
When you pair up with a differently sized ally, your foes have little chance to dodge your attacks.
Base attack bonus +6.
Your body knits back together especially quickly while you are resting.
Con 13
You have a few extra eldritch tricks up your sleeve.
Key Ability Score 19, Caster Level 7
You can adjust your fighting style to match specific conditions during combat.
3 or more combat feats
Your training enables you to adapt and evolve formidable temporary defenses.
Enhanced Resistance, base attack bonus +4, early stage adaptation racial trait.
You have adjusted one of your armor upgrades to give yourself a few more options.
Int 19, Engineering 10 ranks
You hold your weapon using an extra hand (or more) to better push your enemies around.
Str 15
You can remove certain mechanical parts of your body in order to reduce your size.
Con 14; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentations installed in all arms and legs.
You shout a warning to your allies, focusing their attention on the threats around them.
Cha 15
You know how to use advanced melee weapons.
Proficiency in basic melee weapons.
You can evade enemy attacks while flying, though it impacts your ability to aim.
Fly speed with average maneuverability or better
You can move, cast a spell, and move again before foes react.
Key ability score 15, Dex 15, Mobility, caster level 4th
You can dart around underwater like a fish.
Racial swim speed.
Known online as “The AkBattPackHack”, this simple, quick, and dangerous trick went viral on social media during Drift Crisis (_Starfinder Drift Crisis_) riots on Akiton, where outgunned residents incapacitated an entire robotic security force within a few minutes.
Int 11
By gathering natural ingredients, you can create life-saving medicines.
Life Science 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks.
Many hands make light work.
Four or more arms
You are particularly skilled at attacking surprised targets.
You are particularly skilled at avoiding attacks when surprised.
You can create sudden distractions with technological devices.
Computers 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks
Through profound pain and headaches connected to psychic contact has come wisdom. You have studied your own psychic reverb and can impose the effect on opponents.
Psychic reverb species trait, character level 5th.
You know how to make foes extremely angry with you.
Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks
You have practiced preventing an enemy from using a grenade by destroying and detonating it in their hand.
Headteachers are prestigious scholars who have become revered experts in their fields after decades of dedication. Like these famous osharu scholars, you pride yourself in exuding not only confidence but warmth, which helps you mentor others in their fields.
Life Science or Physical Science 5 ranks.
You’ve learned techniques that redirect your disrupted magical energy back to your enemies.
Mysticism 5 ranks
You have special devices installed into your arms that allow you to extend them great distances.
Constructed racial trait or construct type.
Seeing your allies hurt drives you to lash out at your foes.
Base attack bonus +1
You aren’t as easy to hit when surrounded.
Perception 3 ranks.
When you scramble away from danger, you’re harder to hit.
Acrobatics 5 ranks
Your knowledge of gymnastics tricks and martial arts techniques remove some of the disadvantages of charging your enemies.
Acrobatics 3 ranks
You are adept at creating quick, temporary cover.
Engineering 1 rank.
You know how to use basic melee weapons.
You can imbue your attacks with a portion of your magic.
Mystic Strike, Weapon Specialization
When foes attempt to resist your magic, you can redouble your efforts to break their defenses.
You can crush grappled opponents in your arms or other limbs, squeezing them hard enough to cause injury.
Improved Combat Maneuver (grapple).
While you’re in the air, you use your advantageous altitude to your favor.
Base attack bonus +8.
You are skilled at attacking opponents you can’t clearly see.
You can deliver carefully placed slashing attacks.
Something in your ancestry has strengthened your innate magic and given it an arachnid twist.
Racial trait that grants a spell-like ability.
You can attempt to ward off attacks that target nearby allies.
You project unflappable confidence and know just how to motivate people.
By sapping nearby flora, you can protect your own lifeforce.
Mysticism 5 ranks.
You are well trained at moving into potentially dangerous areas.
You can get extra oomph out of your powered weaponry, at great expense to the weapon.
Engineering 5 ranks
You use your finely honed natural attacks to rend an enemy to pieces.
Str 17, Dex 13, base attack bonus +6, Rending Slash.
You have used your unique biology to bud off a biological drone you can more easily integrate with.
Drone class feature, adaptation or early stage adaptation racial trait.
You’re a terrifying sight when you toss your opponents around.
Str 13, Intimidate 5 ranks.
You rely on your strength to get through under pressure.
Str 13, character level 3rd.
You can imprint and interpret scent-related messages.
Blindsense (scent), blindsight (scent), or Survival 5 ranks.
Your protective plates can better shield nearby allies.
Bulwark species trait.
You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.
Str 13, base attack bonus +1
You always have a witty remark or comeback ready at your adversaries’ expense.
Int 13, Quick Quip, Diplomacy 5 ranks.
You can climb as well as a monkey or a spider.
Athletics 5 ranks.
When you are attacking a foe in melee, you know how to maneuver to make it more difficult for other foes to target you.
Base attack bonus +1
You leave fewer openings when casting a spell.
Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
You work fluidly with your creature companion mount.
Survival 1 rank.
With careful timing you can take maximum advantage of a coordinated assault on your foes.
Base attack bonus +3
When you realize you’ve put your foot in your mouth, you’re adept at quickly backpedaling and playing the fool to save your own skin.
The people within your organization respect and look up to you and prove to be a reliable source of intel.
Manager of an organization using the leadership system (Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual 100).
With understanding and experience, you can manipulate your genetics to gain unexpected secondary effects.
Life Science 5 ranks, early stage adaptation racial trait.
You gain a hint of mystic power.
Wis 15, character level 5th, no levels in mystic.
You’ve learned how to make friends by telling people what they want to hear.
