Magic Hack


Core Rulebook pg. 118

You have carefully studied the forces that define magic and can manipulate them. You learn your first magic hack at 2nd level, and you learn an additional magic hack every 3 levels thereafter. When casting a spell, you can apply no more than one magic hack that affects the attributes of a spell (such as distant spell or extended spell). If a magic hack allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your technomancer level + your Intelligence modifier.


You gain a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to Perception checks to act in a surprise round. Additionally, you can cast augury once per day, adding your caster level to the percentage chance of the spell giving you meaningful information.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 78

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to erode the internal security of a computer system you can touch. You reduce the DC to hack the computer by an amount equal to the level of the spell expended for the duration of a single attempt to hack the computer. If you have used all-access enchantment on a computer and fail a Computers check to access it, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to avoid activating a single countermeasure of your choice.

As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to magically reconfigure or enhance a vehicle you touch. All the vehicle’s movement speeds increase by 10 feet, the vehicle gains a +1 enhancement bonus to EAC and KAC, and the vehicle deals an additional 1d4 damage with collision attacks. If you’re piloting this vehicle, its Piloting modifier increases by 2. These effects last for a number of rounds equal to twice the expended spell’s level.

Aura ReadingSu

Level 2

As a standard action, you can scan the auras of creatures and objects within a 30-foot cone to learn about them. You must have line of sight to a target to scan it. By scanning the auras of creatures and items, you gain a +2 insight bonus to checks to identify them. If you successfully identify a creature or an item after scanning it, you learn one more useful piece of information than normal. If you scan an injured creature or damaged item, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your next Medicine or Engineering check to treat or repair it, provided you initiate the process that leads to the check within 10 minutes.

As a move action, you can predetermine all potential outcomes and variables before attacking a foe with a spell to consistently strike them at their most vulnerable spot, forcing the target to rely on its reflexes to avoid your attack. If you cast a spell that requires a melee attack or ranged touch attack to affect a target before the end of your next turn, you automatically hit your target, but your foe can attempt a Reflex save to negate your spell’s effect (calculating your spell’s save DC normally).


Level 2

As a reaction when you take damage from an attack by a technological weapon or source within medium range that specifically targets you, you can expend an unused spell slot to disrupt the attack. With a spell slot of 1st to 5th level, you can counter an attack from a technological weapon whose item level is equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. 6th-level spell slots can counter any weapon with a level equal to or less than your caster level. For example, at 2nd level, you could expend a 1st-level spell slot to counter an attack from a 1st- or 2nd-level weapon. To successfully counter the attack, you must roll a countertech check (1d20 + your caster level) with a DC equal to 11 + the weapon’s level. If the countertech check succeeds, the attack deals half damage. If the countertech check fails, the attack deals normal damage. This magic hack only affects attacks that target you directly; you cannot use countertech against attacks that target an area or that target another person.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to degrade the navigational machinery of a vehicle within 30 feet. You reduce the target’s Piloting modifier by an amount equal to the expended spell level, and the effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. Alternatively, you can instead target a starship with a range of 1 hex as a special crew action during the gunnery phase, reducing the target’s Piloting modifier by an amount equal to the expended spell slot’s level until the end of the next round.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

When you cast a polymorph spell on a target with the shapechanger subtype and that target attempts to end your polymorph effect using its change shape ability, that foe must attempt a Will save. If the foe fails its Will save, it fails to transform into the form allowed by its change shape ability and can’t attempt to do so again for the rest of your polymorph spell’s duration.

As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to reconfigure and enhance a weapon you’re wielding. Until the start of your next turn, your attacks with the enhanced weapon gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to the level of the spell slot you expended. In addition, your attacks with that weapon deal 1d6 additional damage per level of the expended spell slot. This damage is of the same type the weapon normally deals.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Once per day as a move action, you can use a battery or a weapon’s power cell to power your spellcasting, enabling you to cast one spell you know without using a spell slot. This expends 20 charges per spell level from the battery or power cell and requires you to touch the battery, power cell, or weapon. You must cast the spell before the start of your next turn, or the charges are wasted with no effect.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a reaction, when you or an ally is targeted with a ranged energy attack originating within 100 feet, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant a +1 circumstance bonus to the target’s EAC against attacks from that source. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. Once you’ve enhanced a creature’s defense with this ability, you can’t use this ability on them again for 24 hours. At 8th level, the bonus increases to +2, and at 14th level, the bonus increases to +3.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 78

As a reaction, when you or an ally within 30 feet is targeted with an area effect that requires a saving throw to prevent energy damage,you can grant a +2 bonus to the triggering saving throw. Once you’ve enhanced a creature’s save with this ability, you can’t use this ability on them again for 24 hours. At 8th level, the bonus increases to +3, and at14th level, the bonus increases to +4.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 78

As a standard action, you can funnel magical energy into a technological light source within 100 feet. The area that light source illuminates is doubled. At 8th level, you can also cause the light source to increase the light level in its illuminated area by an additional step. At 14th level, the area is quadrupled. This effect lasts for 1 hour, and the maximum number of devices you can affect at one time equals your Intelligence modifier; if you exceed this limit, your oldest use of the magic hack ends. You can’t affect a specific light source with this magic hack more than once every 24 hours.

At 5th level, during the duration of this effect, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to cause an affected light source to pulse with extra light; each creature except for you within 30 feet of the light source must succeed at a Reflex save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. You can’t do so again until you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina after a 10-minute rest.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 78

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to recharge the number of days a suit of armor you touch can sustain its environmental protections by one day per level of the spell slot expended.

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a piece of technological gear from raw magic. You can create any single technological item with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. The size of the item cannot exceed 10 bulk or Medium size, and the quality of the item is average. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 4th level, you could expend a 1st-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 3rd level, or you could expend a 2nd-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 4th level. The item persists for a number of minutes equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You can’t create armor, weapons, magic items, or items with limited uses or charges (such as batteries, drugs, or fuel) with this hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Your magic has attracted an adoring gremlin that helps you sabotage and control technology. This gremlin is a special creature companion (Alien Archive 3 138) that you immediately obtain and bond with, granting you the Creature Companion Adept feat. You can use Mysticism ranks in place of Survival ranks to qualify for the Creature Companion Expert, Creature Companion Master, and creature Companion Virtuoso feats. If your gremlin companion dies, you can conjure and bond with a new gremlin companion 24 hours later as part of a ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.


