

Core Rulebook pg. 82

You have a mysterious connection with some force that grants you magical powers. The exact nature of your connection can vary widely, and even mystics who share the same connection may interpret it differently. You must pick one connection upon taking your first level of mystic—once made, this choice can’t be changed.Many mystics serve as priests of various gods, and while you can theoretically choose any type of connection with any entity or concept, deities rarely grant connections that don’t fit within their ethos (for example, Weydan, the god of freedom, is unlikely to look kindly on overlords). As such, each connection lists the deities and philosophies commonly associated with it.



Level 1

Your magic stems from social connection, and your powers empower those around you to act with coordination and purposeful intent.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 50


Level 1

You’re linked to the collective knowledge of every sentient species that ever lived that’s held in the Akashic Record, an Astral library of perfect psychic records of every moment in history. You might be an ancient lorekeeper, an inquisitive student of the occult, an intuitive consulting detective, or a secret-hoarding spy.


Core Rulebook pg. 85


Level 1

You tap into the universe’s raw magic, channeling this energy to empower your spellcasting, suppress others’ magic, and protect yourself from harm. You’re a magical innovator, capable of tweaking and manipulating magical energy to suit your needs.


Galactic Magic pg. 24


Level 1

You serve a good-aligned deity, or you feel a connection to the ideals of justice, mercy, and righteousness. You are dedicated to defending the weak, and destroying evil and tyranny. This connection can be taken only by characters of good alignment.


Level 1

Some say that perception is reality, but you understand the truth—deception is reality. All other truths are merely a matter of perspective. You’re connected to cosmic forces that can’t be observed or measured; you draw your power from the inconsistencies between individuals’ understandings of so-called concrete reality.


Level 1

You have embraced a nihilistic view that values nothing and thus sees only nothingness as having value. You are devoted to destroying the existence of all structure and form, from individual lives to the fabric of societies and even reality itself. You’re focused on annihilation through any means, and you draw power from the dissolution of lives.


Level 1

You’re a traveler of dreamspace, the imaginary realm created by the unconscious minds of sapient creatures. Your imagination is powerful and perceptive, and you experience profound empathy toward others and their imaginings. You might influence dreams to aid and advise, or to manipulate and demoralize—the choice is yours.


Level 1

Your connection helps you sense emotions and notice details others can’t. You might be a diplomat, an investigator, a mind-reading bodyguard, a ship’s psychologist, or a psychic con artist.


Core Rulebook pg. 85

You draw your magic from the First World, the riotous, ever‑shifting realm of the fey. Your powers manifest as illusory tricks, mind-clouding enchantments, and other deceptions.


Galactic Magic pg. 24

From an early age, you’ve had an innate bond with fire. The raging inferno has always been with you, whether you’ve come to find peace and solace by staring into a flickering flame, brought fire to those in need of heat, or immolated your foes with unrestrained flames. By focusing your bond with fire, you can cause flames to do your bidding, and at more powerful stages of your advancement, you can even breach the veil to contact or even pass into the Plane of Fire itself, stepping through a portal wreathed in flickering flames.


Level 1

You are connected to the very building blocks of life, adept at altering your DNA code and that of others. You may see augmentation as a natural part of evolution, or the ultimate form of self-improvement that drives life towards enlightenment, or even a perversion of the natural order undertaken to venerate dread gods. With your enhanced understanding of biotech, you might be a famous self-help expert, a sinister fleshwarper, or an adaptable xenoseeker surveying mysterious planets in the Vast.


Armory pg. 148

By binding spiritual energy into objects, you can overwhelm and control technological devices and creatures.


Tech Revolution pg. 26


Level 1

Your connection channels the life force of all things—as well as its counterpart, death. You’re an expert healer, but not necessarily a selfless one. You might be a traveling doctor, a haunted medium, a military medic, or a tyrannical necromancer.


Core Rulebook pg. 85

Hive Mind

Level 1

Your mystic connection allows you to form psychic bonds with other creatures, allowing you to shore them up and eventually see what they see, know what they know, and act as one unit. This connection allows creatures with hivemind tendencies to share that strong mental connection with other creatures without overpowering either creature’s individuality or free will. Benevolent mystics or those devoted to gods of tradition usually practice this connection, but darker mystics sometimes adopt this connection to guide others into servitude and corruption.