You’re always on the lookout for danger, making it hard to get the drop on you.
Wis 11, character level 5th.
You distract a target, allowing an ally to slip their hand into the mark’s pocket.
You can pull the pin on a grenade and hold onto it until the last second before its detonation, making it harder to avoid.
Dex 11, proficiency with grenades
You can maneuver a foe to be in the direct line of an ally’s fire.
Base attack bonus +1
You have embraced your corruption.
One or more corruption manifestations.
You can reveal one of the mysterious underpinnings of the universe you’ve learned in your travels, forcing a creature to grapple with the implications.
Wis 15, Bluff 5 ranks, Mysticism 5 ranks.
You’re a skilled wrestler who can quickly turn the tables.
Improved Combat Maneuver (grapple).
When the going gets tough, you hide behind allies.
Cha 13.
You can grant your creature companion simple actions.
Survival 1 rank.
Your control of your creature companion improves.
Creature Companion Adept, Survival 4 ranks.
Your bond with your companion deepens, allowing it to anticipate your commands.
Creature Companion Expert, Survival 10 ranks.
Your creature companion can unleash its fury unbidden.
Creature Companion Master, Survival 13 ranks.
Your perfect musical cues can accentuate a moment of triumph and send a surge of adrenaline through an ally.
Crescendo of Violence.
Your skill with modulating the sounds of your sonic weapons into musical patterns borders on showboating but also inspires your allies.
Charisma 15 or Profession (musician) 5 ranks.
You can bludgeon your foes and send them reeling.
Str 13, base attack bonus +4
You can tap into the local zeitgeist to win friends and influence people.
You leverage physics to add a curve to your thrown grenades.
You are capable of incredible bursts of strength for a brief time.
Str 17
Your can strike your enemies’ weak points and deal more damage.
Base attack bonus +1.
You can make an upcoming attack or effect sound so terrifying and dangerous that its targets are actually more likely to be affected by it.
Cha 19, Bluff 10 ranks.
You can leap down on your foes with increased ferocity, adding the force of your fall to your strike.
Base attack bonus +6
You can dive out of the way of an incoming attack.
Dex 19, Acrobatics 10 ranks.
You deny multiple foes the advantage of their numbers.
Base attack bonus +6
You can knock your foe’s weapon aside when you seize an opening in their tactics.
Base attack bonus +4
You were born to fight your enemies, and nobody does it better.
Dex 13, base attack bonus +1, armor training trait.
You can use your melee weapon to deflect attacks.
Base attack bonus +8.
You swiftly pursue fleeing foes.
Dex 17, base attack bonus +10, Step Up, Step Up and Strike
You can twist your body as you fall to ensure you land on your feet.
Constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentation installed in spinal column.
Even in the most perilous conditions you can summon the resolve to complete your spells.
Spellcaster, character level 5
Your unflinching demeanor under threat makes some think twice.
Intimidate 5 ranks
Your spellcasting and your medical knowledge synergize.
Wis 11
You are especially hard to kill. Your wounds quickly stabilize when you’re grievously wounded.
When you take your time to complete a task, your careful attention yields greater results.
Your ordered mind allows you to thoroughly search an area in less time.
Perception 1 rank.
You quickly understand individuals whom you engage in conversation, and you can encourage rumor and gossip.
Diplomacy 1 rank.
You manage to pull through one last time, even when you have nothing left to give.
Con 15.
By aiming carefully, you can cause your sonic weapons to emit a terrible noise on impact, aggravating the senses of creatures that rely heavily on hearing.
Ailments find it hard to take hold in your system.
Con 11.
You shake off ailments swiftly.
Con 17, Disease Adaptation.
You can stab, slice, or smash the magic right off of something— or someone.
Base attack bonus +10, Mysticism 10 ranks.
You rely on your strength to get through under pressure.
Str 15.
You’re adept at swooping down on a foe.
Dex 14, base attack bonus +1.
You know how to dive out of the area of an effect.
Base Reflex save bonus +2.
Your broad experience has made you better at avoiding danger.
Eternal hope or ecstatic joy racial trait, character level 5th.
You can draw attention to yourself, allowing your allies to slip away.
You gain power from the deity you faithfully worship.
Worship a deity of an alignment within one step of your own alignment.
Worship a deity of an alignment within one step of your own alignment (Core Rulebook 25)
You know how to make a sudden entrance that puts your enemies on their back foot.
Str 15
Your limbs allow you to manipulate multiple weapons.
Four or more arms.
You can make rapid small arm attacks to increase the effectiveness of your attacks.
Weapon Focus (small arms), proficiency with small arms.
You and an ally become a double threat.
You can detect even very slight movements nearby.
Darkvision and low-light vision.
You channel your breath weapon into a ranged attack.
Breath weapon species trait.
You are skilled at bringing your opponent down with you when you are knocked prone.
You drive your vehicles hard, making them deadlier to foes.
Piloting 1 rank
You have learned to use the echo of sonic attacks to locate unseen assailants.
Perception as a class skill.
When you spend a week of downtime to participate in administrative duties for your charter, you gain 2 free days of downtime to spend on other activities. These activities take place throughout the week as you find space in your schedule. When exploring, you manage your gear as rigorously as your schedule; treat your Strength score as 2 higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.
Your experience and industriousness enable you to dramatically streamline your crafting projects.
Int 15, Engineering 5 ranks.
You’re particularly graceful while airborne.
You have learned a broad range of additional magic.
Key ability score 19, Lesser Eldritch Lore, Minor Eldritch Lore, caster level 10th, 10 levels in a class with a class spell list.
Due to your unique physiology, you can safely store important medicines inside yourself until you require them for use in an emergency.