Tech Revolution pg. 34

When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can increase the spell’s damage by half your technomancer level. This increased damage applies to all creatures damaged by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks (such as magic missile), the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn’t apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn). This magic hack doesn’t increase ability damage or other spell effects, only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a move action, you can augment a technological powered weapon (either a ranged energy weapon or a melee weapon with the powered weapon special property) so its wielder can exclude a number of targets equal to your key ability modifier from any attacks made by the weapon for 5 rounds. You can do this to a weapon in your possession or one held by an ally that is within reach at the time you use this ability. Each time an attack is made with the weapon, the attacker can exclude targets they are aware of. This exclusion applies only to instant effects and critical hit effects, such as damage or bleed, not lingering secondary effects such as creating a cloud of smoke. After you use this ability, you cannot do so again until after you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.


Level 2

You attune yourself to the psychic energy of other beings, gaining the insight bonus from your techlore class feature to Sense Motive checks.

Quick ScanSu

Level 2

As a standard action, you can get a general sense of what information is stored on drives or other digital storage media. You must pass your hand in the air near the data source, but don’t have to touch it or connect to it. The information you get is very general, such as “financial records,” “military records,” or “spells.” Getting detailed information requires interfacing with the data more directly. If you attempt a quick scan on a creature that stores its memories in a digital medium—to get a sense of the memories stored in a robot, for example—the target can attempt a Will save to negate the scan and prevent you from trying against it again for 24 hours.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Quiet SpaceSu

Level 2

As a standard action you can cause a 30-foot area centered on your location to become perfectly silent except for sounds that you generate. Sonic damage dealt in this area is reduced by an amount equal to twice your technomancer level. This area of silence lasts for 1d4 rounds or until you use this ability again.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 78

Recode GemSu

Level 2

You can alter the spell contained within the encoded lattices of a spell gem. This requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration. You hijack the power within the gem by inserting your own spellcode, replacing the spell originally encoded within the gem with one of your spells known of an equal or lower level. You can’t insert a replacement spell with expensive material components or that requires the expenditure of Resolve Points unless the original spell required components of equal or greater value or the same amount of Resolve Points. If you use this ability on a compound spell gem, it affects only one spell contained within the gem, leaving the other spell or spells intact. Once you have used this ability, you cannot recode another spell gem until you rest for 10 minutes and expend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points.


Armory pg. 156

Reroute TrapSu

Level 2

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to rearrange the inner workings of a mechanical or technological device you touch. Reduce the DC of skill checks to disable the device by an amount equal to the level of the spell slot expended for 1 minute. If you fail a check to disable the device by 5 or more during this time, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to avoid triggering the device.

Retrieve DataSu

Level 2

As a standard action, you can retrieve recently deleted data from a technological device you have access to. You must succeed at a Computers check equal to 10 + 1.5 × the tier of the device from which you are attempting to retrieve the deleted data. Once you have attempted this magic hack on a specific device, the data becomes irrevocably irretrievable by future attempts, regardless of your success or failure on the attempt.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

You can affect constructs, robots, and other creatures that have the technological subtype with your mind-affecting spells, even if they’re mindless or normally immune to such effects. However, they receive a +2 bonus to their Will saves against your mind-affecting spells.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a standard action, you scramble the signal of all technological communication devices in a 5-foot burst within 30 feet. For 1 minute, the devices can’t connect to the infosphere and can’t be used to send messages or communications. If you spend 1 Resolve Point as an additional cost to activate scramble communications, the duration increases to 1 hour. If the device is in a creature’s possession, that creature can attempt a Will save to negate the effect. Once per minute as a full action, a creature adjacent to an affected device can attempt a Computers check (DC = 10 + your technomancer level + your Intelligence modifier + your insight bonus granted by techlore), ending this magic hack’s effect on that device if successful. After you have attempted to scramble a device with this magic hack, that device becomes immune to scramble communications for 24 hours.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

When you cast an instantaneous spell with an area effect, you can shape the spell so it doesn’t affect one of your allies. Choose one 5-foot square within the spell’s area to be unaffected by the spell. At 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to exclude any number of squares with this ability.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Subtle SpellsEx

Level 2

You can disguise your spellcasting to confound onlookers. If you succeed at a Sleight of Hand check (DC = 10 + 5 × level of spell being cast) while casting a spell (this requires no extra action), choose a different spell of the same level and school as the one you are casting. An onlooker who succeeds at a Mysticism check to identify the spell you are casting believes the disguised spell to be the other spell you chose unless their result exceeds the DC by 10 or more. A spell with an obvious effect (such as explosive blast) will immediately disabuse of the onlooker of their false assumption. You can’t actually eliminate all signs of spellcasting, so security footage may still reveal you as the source of dangerous magic.

Starting at 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to automatically succeed on the Sleight of Hand check. When you do so, the onlooker takes a –2 penalty to a Mysticism check to identify your spell and the DC to counter your spell with dispel magic or greater dispel magic increases by 2.

Summon CacheSu

Level 2

As a standard action, you can teleport your spell cache to your hand, even if another creature is currently holding it. This ability functions across any distance, as long as your spell cache is on the same plane as you, though it can’t teleport through effects that prevent teleportation. You can choose this magic hack only if your spell cache is an item.


Armory pg. 156

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to temporarily learn how to use a weapon in combat. Choose a single weapon; you gain proficiency with it (and any identical weapon) for a number of minutes equal to your class level. Each round you use the weapon reduces this magic hack’s duration by 1 minute. For example, at 4th level, you could gain proficiency with corona laser rifles for 4 minutes. If you fire such a weapon for 2 rounds, you remain proficient with it for 2 more minutes.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to draw a shield and gain proficiency with that type of shield for 1 minute.


Galactic Magic pg. 35

As a reaction when you use a spell to deal damage to a creature within 10 feet of you, you can convert some of that creature’s vital energies into electrical power. One battery in your possession regains a number of charges equal to the half the damage dealt or twice the spell’s level, whichever is less.


Tech Revolution pg. 35

Choose three technomancer spells that you do not know, each with a level equal to or less than the highest spell level you can cast. As a move action, you can add one of these spells to your list of technomancer spells known for 1 minute. If you have the cache capacitor class feature and you could add that spell to one of your cache capacitor’s slots, you can add the spell to your cache capacitor during this time to extend its duration as described by that class feature. You can use this ability multiple times each day, but each time you use it after the first in a single day, you must spend 1 Resolve Point. If you use adaptable spell knowledge again before the duration expires, you replace the previous spell with your new choice. Each time you gain a technomancer level, you can replace one spell you selected with this ability with another choice.

