armor by removing the bulkiest pieces and dressing carefully. Doing so takes 10 minutes of work for light armor and 1d3×10 minutes of work for heavy armor and reduces the Armor Class bonus by 1 for light armor or 3 for heavy armor (to a minimum of +0). You can’t conceal power armor in this way. Then, roll a Disguise check (with a –4 penalty if you are concealing heavy armor). This sets the DC of the Perception checks of anyone observing you to notice you are wearing armor. If you are physically searched, the searcher gains a +4 bonus to the check. It takes the same amount of time to return your armor to normal.

You exploit an envenomed foe’s distress to disappear. When you use a weapon with the injection weapon special property to deliver a poison or drug, and the target fails their initial saving throw against the toxin, you can attempt a Bluff check to create a diversion as a swift action before the end of your turn. When creating a diversion in this way, you can use your Medicine skill modifier in place of your Bluff modifier.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

Double ShotEx

Level 3

As a standard action, you can perform a special double shot attack using a weapon with the quick reload property that does not target multiple creatures (such as a weapon with the blast, explode, or line special property). The attack uses twice the normal amount of ammunition and increases the attack’s damage by 1 point per die of damage. This attack can’t benefit from the boost, guided, or variant boost weapon special properties, or any other ability or effect that is a move action and alters the effect of your attack or damage.

With a practiced swing, you expend all your weapon’s power into one strike. When you successfully use a melee weapon with the powered weapon special property to strike a target, you can expend all the weapon’s remaining charges to deal additional damage, after which the weapon deactivates. The amount of additional damage is equal to 1d4 for every 3 item levels the weapon has. If the weapon has at least one-fourth, one half, or three quarters of its charges remaining, the additional damage die size increases to d6s, d8s, or d10s respectively. A weapon subjected to draining finisher overheats and cannot be reactivated without cooling down and rebooting for 1 minute.

When you are threatening a foe with a wielded melee weapon, cover it gains from you doesn’t grant it any bonus to AC against your allies’ ranged attacks. The foe still counts as having cover for the purpose of effects such as the Coordinated Shot feat; it simply doesn’t gain any cover bonuses to AC against your allies’ attacks.

Whenever a prone opponent that you threaten attempts to stand up from prone, as a reaction you can make a melee attack against that opponent. This functions similarly to an attack of opportunity, except your attack resolves before the opponent’s action (meaning they’re still prone when your attack roll and damage are resolved). You cannot use this attack to make a combat maneuver, even if you have another ability or item that would normally allow you to do so.

When you use the Bodyguard feat, it requires no action, but you must spend 1 Resolve Point each time after the first you use the Bodyguard feat during a single round, and each use must designate a different ally. Multiple uses of the Bodyguard feat don’t increase the penalty to Armor Class that you take using this feat. If you also have In Harm’s Way, each round you can use that feat to intercept one attack per target whose AC you have increased with the Bodyguard feat.

As a standard action, you can make two attacks against a single foe, taking a –3 penalty to each attack. Both attacks must be made using small arms or operative melee weapons. If both attacks hit and deal the same type of damage, combine the damage and apply damage reduction, resistances, vulnerabilities, and similar effects only once.

You can use the Adaptive Fighting feat multiple times per day. Each time per day you use Adaptive Fighting after the first, you must spend 1 Resolve Point. If you use Adaptive Fighting again before a previous use expires, you replace the previously chosen feat with a different choice. If a combat feat has any daily, encounter, or target limitations, any uses of any feat chosen with this ability count toward its daily limit.

When you use Spring Attack, you can select two targets to attack during your movement instead of one. Both attacks are made with a –4 penalty. All restrictions of Spring Attack apply to both targets, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from either target. You can’t target the same creature twice with this ability. You must be at least 7th level to select this feat boost.

When you use Shot on the Run, you can select two targets to attack during your movement instead of one. Both attacks take a –4 penalty. All restrictions of Shot on the Run apply to both targets, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from either target. You can’t target the same creature twice with this ability. You must be at least 7th level to select this feat boost.