Adaptation or early stage adaptation racial trait, or ooze type.
You’re able to benefit from your allies’ presence more often.
Character level 5th, communalism racial trait.
You have trained your body to resist a particular type of damage.
Base attack bonus +4
Your Eye of Entropy perceives unseen opponents.
Third Eye.
You’ve seen the ultimate end of the cosmos through your third eye, and when you reveal these secrets to others, the results are unpredictable.
Third Eye.
You are acclimated to a broad range of environments.
Con 13
Your ability to overcome adversity is inspiring to your allies.
Like the Vorlath mercenaries, you escaped from a laboratory. While there, you were exposed to a wide variety of procedures and your body learned to fight off an array of harmful substances.
You can wield your third eye against spiritual foes.
Third Eye.
You’re much more adept at holding your breath than others of your species.
Con 11
You have expanded your latent telepathic powers.
Limited telepathy racial trait.
Your resolve is stronger than most.
Character level 5th.
You can stop on a dime when a misstep leaves you open to attack.
Dex 11, Acrobatics 1 rank
You remain accurate at longer ranges.
Base attack bonus +1.
Your blood or other vital fluids clot quickly, reducing the chance of ongoing danger.
Con 13
You can baffle a foe with chatter to disguise the start of battle.
Bluff 5 ranks.
Your focus on defense leaves no opening for your opponents as you fire on them.
Base attack bonus +4
You know how to fight while off-balance or prone.
While other gunners rely on hand-eye coordination, you use careful calculation and science to obliterate your foes.
Physical Science 3 ranks
You provide quick, expert care to save lives in the direst moments.
Medicine 1 rank
You can change your appearance in an instant even while moving.
Change form species trait, change shape universal monster rule, quick disguise operative exploit, or similar ability at the GM’s discretion.
You are faster than most.
You can sharpen an imprecise sense to detect things with precision at closer range.
You have learned to casually ignore wounds that would interfere with a lesser spellcaster’s concentration.
Combat Casting, ability to cast 4th-level spells.
Your mind is a fortress. When others intrude, you can push them back with incredible force.
Iron Will, telepathy or limited telepathy
You can keep going through sheer willpower—for a little while, at least.
Wis 13, character level 5th
When you reposition a foe, you can use the movement to disrupt both the target and a second creature.
Improved Combat Maneuver (reposition).
When you hack a computer, it’s a two-front war.
Computers 1 rank, four or more hands.
You can weaponize the power of your own psyche to weaken the resolve of others.
Cha 17, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, character level 9th.
You’re used to nimbly navigating constructed environments.
Acrobatics 3 ranks.
Your knowledge of the natural world makes you more appealing to all sorts of denizens of the untamed places.
Wis 13
Your winning and adaptable personality gains you access to less-reputable professional services.
Diplomacy 5 ranks.
You unnerve your spell’s victim with odd gestures, cackling laughter, or other effects.
Cha 15, Intimidate 5 ranks, ability to cast spells.
You accompany your injections with a promise of terrible effects that shakes your target’s resolve.
Intimidate 3 ranks.
You can damage your enemy’s weapons as they strike you, sometimes to terrifying effect.
Con 17
You use your numerous limbs to lay down a hail of fire.
Base attack bonus +1, four or more arms.
When you fight dirty you fight really dirty. The explosive results speak for themselves.
Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver (dirty trick)
You know how to keep your foes flustered and infuriated.
Antagonize or Quick Quip, Diplomacy 5 ranks.
Your melee attack can grab your opponent’s attention, discouraging them from attacking anyone else.
Intimidate 5 ranks.
You’re an expert at picking a pocket and running.
You can use a grappler to draw your foes closer.
Str 11.
You’ve modified the ends of your LFAN to tighten their grip.
Pincered LFAN.
You can strike many adjacent foes with a single blow.
Str 13, Cleave, base attack bonus +4.
You are resistant to diseases, poisons, and other maladies.
You can increase your size by bolting on random pieces of junk to your body.
Con 14; Adjustable Frame; character level 10th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentations installed in all arms and legs.
You have learned a broad range of additional potent magic.
Key ability score 21, Eldritch Lore, Lesser Eldritch Lore, Minor Eldritch Lore, caster level 13th, 13 levels in a class with a class spell list.
You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.
Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6.
The energy of the Shadow Plane suffuses your body, mind, and spirit.
Improved Shadow Infusion, Shadow Infusion, character level 13th.
Your spells break through spell resistance much more easily than most.
Spell Penetration.
You know how to get the most out of your grenades.
Proficiency with grenades.
You know how to use grenades.
In your most dire moments, you summon a primal desire to survive that pushes you beyond your limits.
Con 17
You maintain your combat prowess even when at a disadvantage.
Str 11.
You’re able to bargain with large groups.
Diplomacy or Intimidate 5 ranks.
By taking a moment to prepare before attempting to make an impression, you can help another creature look and feel more confident.
You can use your healing channel to harm undead.
Healing channel connection power, mystic level 1st.
When wielding multiple sonic weapons, you can modulate their frequencies to allow them to musically amplify each other when operated together.
Multi-Weapon Fighting.
Through a combination of sheer power, practiced posture, and conscientious load balancing, you can carry more than most.
Str 13.
You know how to use heavy armor.
Str 13, proficiency in light armor.
Your armor upgrade slot can accept larger and more advanced armor upgrades
Upgrade slot species trait or upgrade slot graft (Starfinder Alien Archive 4 147).
You know how to use heavy weapons.
Str 13, proficiency in small arms and longarms.
Your body responds more effectively to infection.
Con 13
You can use your knowledge of a creature’s anatomy and biology to unnerve it.