You can attune to a Drift engine to amplify its powers. Attuning to a Drift engine is a 10-minute process, at the end of which you must spend 2 Resolve Points that you can’t recover until you’re no longer attuned to the Drift engine. The attunement ends when you leave the starship or spend a full action to end the attunement.

While you’re attuned to a Drift engine, you treat the engine rating as though it were one higher, though this can’t grant a starship an effective engine rating higher than its size would normally allow. This benefit doesn’t stack with other effects that increase a Drift engine’s effective engine rating. To gain this benefit, you must remain attuned to the Drift engine for the entirety of the starship’s Drift voyage; if you become unattuned, the travel time increases, instead using its base engine rating to calculate the trip’s duration. While attuned to a Drift engine, you also apply your techlore bonus to Piloting checks you make to control the starship.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

Arcane VirusSp

Level 5

You can program a virus into a technological item or weapon that delivers a spell effect, similar to the effects of a spell gem, on the next individual to use the item. This process requires an uninterrupted minute of access to the item. You can create only an arcane virus of a spell you know that has a range of at least short and affects at least one target or has an area of effect, and you must expend an unused spell slot of the level of the spell you are programming into the virus. All of the spell’s variables are determined by your technomancer level at the time of its creation, and any decisions regarding its effect (such as with command) must be set when the virus is created. The arcane virus affects only the creature that triggered it, even if the original spell would affect more than one creature. An arcane virus remains active until it is triggered, until it is disabled, until you decide to end it as a standard action, or for 1 day per your technomancer level, whichever comes first. While the arcane virus is active, you cannot recover the used spell slot until the virus is triggered or deactivated. A user can detect an arcane virus before it is triggered with a successful Computers check (DC = 15 + your technomancer level + level of the spell) and disable it with a second Computers check (DC = 20 + your technomancer level + level of the spell).

Whenever you cast a spell with a duration of concentration, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to automate the concentration process by transforming the necessary concentration into a program loop that your spell cache can maintain for you. If the spell has a maximum duration, your spell cache maintains the spell for that maximum duration, during which you can act normally. Otherwise, your spell cache maintains the spell until you interrupt the program loop, which does not require an action. Your spell cache can loop only one spell at a time, and if you use this ability to loop a new spell while your spell cache is already looping a spell, the spell cache immediately stops concentrating on the previous spell. You must have the spell cache class feature to choose this magic hack.

Charging JoltSu

Level 5

As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to refill charges in a weapon’s power cell. This requires you to touch the weapon or its power cell. The power cell regains 10 charges per spell level, up to its capacity. You can also use this ability to jump-start or short out an electronic device, allowing you to attempt an Engineering check to disable a device with a bonus equal to double the level of the spell you expended.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Debug SpellEx

Level 5

Any piece of code has bugs, but you can turn the bugs in your spellcode into features. After rolling damage for an instantaneous spell that deals Hit Point damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll one die with a result of 1 (see page 243). At 11th level, you can reroll up to two dice with a result of 1, and at 17th level, you can reroll up to three dice with a result of 1. For example, if you were 17th level and cast disintegrate, you could spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll up to three dice that rolled 1s, after rolling and seeing how many 1s you rolled.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Distant SpellEx

Level 5

When you cast a spell with a range of close, medium, or long, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its range. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as spells whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, do not benefit from this magic hack. If the spell affects an area, doubling its range doesn’t alter the size of its area.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Once per day as a move action, you can spend a Resolve Point to create a technomagical duplicate of a technological weapon you can observe within 30 feet. The duplicate appears in your empty hand or on the ground in your space, as an exact copy of the weapon observed, though no fusions or extra effects are duplicated. It does not contain ammunition, though if the device uses a battery, it is half full and can be used only to power the weapon. This device can’t be sold, and it functions for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier before dissipating into nothing.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily grant the effects of a weapon fusion to a weapon that you touch. When you activate this ability, choose from the following weapon fusions: flaming, frost, ghost killer, merciful, or shock. If you expend a spell slot of 4th, 5th, or 6th level, you gain the ability to choose either the corrosive or thundering fusion. The weapon gains the chosen fusion for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot you expended. The weapon can’t gain a fusion it already has or one that can’t be applied to a weapon of its type, but this bonus fusion doesn’t count toward the maximum total level of fusions the weapon can have at once. You must have the empowered weapon magic hack to choose this magic hack.


Armory pg. 156

When you cast a spell that deals damage with a casting time of 1 standard action, you can cast the spell as a full action to change the type of damage it deals to any one of the following: acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic. If the spell requires an attack roll to hit, changing its damage type does not change whether it targets EAC or KAC. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when casting a spell that deals damage to apply the effects of this magic hack without adjusting the spell’s casting time.

When you cast a spell from the conjuration (teleportation) school with a casting time of 1 standard action, you can cast the spell as a full action to double the range of the spell. You can spend 1 Resolve Point when casting a spell from the conjuration (teleportation) school to apply the effects of this magic hack without adjusting the spell’s casting time.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its duration. This has no effect on spells with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, 1 round or less, or permanent, nor can it increase a spell’s duration to more than 24 hours.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a technological weapon or suit of armor out of raw magic. You can create one suit of armor or weapon with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands, on your person, or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. A weapon can’t be larger than two-handed, and the size of the item can’t exceed 10 bulk. The quality of the item is average for its type. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 10th level, you could expend a 3rd-level spell slot to fabricate a weapon of 9th level or lower, or expend a 4th-level spell slot to fabricate a suit of armor of 10th level or lower. The armor or weapon persists for a number of rounds equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You are proficient with (but not specialized in) any weapons you create with this ability. You can’t create magic items, weapons made from a special material, or weapons that are expended with use (such as arrows, grenades, or missiles) with this magic hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Glitch StepSu

Level 5

You can expend a 1st-level or higher spell slot to glitch yourself out of reality, as if you were an image on a bad view screen, allowing you to move in unpredictable ways. You must use this ability as part of a move action to move your speed or a withdraw action, and it provides you with one of the following benefits: Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain. This increases to 40 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 60 feet of difficult terrain if you expend a 5th- or 6thlevel spell slot; Move 10 feet. This counts as 5 feet of movement, but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving this way. Any other movement you attempt as part of your move action provokes reactions as normal. This increases to 20 feet if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 30 feet if you expend a 5th- or 6th-level spell slot; Pass through up to 1 foot of solid objects as if you were incorporeal (Core Rulebook 264). You can pass through ceilings, floors, and walls, provided they’re no thicker than 1 foot. This increases to 5 feet of solid objects if you expend a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, and 10 feet of solid objects if you expend a 5th- or 6th-level spell slot. You can use this ability only once per move action.