You can use your Strength modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier to calculate the saving throw DC of thrown weapons with the explode property.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

Your initial attacks create an opening to deliver a punishing blow with your built-in armaments. When you make a full attack and successfully hit a creature, you reduce your penalty to attack rolls from making multiple attacks by 2 until the end of your turn, but only when making additional attacks with any augmentation weapon or weapon with the integrated weapon special property with which you have not made an attack this turn.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

The massive weapons you carry give you more heft when pushing others around. When you successfully perform a combat maneuver to bull rush or reposition a target while wielding a melee weapon with the unwieldy property, increase the result of your melee attack roll by 5 when determining how far you move your target.


Armory pg. 154

Melee StrikerEx

Level 3

Add an additional bonus equal to half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

When you make a ranged attack with a weapon with the thrown special property, it gains the benefit of the returning weapon fusion. If the weapon is already affected by the returning weapon fusion or a similar effect, it instead returns immediately, allowing you to make additional attacks with the weapon.

Whenever you’re wearing armor (including powered armor), you reduce your total armor check penalty by 1 (minimum 0) and total speed adjustment by 5 feet (minimum adjustment 0 feet). The armor check penalty reduction increases by 1 at 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter. At 11th level, you reduce the armor’s speed adjustment by 10 feet (minimum adjustment 0 feet). These benefits stack with similar effects, such as from the guard fighting style’s 1st-level style technique.

You can drain power from offensive enchantments to explosive effect. When you hit a target with a weapon that has a weapon fusion or fusion seal, you can temporarily drain the magic from the fusion to increase the weapon’s damage dealt to one target by an amount equal to the weapon fusion’s or fusion seal’s item level. The fusion then ceases functioning until you regain Stamina Points as part of a 10-minute rest. A fusion can be drained in this way only once per day.


Galactic Magic pg. 33

Raw LethalityEx

Level 3

When wielding weapons with the archaic weapon special property, the damage you deal is never reduced as a result of that property. Archaic weapons you wield gain bleed 1d8 as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or this bleed effect. The bleed damage increases by 1d8 at 11th level and every 4 soldier levels you have beyond 11th (maximum bleed 4d8 at 19th level).


Armory pg. 154

Your strikes effortlessly bounce off one target to impact another. When you hit with a melee weapon that deals bludgeoning damage as part of a full attack, additional attacks made as part of that full attack against a different creature gain a +2 circumstance bonus.

When you use a serum with a non-instantaneous duration, that duration is doubled. When you use a serum that grants a bonus to saving throws, that bonus increases by 1.

Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Computers, Disguise, Perception, Piloting, or Stealth. Add the chosen skill to your list of soldier class skills, and gain a +1 bonus to checks with this skill. You can select this special ops training more than once. Each time, you select a different class skill.

Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Computers, Disguise, Perception, Piloting, or Stealth. Add the chosen skill to your list of soldier class skills, and gain a +1 bonus to checks with this skill. You can select this special ops training more than once. Each time, you select a different class skill.

Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Computers, Disguise, Perception, Piloting, or Stealth. Add the chosen skill to your list of soldier class skills, and gain a +1 bonus to checks with this skill. You can select this special ops training more than once. Each time, you select a different class skill.

Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Computers, Disguise, Perception, Piloting, or Stealth. Add the chosen skill to your list of soldier class skills, and gain a +1 bonus to checks with this skill. You can select this special ops training more than once. Each time, you select a different class skill.

Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Computers, Disguise, Perception, Piloting, or Stealth. Add the chosen skill to your list of soldier class skills, and gain a +1 bonus to checks with this skill. You can select this special ops training more than once. Each time, you select a different class skill.

Swarm ShooterEx

Level 3

When you use a weapon that deals damage to multiple targets, it deals additional damage to creatures with the swarm defenses special ability as though the weapon affected all creatures in its area. When you use a ranged weapon that would normally affect only a single target against a creature with the swarm defenses ability, you can deal half damage to the target instead of no damage.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

While wielding at least two one-handed melee weapons, when you successfully attack and deal damage with one of those weapons, you gain a +2 insight bonus to damage with all other one-handed melee weapons you wield until the end of your turn. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have. Additionally, if you are wielding two identical one-handed melee weapons and make a full attack using both, increase the DC of those weapons’ critical hit effects by 1 until the end of your turn.