Level 1

Through ridding yourself of distractions and connections, you create the ideal environment to seek enlightenment, fade from the senses, and channel the multiverse’s eerie power.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 51


Level 1

You’re able to hear the soundless melody that drives all observable astronomical objects in the universe, a resonating delight that brings tears to the eyes of those capable of hearing it. You might be a mathematician, seeking to translate a soundless rhythm to audible harmony, or a traveling minstrel looking to share the socalled Song of the Spheres with any who care to listen.

You use your raw will and understanding of the mind’s structure to crush and demoralize your enemies. You might be a special ops assassin, a psychic interrogator, or a righteous military crusader breaking the enemy’s spirit on the battlefield.


Core Rulebook pg. 85


Level 1

You realize that not all connections are symmetrical, and seek to be the dominant force in any situation. You aren’t necessarily evil; perhaps you consider yourself a benevolent philosopher- monarch who takes control for the good of your charges. You might also be a cult leader, a criminal mastermind, or a hypnotist.


Core Rulebook pg. 85


Level 1

As a mystic, you’ve lived your life in and around the shadows and learned to cover yourself in them as a second skin. Others shun the shadows, afraid of what lurks in them, but you are that lurker. Knowledge can be found or hidden within the shadows, and you’re adaptable enough to use either option to suit your needs. Whether you hide your secrets or strike from safety, your bond with shadows grants you the supernatural ability to bend them to your will.


Level 1

No force in the universe is more addictive or satisfying than creation. You are adept at sensing and reshaping the fundamental connections in matter, manipulating the physical world around you. Although you’re good at taking things apart, you delight in building as well, bringing structures into being with the power of thought.


Level 1

You draw your power from the boundless adaptability and diversity of life. This grants you extraordinary control over your own body—not with the goal of becoming something else, but of becoming everything else.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 52

Your connection channels the energy of the cosmos, its celestial bodies, and the dark voids between them. You might be a brilliant astronomer, a daredevil starpilot, a Drift explorer, a prophetic astrologer, or a would-be transhuman godling.


Core Rulebook pg. 88

The Drift

Level 1

You worship Triune, have ties to the mysterious spectra, or have some other relationship with the Drift. Your magic can ease Drift travel, fold space, and impose Drift-like conditions.


Drift Crisis pg. 42

Third Eye

Level 1

You embrace entropy as an exalted force to be studied and mastered, and you honor entropy by shepherding all things toward their inevitable end. You sense and manipulate entropy in both physical and spiritual ways, and you can harness entropic energy.

You love seeking out new vistas, exploring new horizons, and analyzing new environments. Benevolent trailblazers might travel for the sake of enlightenment, whereas selfish trailblazers exploit the resources and inhabitants of the worlds they discover.

You understand with clarity the one true rule of the universe: everything breaks down eventually. With this sad revelation, you hasten things along their inevitable path to nothingness.


Level 1

You’re connected to the cosmic struggle for survival and supremacy, a universal conflict that permeates all cultures in the galaxy. You’re not necessarily evil; you might be a righteous crusader who uses violence to stop ne’er-do-wells or a monk who studies the inherently violent nature of the universe in order to transcend it.

You’re drawn to understand and embrace new cultures, especially anywhere you’re as alien to them as they are to you. You likely see yourself as a mediator who can prevent volatile first-contact encounters from becoming violent. Less benign xenoambassadors might study cultures only to subvert or exploit them.


Level 1

You channel the energy inherent in the ecosystems around you, taking inspiration from the endless cycles of the natural world. You might be a corporate biotech researcher, a hermitic shaman of the Green Faith, or one of the legendary Xenowardens.


Core Rulebook pg. 85


Level 1

You’re attuned to the cultural ebb and flow of societies, and you understand how thoughts and ideas flourish between people. You might be an educator who spreads knowledge about cultural trends or niche fields; an artist, engineer, or architect whose creations embody cultural values; or a xenophile who immerses yourself in every culture you encounter.



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