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily create and install an armor upgrade into a suit of armor you touch. The armor must have the available armor upgrade slots to accommodate the upgrade, and the upgrade’s item level can’t exceed three times the expended spell slot’s level. The armor gains the chosen upgrade for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence bonus.

If the upgrade requires a standard action or move action to activate a persistent effect, such as a force field’s effect, the creature wearing the armor can choose to activate that effect as part of this magic hack. If the upgrade has a capacity, it comes fully charged. The armor can’t gain an upgrade it already has or one that can’t be installed in armor of its type.

As a standard action, you can spend 1 RP to temporarily suppress magic, as if using dispel magic. Choose either an ongoing spell or a magic item within 30 feet of you. The magical effects of the spell or magic item are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, and then they return. If the spell’s level is higher than you can cast or the item’s level is greater than your level, you can’t suppress it. If you target a spell affecting a creature, the creature can attempt a Will save to stop you from suppressing the spell.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Phase ShieldSu

Level 5

You gain the Shield Proficiency feat (Character Operations Manual 118). As a swift action, you can create an area of solid energy that appears in one of your hands to use as a shield. The phase shield has no bulk but otherwise functions as a basic tactical shield; you can dismiss the shield as a swift action, and it disappears at the end of your turn if you aren’t holding it. Your phase shield can’t benefit from weapon fusions; it can be sundered and you can be disarmed of it, but this doesn’t prevent you from recreating it in your hand on a later turn.

At 8th level, your phase shield functions as a field tactical shield. At 11th level, it functions as an advanced tactical shield. At 14th level, it functions as an elite tactical shield, and at 17th level, it functions as a paragon tactical shield.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Phase WeaponSu

Level 5

As a move action, you can make a weapon you’re holding able to deal full damage and critical hits to incorporeal creatures. The weapon can also pass into the Ethereal Plane, affecting ethereal creatures normally. This effect lasts for 1 minute, and you can use it a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Power DownSu

Level 5

You can sense and manipulate energy within technological constructs, causing them to discharge energy at a much higher rate. As a standard action, you can target a single technological construct which must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued for 1d4 rounds. A construct can be affected by this ability only once per day.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

When you cast a holographic image or holographic terrain spell, you can choose to adjust the illusion’s magical frequency to make it visible only to you and a single target of your choosing within range who you can observe. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to instead make the illusion perceivable to a number of targets equal to your technomancer level. A private hologram can be seen by any effect that allows someone to see invisible creatures.

As a standard action, you can create and throw a quasi-real duplicate of a grenade you have in your possession. You don’t need to have the grenade in hand, but you do have to have it easily accessible (essentially any grenade that would be a legal target of the Pull the Pin feat). To use this ability, you must expend a spell slot of a spell level equal to at least half the item level of the grenade to be thrown (minimum spell level 1). The shadow grenade acts in all ways like a standard grenade of the type being duplicated, except you are proficient with it, and any creature that makes a saving throw against it is immune to all its effects. If the grenade would not normally allow a saving throw, creatures in its area can attempt a Will save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your technomancer level + your key ability modifier. This also applies if the grenade requires a saving throw only under specific circumstances that don’t apply to a creature. For example, if you use this ability to create a shadow smoke grenade, any creature that inhales the shadow smoke attempts a Fortitude save as outlined in that item’s description and on a success is immune to all the grenade’s effects (including any cover it would grant). Creatures that do not inhale the grenade’s shadow smoke are still allowed a Will save, as outlined above, to ignore all the grenade’s effects (including cover). You can use this ability to duplicate a grenade with a weapon fusion or fusion seal, but for the purpose of determining the level of the spell slot you must expend to use this ability, treat the grenade’s item level as equal to its base item level + the level of any fusions.

Spell GrenadeSp

Level 5

You can spend 1 Resolve Point to store a spell with a range of touch in a grenade, allowing you to affect a target within the grenade’s blast radius with the spell. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell’s standard casting time, and throwing the spell grenade is a standard action. You must throw the grenade before the end of your next turn, or the spell is wasted. You are considered proficient with the grenade for this attack. Choose a single target within the grenade’s blast radius; that target is affected by the spell as if you had successfully touched it. The grenade goes off as normal, with all of its usual effects within its blast radius. If you miss the targeted intersection with the grenade, you must choose a target within the grenade’s new blast radius. If there are no suitable targets within the grenade’s blast radius, the spell is wasted. Spells whose ranges are not touch don’t benefit from this magic hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Swarm SurgeSu

Level 5

As a swift action, you can enable a weapon you’re holding to deal half damage against a creature with the swarm defenses universal monster rules instead of no damage. If you are using a weapon that deals damage to multiple targets, it instead deals additional damage to creatures with the swarm defenses special ability as though the weapon affected all creatures in its area.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Toxic SpellEx

Level 5

When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage and are holding a dose of an injury poison in hand, you can expend the held poison to deliver it through your spell, breaking it down to its components and magically inserting it into your spell’s code. Choose a single target of the spell, or a single target within the spell’s area; if that target is damaged by the spell, they are also subjected to the poison.

Adopt WeaponSu

Level 8

As a standard action, you become proficient with a type of technological weapon with which another ally within 30 feet is proficient. If that ally has Weapon Specialization with that weapon type, you can also apply that ally’s weapon specialization with that weapon type. This ability’s effects last a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier, after which you can’t use this ability again until you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Brain HackerSu

Level 8

To you, living brains are merely a type of organic computer, and you’ve learned to hack them as easily as you would an artificial mind. For the purpose of determining the effects of your technomancer spells, you treat all living creatures with an Intelligence score of 12 or higher as if they were both their original type and subtype and constructs with the technological subtype, whichever is more beneficial for you. This ability allows you to heal living creatures with spells like mending and make whole, as if they were constructs.