Armory pg. 154

Your unarmed strikes gain the wound critical hit effect and are treated as having an item level equal to your soldier level for the purpose of determining save DCs. You can take this gear boost twice. The second time you take it, your unarmed strikes instead gain the severe wound critical hit effect, and the DC to resist this effect increases by 1. If your unarmed strikes already have a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you apply either the unarmed strike’s normal critical hit effect or the wound (or severe wound) critical hit effect granted by this gear boost.


Armory pg. 154

Whenever you’re wielding a shield, you ignore half the shield’s armor check penalty and speed adjustment (if any). If the shield has a maximum Dexterity bonus, you also add 1 to its maximum Dexterity bonus.

While wearing heavy armor or powered armor, you gain a +4 insight bonus to your AC against bull rush, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers.


Armory pg. 154

As a move action, you can adjust the payload of a weapon you wield that deals acid damage, briefly converting it into an alkaline and equally caustic substance. Until the end of your turn, your attacks with the weapon treat the acid resistance of targets as 5 lower (minimum 0) for the purposes of resisting the weapon’s acid damage. At 15th level, the alkaline attacks instead treat the acid resistance of targets as 10 lower, and such attacks deal their minimum acid damage to targets immune to acid rather than dealing no damage.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

As a full action, you can make a single attack with a magic weapon against a single foe. If the attack is a ranged attack, the target must be within the first range increment. Even if the attack normally affects an area or multiple targets, it affects only your selected target. If your attack hits, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to force the target to attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your soldier level + your key ability score modifier). If the target fails its save, it can’t voluntarily move from its current space for 1d4 rounds. This has no effect on involuntary movement, but it does prevent the creature from teleporting or moving to another plane. Once you’ve struck a foe with this attack, whether it succeeds at or fails its saving throw, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

Area of OneEx

Level 7

You’re loath to waste good ammo on empty space; it’s more efficient to jam a barrel into your foe’s chest and fire. As a standard action while wielding a weapon that has the blast or line weapon special property, you can attempt a special combat maneuver check with a +4 bonus against a creature in your reach. Whether you succeed or fail, you can then fire the weapon at that creature as part of the standard action. If your combat maneuver succeeded, the ranged attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity, affects only that creature, and deals additional damage equal to your soldier level, and you treat the target as flat-footed against the attack.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

When you attack with a weapon in automatic mode, you can reload the weapon as part of the full action used to make the attack. You must reload the weapon with a full set of ammunition, such as a full clip, cartridge, or battery, as appropriate for the weapon.

Weapons you wield that have the injection weapon special property gain bleed 1d4 as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has the injection critical hit effect, you can apply both effects when you score a critical hit. If the weapon has another critical hit effect, apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or this bleed effect. The bleed damage increases to 2d4 at 11th level, 3d4 at 15th level, and 4d4 at 19th level.

You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction when you are hit by an attack that deals acid, electricity, or fire damage to direct part of that energy toward a foe within 15 feet of you. Make a special ranged attack against them that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you hit, your attack deals damage equal to either half the original attack’s damage or double your soldier level, whichever is less. This damage’s type or types match those of the original attack.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

When you score a critical hit with a weapon that has the disarm special property, you can choose to forgo the normal benefits of a critical hit (both the doubled damage and any critical hit effects). If you do, the attack deals normal damage. Roll the attack a second time to perform a disarm combat maneuver against the target.

Electric ArcEx

Level 7

When you hit a target with a weapon in the shock category, electricity arcs out from your original target to deal electricity damage to a secondary subject within 10 feet of the original target. This damage is equal to the weapon’s level. The secondary subject must be the creature nearest to the original target (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant). This gear boost does not function for weapons that have the explode or blast special property. If you use this gear boost with a weapon with the arc critical hit effect (see page 182), your secondary subject for electric arc must be the same as your secondary subject for the arc critical effect.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

Fast HandsEx

Level 7

You can draw a small arm or weapon with the operative property as a swift action. If you have the Quick Draw feat, once per turn you can draw a small arm or weapon with the operative property without taking any action.

Flash FreezeEx

Level 7

When you hit a creature with a weapon in the cryo category, that creature’s speeds are reduced by 10 feet for 1 round, to a minimum of 10 feet.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

Forceful TripEx

Level 7

When you successfully use a melee weapon with the trip weapon special property to perform a trip combat maneuver, you push that opponent to the ground with extra force, dealing additional bludgeoning damage equal to your key ability score modifier plus your soldier level.