You’re able to provide uncanny support to your allies.
Communalism or hive defense racial trait, limited telepathy or telepathy racial trait.
You can enter a deep, meditative state to heal yourself of wounds and infirmities.
Con 13, any species that grants at least 6 Hit Points at 1st level.
When your target doesn’t know you’re armed, you can strike out before they even know what hit them.
Sleight of Hand 5 ranks
You’re able to hide the evidence of your sabotage with ease.
Engineering 3 ranks.
Hydraulics installed in your mechanical parts allow you to eject them at speed.
Con 14; Adjustable Frame; character level 6th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentations installed in all arms and legs.
You use your innate strength to launch a smaller ally into the thick of battle.
Size Large, Strength 17.
You can't hold still, making you difficult to hit.
Hyper racial ability
You terrify your foes with impressive posturing.
Str 15, Intimidate 5 ranks
Your anti-grenade reflexes are particularly sharp.
Base attack bonus +5, Antigrenadier
You are particularly skilled with a specific combat maneuver.
Base attack bonus +1
Attacks with your chosen weapon are harder to shake off.
Base attack bonus +8.
You are skilled at quickly demoralizing your foes.
Your attacks from above are powerful enough to drive your foes into the ground.
Dex 14, Str 14, Dive Bomb, base attack bonus +7.
Your natural resistance to an energy type is more pronounced.
Con 13, character level 10th, energy resistance from a racial trait.
You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.
You are more resistant to diseases, poisons, and dangers.
Great Fortitude, character level 5th.
Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.
Your clarity of thought allows you to resist mental attacks.
Iron Will, character level 5th.
You can stand from prone in a blink of an eye.
Acrobatics 1 rank, Kip-Up feat or moxie racial trait.
You have a knack for avoiding the dangers all around you.
Lightning Reflexes, character level 5th.
Your connection to the Shadow Plane has grown stronger.
Shadow Infusion, character level 7th.
You keep your mobility when sidestepping foes’ melee attacks.
Dex 17, Mobility or trick attack class feature, Sidestep.
You have focused on honing your innate magical talents.
At least one spell-like ability that is a level-0 or 1st-level spell, character level 4th.
You are particularly skilled at stopping foes in their tracks.
Stand Still.
Your ranged attacks provide better support for your allies.
Base attack bonus +6.
You have trained to make your unarmed strikes lethal and strike with kicks, head-butts, and similar attacks.
You put yourself in danger’s path to save your allies.
You can run through winding corridors and weave your way through grasping claws without pause.
Dex 13, Mobility.
You can calculate the angle and timing of your explosive weapons to damage the ground, making the terrain treacherous.
Base attack bonus +5.
Throughout your life, you’ve interacted with various creatures and their environments across the known universe. This experience aids you, even when you’re under intense stress.
Over 100 years old, 10 ranks in Engineering, Life Science, or Mysticism.
You can quickly sense relationships between others and use that knowledge to manipulate them.
Perception 1 rank, Sense Motive 1 rank.
You are more resistant to mental effects.
You can boost your charge attacks with jets to move farther.
Piloting 3 ranks.
You are swift of foot and can make enormous leaps.
You have learned to tweak the luck of not just your allies, but your enemies as well. By changing an enemy’s fate at a critical moment, you can deny them a moment of victory.
Character level 9th.
You are a student of the battle dances of kasathan legends. You weave in and out of a fray with grace, moving your arms and body in a flowing motion that confounds your foes.
Dex 13, Mobility or trick attack.
You can stand up from prone in a hurry.
Acrobatics 1 rank.
You push foes into each other with disorienting, painful force.
Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush).
Your knowledge of your own biology gives you the ability to attempt a dramatic trick to survive a knockout blow.
Int 17
You can arrest your fall when climbing.
Athletics 3 ranks.
You laugh in the face of peril, inspiring your allies to keep fighting.
Con 13.
You have learned a broad range of additional low-level magic.
Key ability score 17, Minor Eldritch Lore, caster level 7th, 7 levels in a class with a class spell list.
When you counter a spell, you can claim some of its thaumaturgic energies to regain your own cast spells.
Ability to cast spells
You know how to use light armor.
Drawing your weapon is pure reflex when you sense danger.
Improved Initiative or Quick Draw
You have faster reflexes than normal.
You are skilled in using rope and cable.
Athletics 5 ranks
When you’re down, you can leverage an upright foe to clamber back up, possibly dragging them down in the process.
Str 17.
Your gaze alone serves as a challenge to combat.
Intimidate 15 ranks
When you provide tactical fire, you pin your foes down and seek opportunities to strike.
Base attack bonus +4
You know how to use longarms.
Proficiency in small arms.
Even if you don’t know an answer, sometimes you arrive at the solution anyway with a lucky guess.
Any species trait or feat that allows you to reroll a d20.
You can deliver particularly debilitating piercing attacks.
You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach.
Base attack bonus +6.
Your musical training and virtuosic reflexes allow you to get more sound out of your sonic and musical weaponry.
Profession (musician) 5 ranks
Your inner shapeshifting potential allows you to attain increasingly powerful draconic forms.
7th level, Cha 15, Minor Draconic Form.
You have learned a broad range of additional powerful magic.
Key ability score 23, Eldritch Lore, Greater Eldritch Lore, Lesser Eldritch Lore, Minor Eldritch Lore, caster level 16th, 16 levels in a class with a class spell list.
Nature’s power flows through you, allowing you to warp your enemies or shroud you from harm.
Wis 15, Minor Naturalism, Naturalism, character level 7th.
You have a significant natural psychic ability.
Cha 15, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, character level 7th.
You wield illusions that misdirect, deceive, or entertain an audience.