When you or an ally scores a critical hit against a creature within 60 feet with a technological weapon, as a reaction, you can add an additional amount of electrical damage to the attack equal to your Intelligence modifier (this additional damage is not doubled).


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Diviner's TapSu

Level 8

You can hack a computer to set up magical surveillance. This takes 10 minutes and requires a successful Computers check against the device’s DC. If you fail, you can’t try again on the same device. On a success, your tap lasts for a number of days equal to your caster level. You can program your tap either to give you general information about user activity on the device or to receive a mental alarm when a user accesses or transmits data about a specific topic (getting an idea of the information found). For instance, a user might hold a video call to talk about your exploits. If you chose to receive general information, you might know that a video call took place but not the call’s topic. If you chose to have the tap receive an alarm when the topic is you, you’d get the gist of the conversation (but not a complete transcript). Setting up a new diviner’s tap ends the duration of any previous one still in effect.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

When you cast summon creature to summon a robot, you can grant that robot a number of benefits as if it were a mechanic’s drone you controlled. If you summon multiple robots with a single creature summoning spell, you select one of them to receive these benefits. You can give it commands if it is within 100 feet of you, as if you had limited telepathy that functioned with the robot. For every 4 caster levels you have, you can select one additional benefit to grant the robot, up to a maximum number of benefits equal to the spell level of the spell you used to summon it. Each time you gain a new technomancer level, you can change what benefits you have selected. When you summon a robot with a summon creature spell (Alien Archive 144), you can decide what benefits it receives from those you have selected, up to its maximum. The benefits you can select from include bonus feats and drone mods. The bonus feats you can select from are Blind- Fight, Cleave, Far Shot, Jet Dash, Kip Up, and Mobility. The drone mods you can select from are camera, cargo rack, climbing claws, enhanced senses, hardened AI, hydrojets, jump jets, speed, and tool arm (you must define the tool when you select this benefit). You must be able to cast summon creature to summon a robot to select this magic hack.

As a reaction, when you observe a spell being cast within your line of sight, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt a Mysticism check with a DC equal to 15 + the spell level. If you succeed, you identify and temporarily gain the ability to cast that spell one time (using appropriate spell slots as normal), as long as it is a spell castable by technomancers. The duplicated spell become unusable at the end of the day or after you have taken an 8 hour rest.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

You expand the selection of spells you can cast with the cache capacitor class feature. Add comprehend languages and lifting frame to the list of spells you can store in your cache capacitor’s first slot. At 12th level, add mental silence and personal gravity to the list of spells you can store in your cache capacitor’s second slot. At 18th level, add dampening field and instant upgrade to the list of spells you can store in your cache capacitor’s third slot. You must know a spell to store it in your cache capacitor.

You hack a spell’s runtime, dramatically increasing its duration. Whenever you cast a spell with a duration of 10 minutes/level or longer and target only yourself, you can either spend 1 Resolve Point or cast the spell using a higher level spell slot to increase its duration to 24 hours (D).

As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to concentrate its magical power into a grenade-like matrix of volatile energy. This fabricated explosive can mimic any grenade with an item level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot × 3, to a maximum of your caster level. This grenade-like item remains a spell-like ability with a spell level equal to the level of the spell slot you expended, and it cannot be augmented or affected by abilities that affect technological devices or weapons. This explosive is unstable; only you can use it, and you must throw it within a number of rounds equal to the level of the expended spell slot or it dissipates harmlessly. You are considered proficient with the grenade for this attack. Once you have used this ability, you can’t use it again until you rest for 10 minutes and expend 1 Resolve Point to recover Stamina Points.


Armory pg. 156

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

When an enemy within your reach would cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, as a reaction, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to prevent that action. The enemy must succeed at a Will save or be unable to cast that spell or use that spell-like ability for 1 round. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to hinder an opponent in this manner, they are immune to your hindering surge for 24 hours.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to hide your presence with holographic camouflage, becoming concealed. If you don’t move or act for 1 round, at the beginning of your next turn, this camouflage renders you invisible until the next time you move or act. Holographic camouflage lasts for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell slot you expended.

Junk ArsenalSu

Level 8

You can spend one or more Resolve Points when you cast junk armor or junksword. For each Resolve Point spent, you cause one willing creature you touch while casting the spell to also gain the effects of that spell for 1 hour. Each junk armament created with the spell requires its own supply of junk to transform. The creature uses your technomancer level to calculate the spell’s effects, though the creature’s junk armament does not gain any additional abilities granted by your class abilities (such as the additional armor upgrade slot granted by junk technomancy). For junk armor, you can choose for each target whether to create light armor or temporarily turn the target’s light armor into heavy armor. For junksword, each weapon you create has identical statistics, such as which special properties it has and whether it is analog or powered.


Tech Revolution pg. 35

Mental MarkSu

Level 8

When an enemy fails a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a –2 penalty to saving throws and AC for 1 round. When an enemy succeeds at a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a –1 penalty to saving throws against your spells for 1 round. A creature can take only one penalty from a mental mark at a time.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Phased AttackSu

Level 8

Once per minute as a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll with a technological weapon before the end of your turn.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Scan WeaknessSu

Level 8

You can scan a creature to find its weakness. As a move action, you can select a creature within 60 feet and attempt a Computers skill check; you can’t take 10 or take 20 on this check, even if an ability would allow you to do so in combat. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + 1-1/2 × the creature’s CR. If you succeed, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against that creature, and any attacks you make against the target ignore 10 points of the target’s DR and energy resistances; both of these effects last until the beginning of your next turn. A creature you’ve targeted with scan weakness is immune to further uses of this magic hack for 24 hours.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 79

Shrink ShotEx

Level 8

Imitating the transitive properties of the Drift, you can warp space to decrease the distance a weapon can fire. As a standard action, you expend an unused spell slot to halve the range increment of a ranged weapon within 100 feet for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot expended. If the weapon is in a creature’s possession, that creature can attempt a Reflex saving throw to negate this effect.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

Spell StaticSu

Level 8

If you have the spell countermeasures magic hack, as a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to extend that protection to creatures of your choice within 30 feet. This protection lasts 1 round per technomancer level you have, even if the creature subsequently moves more than 30 feet away from you. A creature can benefit from this ability again only after it has taken a 10-minute rest from which it could regain Stamina Points.