When you hit a creature with an analog weapon that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can hamper the target’s movement for 1 round (Reflex negates). While hampered, the creature’s speed is reduced by half, and it can’t perform guarded steps. Once a creature attempts a save against this gear boost, it’s immune to the ability for 24 hours.


Galactic Magic pg. 33

You can use this gear boost before attempting to fire a ranged weapon that is out of ammunition to immediately reload the weapon with an amount of ammunition or charge equal to the weapon’s usage value. This can’t provide a weapon additional ammunition if the ammunition’s item level is greater than half your soldier level. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

When you score a critical hit using a weapon with the burn critical effect and your attack deals damage to the target, the fire damage from the burn effect ignores fire resistance the target might have.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

You are expert at setting things on fire with plasma. If your attack roll with a weapon in the plasma category is a 19 (the d20 shows a 19), and the attack hits your target, the target gains the burning condition. The condition deals 1d4 fire damage if the weapon has an item level of 1st-6th, 1d8 if its item level is 7th-14th, and 2d8 if its item level is 15th or higher.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

When you attack with a weapon with the explode special property and a radius of 10 feet or greater, you can increase the radius of the explosion by 5 feet.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

When you use a weapon that affects an area, such as weapons with the line, blast, or explode special properties, you can choose one creature in the weapon’s area not to be affected by the weapon.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

Sidereal ArcEx

Level 7

You can make a special full attack with a single weapon with the thrown special property. Each attack must be against a different target. When you attack this way, your thrown weapon arcs from each hit target to the next target. For the purposes of determining cover (but not concealment), you’re considered to be attacking from the previous target’s square. At the end of this series of attacks, the weapon returns to you as per the returning fusion.

When you successfully use a melee weapon with the block weapon special property to strike an opponent, you can also protect an ally adjacent to you. Both you and the ally gain the block property’s +1 enhancement bonus to AC against that foe’s melee attacks. The ally loses this bonus if they move outside your melee reach.

When you hit a creature within 30 feet of you using a weapon in the sonic category, the sonic energy continues to resonate within that creature, giving it the flat-footed condition for 1 round. If you hit multiple creatures at the same time (such as with an automatic, blast, or explode weapon), only the creature nearest to you or to the center of the explosion (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant) is affected.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

You can set a weapon with the stun weapon special property to stun mode or reset it to normal mode as part of the action used to make an attack with the weapon.

When you hit with a weapon in the shock category, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to overload the environmental protections built into the target’s armor, flooding their armor with dangerous gases. Choose one of these three effects (Fortitude negates):

  • Caustic gases irritate the target’s eyes, causing them to treat all creatures as though they have concealment.
  • Toxic fumes give the creature the sickened condition.
  • Hallucinogenic fumes give the creature the shaken condition.

The malfunction and effects last for 1d4 rounds, though a creature can end the effects immediately by deactivating their environmental protections as a standard action. Once you affect a creature with this gear boost, they are immune to it for 24 hours. This has no effect on creatures who aren’t wearing armor that provides environmental protections.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

When you make a full attack while wielding two one-handed melee weapons, two small arms, or a small arm and a one-handed melee weapon, you can make two attacks with one weapon and two attacks with the second weapon in any order. You take a –6 penalty to these attacks instead of a –4 penalty. You must have the soldier’s onslaught class ability to take this gear boost.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

Your unarmed strikes gain the wound critical hit effect and are treated as having an item level equal to your soldier level for the purpose of determining save DCs. You can take this gear boost twice. The second time you take it, your unarmed strikes instead gain the severe wound critical hit effect, and the DC to resist this effect increases by 1. If your unarmed strikes already have a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you apply either the unarmed strike’s normal critical hit effect or the wound (or severe wound) critical hit effect granted by this gear boost.


Armory pg. 154

When you strike multiple targets with a weapon with the line special property, and the effect would be stopped due to a target taking no damage, and if that target does not provide total cover to creatures farther away, the remaining targets instead take half damage if the attack hits them. Additionally, if you score a critical hit with a line weapon, you can choose which target takes the effect of the critical hit.