Cha 15, Minor Stage Magic, Stage Magic, character level 7th.
You use your many limbs to counter combat maneuvers.
Four or more arms.
With your face concealed, you can be inscrutable.
You can batter the water’s surface to create a huge sheet of water that temporarily conceals you from your foes.
Str 11, base attack bonus +1.
You can construct things more quickly than most.
Computers, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, or appropriate Profession 5 ranks.
Your mastery of disguises allows you to pass for creatures wildly different from your own species.
Change form species trait or Disguise 7 ranks.
You know how to make the airwaves—such as they are in space—work for you.
Member of a charter that has completed the broadcast studio project.
You are an expert at medical science and caring for the ill.
Life Science 1 rank, Medicine 1 rank, Physical Science 1 rank.
By taking a moment to calm your mind, your body is capable of greater feats than usual.
You can dissolve key portions of your target’s defenses, making them easier to hit.
Base attack bonus +11.
You know how to use coercion to change people’s minds without suffering the consequences.
Intimidate 1 rank.
You can access the physical pathways of even the dimmest memories, whether from previous inhabitants of your body or from your own experiences.
Construct type, constructed racial trait, exocortex, or head slot augmentation.
You’ve trained in how to take your foes alive.
Your enhanced metabolism processes toxins of all kinds more quickly than usual.
Con 11
By shooting a thrown grenade out of mid-air, you detonate it before your enemies are ready for the blast.
Base attack bonus +10, Multi-Weapon Fighting
You can use what you know about an incoming spell to increase your defenses against it.
Int 13 or Wis 13
You have a natural talent for assuming draconic form.
Cha 13; dragon type, dragon-scaled species ability, or dragonblood theme.
You have learned a broad range of additional minor magic.
Key ability score 15, caster level 4th, 4 levels in a class with a class spell list.
You’re so close to nature that you can summon fragments of natural magic to aid you.
Wis 11
You have a minor natural psychic ability.
Cha 11.
You have a minor natural psychic ability.
Cha 11.
You can easily move past dangerous foes.
Dex 13
You can use the momentum of a mighty blow to reposition yourself.
Str 11, Athletics 5 ranks.
You believe your body is a temple, albeit one that undergoes frequent renovation.
Member of a charter that has completed the augmentation clinic project.
Your sudden change of appearance creates an opening for an attack.
Bluff 1 rank, Disguise 1 rank.
While mounted, you exhibit exceptional control over not just your creature companion but also yourself.
Combat-Trained Mount, Survival 5 ranks.
You know how to fight with several lighter weapons at once and how to take advantage of your multiple attacks.
Through a twist of genetics, magic, or strange fate, you developed another of your race’s traits
Dimorphic racial trait, character level 9th.
Your LFAN’s tendrils can lift heavy loads that unbalance you.
Strength 13, LFAN species trait.
You use your raw strength and instinct to defend yourself in the heat of battle.
Str 15.
You know how to take advantage of your foe’s distraction when casting spells.
Your magical power flows into your weapons.
Ability to cast spells.
Nanites responsible for maintaining your constructed body have been upgraded, and a subset of them has been reprogrammed to perform incredible feats.
Character level 3rd, constructed racial trait or construct type.
You know techniques and materials that can turn excess foraged foodstuffs into preserved rations.
Survival 1 rank
You gain additional stores of resolve when you can connect with nature.
Your bond to nature strengthens, bringing with it new magical talents.
Wis 13, Minor Naturalism, character level 4th.
You can move across a single obstacle with ease.
Dex 15.
You slip in dirty tricks at every opportunity and impose tenacious conditions.
Improved Combat Maneuver (dirty trick).
When you see something demonstrated you can replicate it, even if you are not skilled in the task.
You have grown more verdant, and your flora-like qualities protect you against certain hazards.
Character level 10, evergreen or limited plant benefits species ability
Your ranged assault leaves your foe disoriented and vulnerable to your next melee attack.
Through observation and experimentation, you can determine the exact pitch to shatter glass with your voice—and sturdier objects with your spells and weapons.
Perception 6 ranks.
You’ve specialized your studies to focus on how to take down dangerous creatures you may encounter.
Int 13
You have a particular knack for predicting the future.
Ability to cast augury.
The adrenal surge of your panic makes your spells more potent against those you fear.
Ability to cast spells
You have trained in defensive fighting techniques that take advantage of your quick reflexes.
Dex 11
You are an expert skirmisher and are able to take a final shot as you retreat.
Dex 15, Mobility, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6.
You know how to angle your attacks so that you penetrate your opponent’s defenses.
Base attack bonus +12.
You know how to cast spells so that they penetrate your opponent’s defenses.
Ability to cast 4th-level spells.
You excel at the tried-and-true repair technique of delivering a solid whack at just the right spot to get malfunctioning technology to work.
Str 11.
Through sheer force of will, you can gain the effects of being fully attuned to your current stellar mode.
Cha 13, Mysticism 5 ranks, stellar mode class feature.
By assuming the form of a less powerful creature, you can dramatically extend the duration of your transformations.
You know the polymorph spell as a 2nd-level spell or higher.
Your psychic energy reserves deplete more slowly than most.
Minor Psychic Power
Your natural physicality causes animals to react to you more deferentially.
Con 11 or Str 11
Your skills as a pilot make you confident and persuasive to others.
Dex 13
You’ve developed sharpened, retractable pincers at the ends of your LFAN tendrils, turning them into lethal weapons.
LFAN species trait.
You hear echoes so clearly that even the reflected sound of your footsteps or the hum of a starship’s engine can disclose hidden secrets.
Echolocation Attack, Perception 9 ranks.