Level 8

You can cast an area spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less through a ranged weapon, allowing you to use the weapon’s range rather than the spell’s range. You must target a single creature with your attack, and the spell’s area is centered on that creature, or originates at the creature’s location for a cone or line effect (oriented in whichever direction you choose), even if the spell would normally be centered on or originate from a point. You can fire the weapon as part of the standard action to cast the spell, dealing damage as normal if you hit. You must fire the weapon during the round that the casting is completed, or the spell is wasted. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted. Spells with an emanation effect that would be centered on you don’t benefit from this magic hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make it more difficult for enemies to target you with technological weapons for 1 round. Until the start of your next turn, as a reaction just before an enemy attacks you with a technological weapon, you can force that enemy to roll the attack twice and take the lower result; if the weapon allows a Reflex save instead of requiring an attack roll, you instead gain the benefit of evasion (as the operative’s class feature; see page 93) against the attack. This magic hack has no effect on spells that target you or on weapons or attacks that are not technological in nature.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

When you throw a grenade, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as part of the action to teleport the grenade to its destination. This increases the grenade’s range to 100 feet plus 10 feet for every technomancer level you have, with no range increment. In addition, your attack roll with the grenade ignores partial cover and cover, but not improved cover and total cover.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create a translocational beacon that you place anywhere within your reach. As a swift action, you can instantly teleport from your current location to the location where you placed your translocational beacon, provided the beacon has at least 1 Hit Point and is no further than 10 feet × your technomancer level from your current location. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, although it does create a dazzling flash of neon light (Perception DC 0 to notice). A transdimensional beacon is a Fine object with negligible bulk, hardness equal to your technomancer level, and Hit Points equal to 3 × your technomancer level. Your spell cache monitors your beacon, and you are automatically alerted if it is destroyed or you move out of its range. You can have only one beacon active at a time, and creating a new beacon causes the old beacon to immediately collapse and become inert.

Usurp CodeSu

Level 8

You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction when you or an adjacent ally successfully saves against a spell to absorb the spell’s formula into your spell cache. The spell’s formula remains in your spell cache for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier, and as a swift action or move action you can attempt to decode the spell by succeeding at a Mysticism check (DC = 10 + 5 × the level of the spell); you can instead attempt a Computers check with the same DC if the spell is on the technomancer spell list. Once you have deciphered the spell, temporarily add it to your list of spells known as a technomancer spell. After you cast this spell, the formula is erased from your spell cache.

You must have a spell cache to select this magic hack.


Tech Revolution pg. 35

Widened SpellEx

Level 8

When you cast a spell with a burst, emanation, or spread, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to double its radius. For instance, a spell with a 30-foot burst would have a 60-foot burst instead. Spells that don’t have an area of one of these three types are not affected by this magic hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a standard action, you can expend an unused spell slot to construct magical defenses from the foreign particles in your wounds, granting you resistance to one type of energy damage dealt to you within the past minute. This resistance is equal to your class level and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot you expended. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to activate this magic hack as a move action.

Arcane SpywareSp

Level 11

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point while touching a single technological item (including a weapon or a suit of armor) and infect it with a sly program that seeks out a user’s secrets on your behalf. The spyware can be instructed to attack the very next user or remain dormant, waiting for a specific target. The spyware lasts for a number of hours equal to your technomancer level or until it is activated, at which point it targets the user as per mind probe with a caster level equal to your technomancer level. The duration of this effect is 1 minute per level and the spyware can attempt to extract information only once per minute. The spyware is subtle, but a user may notice it each time it attempts to extract a memory with a successful Perception check (DC = 15 + 1-1/2 × your technomancer level), and the spyware can’t continue to target a user who puts the item down or walks away. You are aware of the spyware’s activity and what information it extracts, and you can direct its line of questioning, as long as you are within 1 mile of the infected item.

You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use your countertech magic hack to counter a direct attack against an ally within 15 feet. You can’t use countertech sentinel against attacks that target an area. You must have the countertech magic hack to choose this magic hack.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Critical SpellsSu

Level 11

As a move action, you can add one of the following critical hit effects to the next spell you cast this turn that requires an attack roll: arc, burn, corrode, deafen, knockdown, or staggered. Damage dealt by the arc, burn, or corrode effect equals 1d6 × the spell’s level. Any critical hit effect that allows for a saving throw uses your magic hack DC.


Galactic Magic pg. 35

You can manipulate the energies surrounding technological devices and constructs. As a reaction, upon hitting an opponent or object with a weapon with the technological subtype, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to temporarily deactivate one technological weapon, piece of equipment, or armor upgrade worn or carried by the target. Roll 1d20 + your technomancer level; the DC is equal to 10 + the item level. If you succeed, you deactivate the device until the beginning of your next turn. The device’s owner can spend a move action and attempt an Engineering skill check against your technomancer magic hack DC to try to reactivate the device.

You can instead use deactivating surge to temporarily deactivate a construct that has the technological subtype (such as a robot). You don’t need to attempt a check, but the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the deactivating effect. If it fails, it’s staggered until the beginning of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to deactivate a construct, that creature is immune to your deactivating surge for 24 hours.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

As a standard action, you can attempt to hack an active spell effect that you’re aware of to reduce its duration. You must be able to touch the area, creature, or object affected by the spell that you want to hack. As part of the hack, attempt a Mysticism check with a DC equal to 15 + 1-1/2 × the caster level of the spell. If you succeed, you reduce the spell’s duration by 50%. If this reduces its duration to less time than the effect has already been active, the spell ends as if dispelled. If you fail the check by 5 or more, you can’t attempt to hack that spell again for 24 hours. This ability does not affect spells with an instantaneous or permanent duration.

Eternal SpellEx

Level 11

Choose one 1st-level spell you know from the list of technomancer spells in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. You can cast it at will, as though it were a 0-level spell. It still counts as one of your 1st-level spells known, not one of your 0-level spells known. You can choose a 1st-level spell from a source other than the Core Rulebook with the GM’s permission.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

As a move action, you can spend 1 RP to boost a spell that deals damage and targets a single creature or object. This causes the target to take the spell’s minimum damage again at the start of their next turn. If the initial spell allows for a saving throw to reduce damage, this additional damage also allows for the same saving throw. You can’t use effects that would manipulate damage dice results (such as debug spell) with this ability.