Your attacks with weapons that deal energy damage slice through part of your target’s resistances. If your attack with a weapon does not already overcome the target’s energy resistance, treat the target’s energy resistances as though they were each 5 lower. At 15th level, treat the target’s energy resistances as 10 lower.


Armory pg. 154

Your armor adjustments and perfect positioning both dissipate and deflect incoming attacks. When you use the deflecting armor gear boost, you reduce the amount of damage you take from the original attack by an amount equal to double your key ability score modifier. You must have deflecting armor to choose this gear boost.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

Acid BathEx

Level 11

When you make an attack with a weapon that deals acid damage, you can adjust the chemical payload to be stickier but more difficult to aim. This gives you a –1 penalty to the attack roll and the first creature you hit with the attack also takes ongoing acid damage as if affected by the corrode (1d6) critical hit effect for 3 rounds. The corrode damage increases to 2d6 if the weapon’s item level is at least 15, and it increases to 3d6 if the weapon’s item level is at least 19.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

Your weapons absorb ambient magic, potentially disrupting spellcasting. When you hit a target with an analog weapon, the target must attempt a Will save whenever they cast a spell before the beginning of your next turn. If they fail the save by 4 or less, the spell is weakened—treat its caster level as 2 lower, reduce any saving throw DC by 2, and the caster takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls with the spell. If they fail the save by 5 or more, the spell fails. Once a creature attempts a save against this gear boost, it’s immune to the ability for 24 hours.


Galactic Magic pg. 33

As a standard action, you can throw two grenades you’re holding. The grenades must be aimed at intersections no more than 15 feet apart, and you make a separate attack for each grenade. The sum of the grenades’ item levels can’t exceed your soldier level plus your key ability score modifier.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

If you have an augmentation that functions as a weapon, such as a bone blade or optical laser, you can install an additional augmentation in the same system. You can have no more than two augmentations in that system, even if you have another ability that provides you a similar benefit.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

Heavy OnslaughtEx

Level 11

Your attacks with heavy weapons bypass part of the target’s damage reduction. If your heavy weapon does not already overcome the target’s damage reduction, treat the target’s damage reduction as though it were 5 lower. At 15th level, treat the target’s damage reduction as 10 lower.


Core Rulebook pg. 112

When you make a ranged attack using a projectile weapon or other ranged weapon that uses physical ammunition (such as darts or arrows) but fail to hit your target’s AC by an amount that does not exceed any AC bonus that creature receives against your attack due to cover, you can fire a second shot as a reaction to deflect your first attack midair toward the target. Roll 1d6, and reduce the target’s AC bonus from cover against your first attack by that amount (minimum +0), potentially causing your first attack to succeed retroactively.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 75

When wielding a weapon with the penetrating special property, add half your soldier level to the item’s level to calculate the amount of hardness that the weapon can ignore.

When you augment a weapon’s damage using the boost weapon special property, the property also increases the damage of the weapon’s second attack made before the end of your next turn so long as your first such attack misses its target and deals no damage.

Steady SniperEx

Level 11

When you use a move action to aim a weapon with the sniper weapon special property, you can make two attacks with that weapon as a standard action before the end of your turn; you take a –6 penalty to each of these attacks and must attempt both attacks against the same target. This counts as a full attack for the purpose of any abilities that reduce your penalties to attacks.


Armory pg. 154

You can use your attacks to stymie an opponent’s movement instead of directly attacking. When you successfully use a weapon with the reach weapon special property to strike a target with an attack of opportunity, instead of dealing damage to that target, you give the target the flat-footed condition and reduce all the target’s speeds (including burrow, climb, fly, and swim speeds) by half; both effects last until the beginning of the target’s next turn.

You can use weapons in the shock category to perform dirty trick combat maneuvers against targets with the technological subtype and to perform sunder combat maneuvers. For ranged attacks, either maneuver can only be attempted against targets within the first range increment, and you make a ranged attack against the target’s KAC + 8 instead of a melee attack roll.


Tech Revolution pg. 33

When you use a weapon with the analog weapon special property to damage a technological object or creature with the technological subtype, your attack ignores hardness up to half your soldier level. If your weapon also has the archaic weapon special property, your attacks ignore hardness up to your soldier level instead of only half your soldier level.



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