You can hurl weapons with greater accuracy.
Str 15.
You use your size to push your way past your foes.
Str 15, Athletics 3 ranks.
Your body is especially resistant to toxins.
Con 11.
Your body purges toxins quickly
Con 17, Poison Adaptation
You’ve mastered a method of using your bodily fluids to negate poison and venom.
Racial trait with “poison” or “slime” in the name.
Multiple areas of study come easily to you, allowing you to become well versed in a variety of topics.
Int 15, Life Science as a class skill, Physical Science as a class skill
You are adept at changing forms using polymorph.
You know the polymorph spell as a 3rd-level spell or higher.
By assuming the form of a less powerful creature, you can dramatically extend the duration of your transformations.
17th level, you know the polymorph spell as a 6th-level spell, and you have at least one Huge predetermined polymorph form.
Your body resonates with positive energy, absorbing more benefit than usual from healing effects.
Con 13.
You know how to use powered armor.
Str 13, base attack bonus +5, proficiency in light and heavy armor.
Your ability to glimpse possible futures has reached new heights.
Cha 19, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, Major Psychic Power or ability to cast or replicate the effects of augury, character level 13th.
Your deep exploration of the multiple cultures has taught you to use your professional know-how to great effect.
Cha 13, Int 13, or Wis 13 (see text); Profession (any) 1 rank, cultural fascination racial trait.
Your professional peers are more likely to extend favors and treat you with respect.
Profession 3 ranks
Your professionalism makes people happy to work with you, even outside of your professional capacity.
Your management skills make a team more effective when you’re all working together.
Cha 15
Your thick fur protects you from certain environmental hazards and makes you resistant to some types of poisons.
Skittermander or ysoki.
You are one of the eight ordained Protectors of the anassanoi people of Kahlannal. You have a unique psychic bond with your own Protector chariot.
Anassanoi, any non-chaotic and non-evil alignment
Telepathic contact gives you social insight.
Limited telepathy or telepathy.
The overwhelming power of your will is such that you can explode heads with a thought.
Cha 21, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, Major Psychic Power, character level 18th.
Your psychic projections are persuasive and potent.
Cha 17, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, Major Psychic Power, character level 10th.
You have a natural psychic ability.
Cha 13, Minor Psychic Power, character level 4th.
You can sense nearby creatures using your telepathy.
Limited telepathy or telepathy.
With extensive training, you have begun to sense the faint psychic trails left behind by intelligent and psychic creatures. You can use this newfound sensitivity to track prey with your psychic powers.
Telepathy or limited telepathy species trait.
You can divine information about creatures and objects with a touch.
Minor Psychic Power
You can activate a foe’s grenade.
Improved Combat Maneuver (disarm).
You can easily sever the magic sustaining your active spells.
Dex 13, Mysticism 3 ranks, spellcaster
You can draw weapons faster than most.
Base attack bonus +1
You infuriate foes with a witty remark or retort.
Int 11,Diplomacy 1 rank.
You are skilled at administering serums.
Medicine 3 ranks.
You’ve honed your voice to echo over the battlefield.
Cha 13, Intimidate 1 rank.
You can exploit your opponent’s tells in the heat of battle to gain an edge in defeating them.
Sense Motive 3 ranks
For you, emotions tell a story. You can rapidly sift through a large volume of surface emotions, allowing you to quickly assess the disposition of a group of individuals you can perceive.
Cha 15, Minor Psychic Power, Psychic Power, character level 11th.
You gain a thread of control over alternate realities.
Charisma 15, character level 5th, no levels in witchwarper
Your third eye allows you to communicate with the dead.
Third Eye, Mysticism 7 ranks.
Your cultured manner of speaking means that those you coerce are sometimes even impressed by your sheer force of will.
Cha 17, Veiled Threat
You can use your melee weapon to redirect attacks.
Deflect Projectiles, base attack bonus +16.
You understand how to best feed your people with the resources at hand.
Member of a charter that has completed the hospital project.
Shirrens threw off the Swarm’s hold on their collective psyche, and the embers of that strength still burn within you.
You can call in favors owed by various connections to get you the equipment you need in a pinch.
Character level 5th.
In times of danger, you can alter your body to protect your most vulnerable organs.
Early stage adaptation racial trait.
You viciously tear into an opponent’s flesh, leaving behind deep, jagged wounds.
Str 13, Dex 13, natural weapons (s) species trait.
You fix broken objects and artificial life forms with ease.
Int 13, Engineering 5 ranks
You have installed failsafes in your brain to make you nearly impossible to frighten.
Character level 6th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentation installed in brain.
Thanks to the cybernetics installed in your heart, you’re difficult to keep down, even when you have taken a lot of damage.
Character level 4th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentation installed in heart.
Your covering fire keeps foes from reacting to the battlefield freely, lest they catch a bullet from your suppressing fire.
You are highly skilled at detecting and interpreting the psychic impressions left behind by past events.
Cha 21, Minor Psychic Power, character level 16th.
You have a talent for dealing with ancient technology.
You can use your environment to place a grenade in just the right spot.
Proficiency with grenades, base attack bonus +7.
Your furious defense of injured friends transforms you into a conduit for divine power, likely Hylax’s, but perhaps that of some other patron.
Frenzy species trait.
You are practiced in converting your momentum into deadly efficiency.
Dex 17
You imbue your weapons with the essence of your deity to strike down opposing forces.
Worship a deity of an alignment within one step of your own.
You’re adept at using a variety of weapons with panache.
Your small size affords you superior tactical positioning.
Racial bonus to Dexterity, size Small.
With split second reactions you can avoid triggering hazards as you attempt to disarm them.