Galactic Magic pg. 35

Mind VirusSu

Level 11

You implant a psychic countermeasure in your mind to protect against intrusion, much like computer security. When you attempt a Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, the creature using the effect on you must also attempt a Will saving throw. On a failure, the target is nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Even if the target succeeds at the Will save, it is sickened for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Phase StrideSu

Level 11

As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport to an empty space up to 60 feet away. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Phase StrikeSu

Level 11

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make an attack with a melee weapon at a target within your reach. This attack strikes directly at the target, passing through any nonmagical barrier in its way and ignores hardness, damage reduction, and cover modifiers.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Power SurgeSu

Level 11

You can manipulate the energies surrounding an opponent to cause them to reel from your attack. As a reaction after hitting an opponent with a weapon with the technological subtype, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to stagger your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered until the beginning of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to attempt to stagger a creature, that creature is immune to your power surge for 24 hours.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Proximity AlertEx

Level 11

As a standard action, you cause a personal comm unit you touch to sense and transmit subtle electronic impulses back to you. You gain blindsense (electricity) with a range of 30 feet centered on the comm unit. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until you move more than 100 feet from the comm unit. As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to also gain blindsight (electricity) with a range of 30 feet centered on the comm unit, which lasts for a number of rounds equal to twice the expended spell’s level.

Whenever an opponent you’re aware of casts a spell, as a reaction you can cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic in an attempt to counter the spell, even if you didn’t ready an action or select that opponent. This magic hack doesn’t allow you to cast a spell that you don’t know, and you must expend a spell slot of the appropriate level to cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic in this way. You must know dispel magic or greater dispel magic to select this magic hack.

Reboot MindSu

Level 11

You can free someone from magical mental control or conditions. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and touch a willing creature. This restarts the subject’s brain, ending all mind-affecting effects affecting it, as well as all conditions that could be removed by greater remove condition that were imparted on the creature by mind-affecting effects, but the subject becomes stunned until the end of its next turn. Once you reboot a mind, you can’t use this ability again for 24 hours. You can attempt to reboot the mind of an ally who is unwilling due to the influence of a mind-affecting effect. In this case, the ally can attempt a new saving throw against the effect at the same DC. If she succeeds, the ally can allow her mind to be rebooted, but if she fails, you waste the expended Resolve Point and action. You can use this ability to reboot your own mind. If you’re unable to take actions, you can reboot your mind without spending actions, but it must be the first thing you do on your turn, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Seeking ShotSu

Level 11

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to fire a single shot from a ranged weapon at a target known to you within range. The shot travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the weapon’s range prevents the shot from reaching the target. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Spell CouplingEx

Level 11

When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can expend an additional unused spell slot to code additional magic energy onto the spell, bolstering its effectiveness. You gain a bonus to your attack roll with the spell equal to half the additional unused spell slot’s level. The spell deals an additional 1d6 damage for every level of the additional unused spell slot. The saving throw DC of the spell increases by 1 if the additional unused spell slot expended is 3rd, 4th, or 5th level, or by 2 if you expended a 6th-level spell slot.

These benefits apply to all creatures affected by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks (such as magic missile), the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn’t apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn), nor does it increase ability damage or the spell’s other effects.

Spell GlitchSp

Level 11

As a standard action, you can infect an ongoing spell with a virulent spellcode that swiftly degrades the magic. To infect it, you must be aware of the spell and able to touch the area, creature, or object affected by the spell. As part of the infection, attempt a caster-level check (1d20 + your caster level) with a DC equal to 11 + the spell’s caster level. If you succeed, the spell glitches for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. At the end of each of your turns while the spell is glitching, there is a 25% chance the spell ceases to function until the end of your next turn. If a spell ceases to function 2 consecutive rounds in this way, you can attempt a second caster-level check against the same DC, dispelling the spell as dispel magic if you succeed. Once you have targeted a spell with this magic hack, the spell becomes immune to further uses of spell glitch for 24 hours.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

Surging MagicSu

Level 11

As a reaction when you are targeted by a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain spell resistance equal to 15 + your technomancer level until the end of your next turn. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Tracking BeaconSp

Level 11

You can spend 2 Resolve Points as a standard action to touch a vehicle or starship and infect it with a tracking program that tracks the vehicle on your behalf. The program lasts a number of days equal to your technomancer level, sending real-time coordinates to your spell cache to inform you of the vehicle’s location, whether it’s moving, and its relative status: unharmed, broken (vehicle only), wrecked (vehicle only), damaged (a starship with critical damage to at least one system), disabled (starship only), or destroyed. If the vehicle or starship enters the Drift, the program transmits Drift codes for the starship’s destination, enabling you to plot a course to the same destination.

A creature interacting with the vehicle can attempt a Computers or Mysticism check once per day to detect your tracking program, with a DC equal to 15 + 1-1/2 your technomancer level. Once detected, your tracking program can be dispelled as if it were a spell, or it can be removed by being hacked as if it were a computer whose tier is equal to half your technomancer level.


Drift Crisis pg. 46

You have wrapped yourself in technomagical code that deflects incoming incantations. You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your technomancer level. Against spells that appear on the technomancer spell list, your spell resistance increases to 10 + your technomancer level.


Tech Revolution pg. 35

You can pull a creature outside the normal confines of space and time. Once per combat as a standard action, you can make an attack with a technological weapon against a target’s EAC. If you hit, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be phased into an extradimensional space for 1 round. The creature is not harmed in this space, but it effectively ceases to exist and it cannot be located or contacted by any mundane or magical means. When the duration expires, the creature reappears in the space it last occupied, or in the closest unoccupied space if its original space is occupied. To the target creature, it seems as if no time has passed during its absence, and it returns exactly in the state it was when it disappeared, including having the same duration remaining on any spells or effects that were affecting it at the time of its departure. At 17th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction when you affect a creature with this ability to increase the effect’s duration to 1d4 rounds.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Phase ShotSu

Level 14

As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to fire a single shot from a ranged weapon at a target known to you within range. The shot travels straight to the target, passing through any nonmagical barrier in its way, ignoring hardness and Hit Points (any magical barrier, such as a wall of force, stops the shot). This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Phase SwarmSu