Engineering 5 ranks
You can easily intuit a person’s preconceptions.
Sense Motive 1 rank.
Your understanding of the relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds enables you to force a creature’s spirit out of its physical body and onto the Ethereal Plane.
Spirit Walk, Third Eye.
After enduring contact with the Shadow Plane, you have become infused with its energies.
You must spend a significant time on the Shadow Plane or otherwise become infused with its energies, such as by dying there or gaining shadow corruption. The GM determines whether you qualify for this feat.
You use your size and reach to better defend other creatures.
Bodyguard, natural reach of 10 feet or more.
Proficiency with shields.
You are trained in the use of shields.
When you are focused on defense, nothing gets past you.
Shield Proficiency
Your mastery of disguises has made you adept at spotting impostors.
Change form species trait or Disguise 5 ranks.
You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before your foes can react.
Dex 15, Mobility, Base attack bonus +4
Even the heaviest loads barely slow you.
Str 15, character level 5th.
You can reposition yourself after a foe’s missed swing.
Dex 15, Mobility or trick attack class feature.
You’re an expert at adopting emergency camouflage.
Stealth 1 rank, Survival 1 rank.
You are particularly adept at a certain skill.
You understand how two skills work well together.
You can get the most out of flying technology.
Piloting 5 ranks
You can deliver particularly potent bludgeoning attacks.
You leave fewer openings when making a ranged attack.
Dex 15, base attack bonus +6.
You know how to use small arms.
You know how to use sniper weapons.
You are difficult to move or knock down.
Con 15.
Through meditation and continual psychic training, you have learned to tune out the worst of the psychic echoes that rattle you.
Psychic reverb species trait, character level 7th.
You are highly adept at calming unrest via public speaking, meeting with constituents, and other such activities.
Your psychic abilities bolster your mental defenses, and you can extend that strength to nearby allies.
Limited telepathy or telepathy.
You know how to use a special weapon.
Proficiency in basic melee weapons or small arms (see above).
You shatter objects with ease.
Str 15.
Your distractions create openings for your spells.
Through careful study, you have developed methods to make your spells harder to resist.
Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd
You can consume the latent magical charge of spell gems to fuel your own magical reservoir.
Ability to cast 3rd level spells
Your spells break through spell resistance more easily than those of other spellcasters.
Your mind and body are fortified against magic.
Unable to cast spells or use spell-like abilities
You can ward an ally against a spell at the cost of your own mystical defenses.
Mysticism 3 ranks.
Your third eye deflects some force effects.
Third Eye.
You can temporarily free your spirit from your physical body.
Third Eye.
When escaping tight spots, you defy the odds.
Any racial trait or feat that grants a d20 reroll, character level 5th.
You have an eye for structural flaws and poor artisanship.
Engineering 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks.
You can deftly move up to a foe, strike, and withdraw before it can react.
Dex 15, Mobility, Base attack bonus +4
You can use covering fire to make it easier for your ally to move.
Base attack bonus +1.
Your squox is a well-trained companion.
You own a trained squox that has an attitude of friendly or helpful toward you.
You have learned new magical tricks to deceive or entertain.
Cha 13, Minor Stage Magic, character level 4th.
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
When you plant yourself in place, you’re difficult to move past.
Stand Still
Due to your logical approach to the causes of your fears, you find yourself able to think through your situation and face it bravely.
Eternal hope species trait, species bonus to Intelligence.
You are an avid student of starship design and function, and you have taught yourself to do a little bit of everything on a starship, to the benefit of your fellow crew.
When something bad is about to go down, you scream to let everyone know.
You use your charge mainly to frighten your enemies rather than to attack them directly.
Str 13, Intimidate 1 rank, ferocious charge universal creature rule.
Through focused training, you can fly through inclement conditions with ease.
Acrobatics 5 ranks.
You use your multiple legs to your advantage.
More than two legs or similar limbs.
You retain your reason when you’re scared.
Wis 13, character level 3rd
You can summon the will to fight through your ailments and focus on the task at hand.
Character level 5th
You can close the distance when a foe tries to move away.
Base attack bonus +1.
When a foe tries to move away, you can follow and make an attack of opportunity.
Dex 13, Step Up, base attack bonus +6.
Your quick reflexes allow you to shoot rapidly from the air.
Dex 17, Mobility, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +12.
You’ve picked up the talent of drifting around tight city curves and can perform this maneuver whenever you pilot a vehicle.
Piloting 2 ranks.
You’ve developed your judgment through broad experiences and have learned to gather information at a glance.
Sense Motive 5 ranks.
You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you.
Base attack bonus +1.
For better or worse, people tend to form their opinions of your very quickly.
Cha 15
You are especially resistant to effects that compel your actions or modify your internal state.
Character level 5th
Cybernetics in your throat vibrate in such a way that can give your voice an unnerving edge.
Character level 3rd; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentation installed in throat.
Your particular brand of fire magic can superheat air or water instead of producing fire, allowing your spells to remain effective underwater.
Ability to cast spells, Mysticism 5 ranks.
You can use automatic weapons to create a cone of covering fire or harrying fire.
Base attack bonus +1, proficiency with heavy weapons.
Your instincts make it nearly impossible to catch you off guard.
Perception 5 ranks
You know how to live off the land.
Self-sufficient racial trait
You can swim as well as a fish.
Athletics 5 ranks
You can treat a disease and the symptoms well enough to keep your patient on their feet a little longer than usual.
Medicine 5 ranks
You provide succinct but effective advice when aiding allies.
Cha 11
You can modify a serum of healing to synergize with your target’s genetic code.
Life Science 5 ranks
You can retrieve items quickly from the body of a companion who’s unable to act.