Level 14

You can create a technological swarm that overwhelms opponents. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create an electromagnetic swarm that fills a 10-foot- by-10-foot area within 60 feet. This swarm deals 6d6 fire and electricity damage and has 50 Hit Points, swarm defenses, swarm immunities (Starfinder Alien Archive 157), and a fly speed of 30 feet. You can take a standard action at the beginning of your turn each round to maintain this swarm, to a maximum number of rounds equal to your technomancer level. The damage done by your phase swarm increases by 1d6 for every 3 technomancer levels you have beyond 14th. The swarm can do nothing but move its speed and attack one designated enemy per round.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Power DrainSu

Level 14

When you damage a creature using a melee technological weapon, you can drain power from the target’s technological devices as a reaction. Choose one item in the target’s possession that uses charges or select a qualifying item at random. That item loses a number of charges equal to 1d10 plus your Intelligence modifier (Fortitude half), and a battery in your possession gains an equal number of charges (to a maximum of the battery’s capacity). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Quickened SpellEx

Level 14

You can cast a spell as a move action. You can spend 2 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 0-level spell or 4 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 1st-level spell. You can quicken only spells with a casting time of 1 full action or shorter. At 16th level, you can spend 6 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 2nd-level spell.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Rain of FireSu

Level 14

Once per day as a full action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to shoot a ranged weapon at multiple targets within range; the maximum number of targets is equal to half your technomancer level or the number of shots in your weapon, whichever is lower. Each attack uses your highest attack bonus, and each enemy can be targeted only by a single shot.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

When a single-target spell you cast fails to affect its target, you can spend 2 Resolve Points as a reaction to redirect the spell onto a new target within the spell’s range. If the spell requires an attack roll, reroll the attack against the new target with a –2 penalty. If the spell requires a saving throw, the new target attempts the saving throw with a +2 bonus.

You can restore technological objects that have been broken beyond repair and bring technological constructs back from the dead as long as you can touch them, and they have not been completely destroyed or disintegrated. You must have access to an engineering toolkit and use this ability within 10 minutes of the object or construct’s demise. Doing so requires 1 minute of uninterrupted work. The revived target has 1 Hit Point, and any ability scores reduced to 0 are raised to 1. You repair all broken parts but can’t restore missing ones. A construct restored in this manner has a temporary negative level for 24 hours, and it returns with no Resolve Points, no Stamina Points, and no spell slots remaining. Restored objects become undamaged.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 80

Rewire SynapsesSp

Level 14

Once per day as a full action, you reconfigure the mind of a construct, living creature, or creature with the technological subtype within 60 feet of you and whose CR is lower than or equal to your technomancer level (Will negates). If the target fails the save, choose one of that creature’s allies as well as one of the creature’s foes that both you and the target can perceive with a precise sense. The magic hack causes the target to treat the chosen ally as if they were an enemy, urging the target to attack, harass, or evade that ally. The magic hack’s target also treats the chosen enemy as if they were an ally, compelling the target to protect, aid, and fight alongside that creature. These effects don’t compel the target to attack their new enemy to the exclusion of other targets, but the target does preferentially harm the new enemy when possible.

This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. At the end of any turn in which they harmed their new enemy, the target can attempt a new saving throw against this magic hack; if they succeed, the effect ends.

Soul BackupSu

Level 14

As part of a ritual that takes 8 hours, during which the subject must remain within 10 feet of you, you can scan and download a compressed copy of a willing creature’s soul into your spell cache. Your spell cache can only store a number of such copies equal to your Intelligence modifier, you cannot store more than one copy of a specific creature’s soul in this way, and you can purge soul data with 1 minute of programming.

The soul data can be accessed in several ways, but after any of these uses, the decompressed data becomes so expansive that it exceeds your spell cache’s available memory and becomes irrevocably corrupted and unusable. First, a spellcaster can expend the data while casting raise dead on the stored soul’s body to halve the cost of the expensive beacon required by the spell. Second, you can expend the data to interview the subject so long as they are dead, as if casting speak with dead without needing access to the corpse. Finally, you can expend the data as a standard action to rebuff an undead creature made from the subject (such as the subject’s ghost or animated skeleton), with a range of 100 feet; the undead takes 1d20 force damage per technomancer level (Fortitude half).


Tech Revolution pg. 35

Spell LibraryEx

Level 14

You gain one extra spell known for each level of spell you can cast. You must choose the new spells when you gain this magic hack. If you gain access to a higher level of spell after choosing this hack, you gain one extra spell known for that spell level.


Core Rulebook pg. 118

Stunning SurgeSu

Level 14

You can redirect the energies surrounding an opponent and cause them to stop their actions. As a reaction after hitting an opponent with a weapon with the technological subtype, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to stun your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be stunned until the start of your next turn. Once you’ve used this ability to try to stun a creature, it’s then immune to your stunning surge for 24 hours. You must know the power surge magic hack to learn this magic hack.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 81

Once per day as a standard action, you can create a cataclysm that affects all magical devices with an item level lower than your technomancer level, other than your own, within 60 feet. Each magic item must succeed at a Fortitude save or become inoperable for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you spend 3 Resolve Points when you use this ability, any magical creatures within this area must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for one round.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 81

Construct FormSu

Level 17

As a full action, you can transform your body into a technological construct for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. In this state, you gain immunity to bleed, disease, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, and stunning. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Fortitude saving throws, unless the effect prompting the saving throw works on technological constructs. You can end the transformation early with a swift action. You can’t use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 81

When you use your spellshot magic hack, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a part of casting the spell to allow the attack to travel straight to the target, passing through an nonmagical barrier in its way, ignoring hardness and Hit Points (although any magical barrier, such as a wall of force, stops the shot). This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. You must have the spellshot and phase shot magic hacks to select this magic hack


Armory pg. 156

Power SphereSp

Level 17

Twice per day as a standard action, you can unleash a burst of raw magic in a 30-foot radius around you, dealing 10d6 damage to every creature in the area (Reflex half). Each time you use power sphere, you decide if it deals electricity, fire, or sonic damage. You can expend a technomancer spell slot when using this ability to exclude a number of squares from the area of power sphere equal to no more than the level of the spell slot expended.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 81

Once per day as a standard action, you can create a cataclysm that affects all technological devices with an item level lower than your technomancer level, other than your own, within 30 feet. Each technological item must succeed at a Fortitude save or become inoperable for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you spend 3 Resolve Points when you use this ability, any technological creatures within this area must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for one round.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 81



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