You can work with an ally to place your foes off-balance.
Base attack bonus +6, Improved Feint.
You can work in concert with an ally to perform maneuvers in combat.
Base attack bonus +6, Improved Combat Maneuver (any).
You take advantage of a foe’s slipup.
Base attack bonus +6.
You dabble with coding in the language of magic.
Intelligence 15, character level 5th, no levels in technomancer
You can create a distressing telepathic scream to unnerve nearby creatures.
Intimidate 3 ranks; limited telepathy or telepathy
Your telepathy is sensitive enough to detect similar psychic communication nearby.
Limited telepathy or telepathy
Your fearsome displays instill fear longer.
Intimidating racial trait
Your use of your breath weapon strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies.
Breath weapon species trait.
You draw confidence and dedication from the sheer number of people who depend on you.
You’ve expanded your mind beyond the limits of the material world.
Wisdom 15, Mysticism 5 ranks.
You have learned the value of using an extra limb to help stabilize yourself in combat.
You know one handy trick for stopping a spellcaster in their magical tracks.
You charge through your allies to reach your foes.
Dex 13
Time spent navigating spaces designed for smaller creatures has taught you to fit through tight spaces more efficiently.
Large size or larger
Whether by deliberate study or random chance, you possess some small knowledge and mastery of chronomancy.
Int 15, character level 5th, no levels in precog
You can time your teamwork precisely.
You have enhanced physical resilience, and harsh conditions or long exertions don’t easily tire you.
Your body naturally generates venom that you can deliver with your natural armaments.
Con 13, natural weapons species trait.
The synthetic additions to your skin grant you protection against certain afflictions.
Character level 4th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentations installed in skin.
You have trained with the Vault of Vorlath or another tight-knit mercenary group and have learned their advanced positioning and teamwork skills. The Vorlath mercenaries are known for their ability to weave in and out of combat, tossing allies and clients to safety.
Character level 7th.
You do not simply don a disguise; you embody a character.
Cha 13, Bluff 3 ranks
You bull rush opponents into obstacles that knock them down.
Improved Combat Maneuver (trip), base attack bonus +5
You use your close access to an enemy to try to topple them.
Acrobatics 15 ranks
You can transform into a truly awe-inspiring dragon.
15th level, Cha 17, Major Draconic Form.
You have a boon companion that steels your courage and sharpens your mind with their mere presence.
By taking your time, you can clear a way through soil for your companions, not just for yourself.
Burrow speed.
Your telepathy grants you an unparalleled strength of mind.
Telepathy or limited telepathy racial trait.
You have a preternatural sense of danger and sometimes find your body reacting before your mind notices the risk.
Wis 17
You use your small size against larger foes.
Scurry, Acrobatics 10 ranks, racial bonus to Dexterity, size Small
You’re a storm of grasping limbs or winding coils, ensnaring foes in underhanded ways.
Improved Combat Maneuver (dirty trick); constrictor’s grasp, enveloping grip, grappler, or snag racial trait.
Even underwater, you can leverage your strength to devastating effect.
Str 15, base attack bonus +5.
You can trick foes into firing at an unintended target.
Bluff 5 ranks
You have survived terrible ordeals and exploitation, and you now naturally come together to help protect others against more powerful opponents.
Base attack bonus +1.
You tap into your inner focus, allowing you to cast spells even in dire situations.
Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd.
You have an intuitive understanding of built environments and how people move through them.
Sense Motive 5 ranks.
You can be so subtle not even the people you threaten are entirely sure you threatened them.
Cha 15, Intimidate 1 rank
You draw upon your resolve to quickly change tactics in the heat of battle.
Adaptive Fighting, character level 5th.
You know how to get full value out of weapon types your class doesn’t normally use.
Weapon Focus
You know how to get full value out of weapon types your class doesn’t normally use.
Weapon Specialization, character level 3rd.
Whether due to genetics or carefully targeted exercises, your vestigial arms are especially strong.
Vestigial arms species trait.
Through dedication, you’ve honed your skill at games and employed them in your daily life.
Profession (vidgamer) 7 ranks.
Your body rejects negative effects so violently that even your foes are disgusted.
Con 17
Your studies of the third eye permit you to see the inevitable end to which all choices lead.
Third Eye.
The constructed nature of your visual organs makes you difficult to fool.
Character level 6th; constructed species trait, construct type, or cybernetic augmentations installed in eyes.
Your body and soul share a powerful connection that makes you particularly resilient against having your life snuffed out.
Con 13
Your body swells with innate magic, causing you to grow additional tails.
Cha 15, character level 5th, kitsune subtype or vulkarisu subtype
Your body swells with innate magic, causing you to grow additional tails.
Cha 15, character level 5th, kitsune subtype or vulkarisu subtype
You can transform into a vulpine critter.
Kitsune subtype, vulkarisu subtype, or worshipper or Daikitsu.
Why stop at divining the future when you can define it?
Major Stage Magic or ability to cast 3rd-level witchwarper spells; member of a charter that has completed the oracle project.
You know how to withdraw with great caution.
Dex 13, Wis 13, Mobility
You have a magical affinity for spells that manipulate water.
Ability to cast spells.
You can pinpoint and exploit a weak point on an item, making it trivial to destroy.
Int 15, base attack bonus +3
You have increased training in a particular weapon type, making it easier to hit your target.
Proficiency with selected weapon type
You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.
Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type
You can manipulate the air currents surrounding you to defend against attacks.
Str 11, base attack bonus +5.
Your first attacks are sometimes simply opportunities to test your opponent’s defenses.
base attack bonus +4
The weightlessness of space is home, and you move through it with ease.
Dex 11
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